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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 19 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group, and Youtube as on 7 July 2022.

Vinita Singh
The burden of unwanted
advice is always strenuous.

Lyon FC
Words with no substance
can be awfully heavy.

Joyce Gutierrez Bagang
Words carry great weight and meaning,
so speak words with wisdom and respect.

Roccio Saldaña
Other people’s negative opinions
might try to bring you down.
Be tough enough and move along.

Felicia Renteria-Holmes
If you understand the gravity of words,
may you choose to uplift others
rather than bring them down.

Navroop Sarao
Unasked for advice, controlling,
judging and correcting is violence
upon our soul and often go
unnoticed by who is inflicting it.

Tanu Joshi
Words lose their impact when
they are unwanted and
repeated over and over again.

Nida Khwaja
Showering words of solace on
deaf ears doesn’t do any good!

Amy Kolly
The weight of your words
are strong enough to
bring another down.

Sharon Maree Bosman
Your verbal contribution
can sometimes break
rather than build – be aware!

Amrita Mallik
The weight of unwanted and
worthless advice and comments
make life burdensome.

Anuradha Rajagopal
Do not get bogged down by
insults spewed on you
by critics who have never
ever been in your shoes.

Divya Kapoor Gosain
Never let others cuss
words burden you.
Don’t give the liberty to
anyone to rule your mind.

Srividya Bharatrajan
Do not get weighed down
by people’s expectations.
Lead your life, the way you want it.

Mai Quesada
Empty words do no good
on someone’s weĺl-being,
more of a burden than of any help!

Monica Sharma
Don’t spit negativity around,
it may weigh heavily on
someone’s self esteem.

Helene B. Leanos
Our words can be like missiles
when carelessly spoken!

Dianne Davies
He talks a lot but says nothing.

Andrea Keener
Don’t be the one whose words
weigh another’s life down.
Words are the first
weapons of a bullying.
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