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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 22 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group, and Youtube as on 5 June 2022.

Manjul Agarwal
Refrain from addiction;
else your loved ones
will watch you suffering
in this dead pool.

Sulekha Pande
Alcohol will dissolve
everything that you hold dear.
But it’ll never dissolve,
your inherent issues.
It’s like a silent thief;
Beware in time,
else it will drown you into
a cesspool of grief.

Lou Angelique Heruela
Too much alcohol
eventually takes its toll…
It never solves anything,
never does any good at all.

Rinku Shah
Don’t let alcohol
get the better of you…
Listen to your loved ones
and do something new!

Sage Lee
While drowning in
the well of addiction,
his walls are so high,
that no one can reach him.

Roccio Saldaña
Do your best to lift
other people’s spirits
when they are drowning
away in sorrow and pain.

Jackie De Klerk
Looking at you with pure agony,
wanting to save you so badly,
but no one could except yourself
when you tried to drown
your sorrows in liquid courage.

Nida Khwaja
Visualizing the glass
to be half empty will
drench you in pessimism,
Being convinced that
it is half full will help you
embrace optimism!

Pragyan Parimita Nanda
Never be drowned
in the pool of addiction
bringing miseries
for your partner.

Lyon FC
Getting intoxicated
is a form of escape,
For people who are being
drowned in a difficult relationship.

Navroop Sarao
Addiction doesn’t
kill the addict only,
it kills all the relationships.

Detra Haycraft
A glass half full can
still be overwhelming.

Ofelia Borbon
Don’t allow yourself
to be drowned in an
intoxicating liquid.
Someone who cares for you
is just standing there
waiting for you to speak up
and share your miseries.

Nancy Shurkoff
Watching a friend drown
in an addictive state
of pessimism leaves
even the most optimistic
of humans feeling helpless.

Sharon Maree Bosman
Your partner is helplessly
looking on while
you are sinking deeper
into your addiction.

Bhawna Himatsinghani
Intoxicating oneself
is not the solution
to worldly dilemmas.

Dipti Chauhan
Drowned in rage,
You lock yourself
in a glass cage;
It hurts you,
but it hurts your
loved one too.

Wayne Kelley
Don’t let yourself drown
in beer and keep your
loved ones on the outside.
That’s a no-win situation.

Beena Prasad
No outsider can save you
from your sinking
and sulking thoughts,
except your
own inner courage.

Niranjana Shankar
You escape into oblivion,
by drowning in your addiction.
Leaving behind your loved ones,
with their soul and heartbroken.

Pooja Sharda
Don’t drown yourself
in the glass of your sorrows
so much that you fail to
reciprocate the efforts
of your loved ones to be
with you in your failures

Anamieka Ramlal
Drowning yourself in alcohol
and cutting off the person
beside you doesn’t
help you in any way.
It’s just like an illusion.
There’s a reality outside
and happiness waiting
for you to embrace it.
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