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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 21 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group, and Youtube as on 16 June 2022.

Neeraja Rajagopalan Ayangar
Growth often leads to The
Great Wall of Ego among loved ones.

Efflin Fernandes
Never forget those who helped you
climb the ladder to success.

Lisa Dutkiewicz
Always remember those who
are supporting you as you
are climbing to the top.
Build them up while
you are going up
and never stop.

Anuradha Rajagopal
Becoming successful at the cost of
another man’s efforts and hardwork
is unethical and ungrateful.

Joyce Gutierrez Bagang
A true kind of humility is when you
are always grateful to those people
who contribute to your success.

Felicia Renteria-Holmes
It’s not the heights you reach,
but the hand you extend
that leaves your mark.

Manjul Agarwal
Trying to build a wall of self-protection
takes too much pain, without realizing
the fact that you may have left your
loved ones far behind.

Navroop Sarao
Success is sweetest when it comes
without hurting anyone along the way.

Matthew Diengdoh
Build bridges and not walls and
help each other stand tall and not fall.

Roccio Saldaña
Do not use people as stepping stones
you get rid of once you obtain
what you are looking for.

Sherry Greene
Building a barrier to protect yourself?
Meanwhile, who else is getting hurt by it?

Della Downes
I thought we were in this together but
you left me behind forgetting about me.

Lou Angelique Heruela
As you climb your way up
the ladder of success,
don’t forget those who
helped you become your best.

Beena Prasad
No wall is strong enough to separate
the bonding that stands on the
foundation of love and confidence.

Jaya Karmalkar
When you are climbing up high,
it helps to be good to all those
whom you pass by.

Anindita Bhattacharya
Dont let the wall block you
from the people in need,
be humble no matter what
height you have reached.

Kamlesh Bhasin
The wall of your success would
continue rising its heights until
you do not turn the blind eye,
towards those who firmly support
to hold the foundation bricks for you…

Pooja Sharda
Don’t let the success go into your head,
show your gratitude to each person
who crossed your path and paved
a way to make you reach heights.

Srividya Bharatrajan
On the way up in life,
it’s the attitude that matters
and not the altitude that counts.

Eye Am that Eye Am
Never stop going even if there’s
an outer negative noise echoing.

Helen Saunders
When we are broken we build walls
to protect ourselves, not realizing
that they can potentially stunt our growth.
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