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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 27 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group, and Youtube as on 10 May 2022.

Anji Babu Vanka
Every man we meet
is a book worth a read.

Rinku Shah
Thoughts and experiences fill
the pages of your mind… It’s
the most unique journal one can ever find!

Roccio Saldaña
You can be an open book, but
the most fascinating things leave
them for those that will genuinely
read them through.

Matthew Diengdoh
You may not be known from just one look,
as you are a story to be fully read to be understood;
So flipping through the pages of your life’s book,
to get to know the real you and not the misunderstood.

Navroop Sarao
Everyone is like a book but
the only cover page cannot
decide what it holds inside.

Manjul Agarwal
Lots of untold stories are embedded
in our minds; you just have to unwind.

Imelda Correa
Don’t be afraid to turn the pages
when one chapter closes.
Life is an open book,
read and discover the
best chapter of your story.

Araliza Arias
My life is an open book with unedited pages… Still…

Anjana Prasad
Write the pages of your life with
goodness and positivity, so whenever
you flip pages you find happiness.

Jui Purohit
Let’s fill the empty pages of our life
with meaningful scribbles, to go
back to them when in need!

Joyce Gutierrez Bagang
Let every page of the book of
your life be filled with purpose
and inspiration.

Preeti Agrawal
If you’re like an open book, make sure
you discover life’s glory and write
your story openheartedly.

Ofelia Borbon
Knowledge is power but doesn’t block
your vision… Seeing the whole picture
is a worthwhile experience.

Tina Moscato
Our minds are open books ready
for our imagination to write and fill
pages upon pages of our lives
as they unfold through the many chapters.

Maulika Patel
Choose consciously what you write
and who you let write in your eternal book!!

Wayne Kelley
Your knowledge is a reflection of your
experience and reading through books.

Mei Kwang
Our Life is our own creation, write positive
expressions and beautiful experiences into your life.
Keep it pure and full of clarity. Live well.

Kamlesh Bhasin
The face is an index of the mind that opens itself,
every chapter to be read from its volume…

Mausumi Halder
Let your mind be like a valuable book to
spread knowledge to everyone, whosoever
tries to read it and bring some positive
change in everyone’s life.

Dipti Chauhan
Start your autobiography,
write it whichever way you want it to be.

Niranjana Shankar
Everyone’s life is like a book,
some unwritten stories,
some colorful chapters.
You can never judge the whole book,
by glancing at a single page.

Beena Prasad
Blank pages of one’s individuality are filled
with the words of experiences he goes through.

Pauline Ebijimi
Our minds are filled with so many blank pages
and we are the writers. We are the only ones
that know where each word belongs.

Pooja Sharda
We all are like open books full of stories
not known. The pages of our lives are filled
with adventure and thrill with the life we lead.
A single page can’t define us as a person,
to know we have to flip through all the pages

Anamieka Ramlal 3.2
Empathy is reading someone like an open book,
feeling and understanding their emotions, thoughts,
and feelings, while flipping through their pages.

Andrea Keener
An open mind that keeps learning until
the last page, is one that lived a life well.

Shalini Bariyar
our mind is like blank pages of a book,
whatever you’ll write in your brain
will decide your intellectuality.
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