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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 18 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group, and Youtube as on 23 June 2022.

Maria Corina Pearce
When love becomes a constant
battle, is it really love?

Navroop Sarao
Always remember you can win every
argument but lose the loved one.

Roccio Saldaña
Some people are ready for a fist fight
when you don’t meet their demands.

Araliza Arias
When a couple is ready to light
the flame of discord, the relationship
becomes toxic and disturbing.

Rinku Shah
Ready to punch each other…
Then why are you still together?

Nida Khwaja
Verbal wars at par only give scars
to a beautiful relationship!

Shilpika Bagh
“Fist fights” in ego trips;
“end in” loveless unions.

Sherry Greene
Unclench those fists and try to talk it out.

Vinita Singh
Ego and insecurity in a
relationship kill the space for love.

Manjul Agarwal
Disagreement and fights
do happen in healthy relationship
but long term bonding should not
get suffered by these short lived events.

Lou Angelique Heruela
True love is when you fight FOR
and not WITH each other.
It may not be perfect, but you
both strive to make it better.

Pooja Sharda
Let’s accept each other with all our flaws
and strength to make our life worth living
with each other and not without each other.

Joy Nyemenim
It takes two open minded to love.

Dipti Chauhan
Don’t argue to win,
instead talk to each other to understand.

Beena Prasad
Don’t mix up egos with relationships
as this can only deepen the
wounds in both of them.

Hannah Lock
Words can hurt as much as your fists.

Shalini Bariyar
When pride and status
comes in the relationship,
then each other’s words
also fall like punches.

Cajun Lady
Hidden agenda
Nice on the outside…
filled with rage inside.
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