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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 20 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group and Youtube as on 17 November 2021.

Efflin Fernandes
Draw up healthy
boundaries to safeguard
your space and energy,
not everyone deserves
a piece of you.

Dipanweeta Das
The broken fragments
of life leave
a scar behind,
which heals with
time and love.

Roccio Saldaña
In this world,
everybody wants
a piece of you
so they can fulfill
their greedy needs.

Navroop Sarao
We are different people
to everyone we meet.
They perceive us with
their own perspective.

Ann Fulleros
Never let other people
be the reason
for you being broken.

Aarthi V Karanam
Each one of us
is a jigsaw puzzle;
Our life is a quest,
a journey to search
for the scattered pieces
to put back together.
Whether you succeed or not,
enjoy the journey…

Pauline Ebijimi
People are more interested
in what you can
give them, not minding
if you are ok or not.

Imelda Correa
In life,
people come and go.
Some broke you
into pieces,
while others tried
to pick you up
and made you
whole again.

Sangeetha Kamath Prabhu
When everyone
wants a piece of me,
I have to learn how
to protect my energy.

Suman Singh
Be the Sun in others life
without shattering yourself.

Araliza Arias
Building a puzzle of mine
with every piece of you
makes me feel unbreakable.

Honey Naluai
People trying to
entangle you and pull you
piece my piece!
Don’t allow someone’s
perspective of you
to tear you apart.

Beena Prasad
He who raises strongly
from the broken emotions
of life is never depressed
about the failures around him.

Shambhavi M R
Two hands are always
better than one…
Surround yourself
with people who lend
their hand in helping you
recognize your strength
and reframe you.

Tejal Mehta
When you are shattered
and broken to pieces,
surrender yourself
to the divine power,
it will put your pieces
back in place with
more strength.

Niranjana Shankar
A lifetime spent broken,
trying to please everyone.

Kamlesh Bhasin
Tragedies can strike
to shatter one to pieces
but kind and merciful hands
always come forward to re-fix
and return back the
lost smiles on his/her face….

Shahina Praveen
I am a scar for those
who see my skin.
I am healing for those
who feel my soul.
For myself, my scars are
a vehicle to find my soul
and connect to others.

MiZfit MuZiq
Being too hands-on
with someone who fell apart,
will never allow them
to learn how to put
themselves back together.

Lou Angelique Heruela
Don’t break yourself to pieces,
trying to please everyone.
You have to get yourself together
before every bit of you is gone.
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