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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)
We have selected 18 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group and Youtube as on 13 January 2022.

Araliza Arias
Appreciate the
perplexing world
that surrounds us with
the peripheral perception
of your eyeball.

Matthew Diengdoh
It’s only when
you can see
with your mind,
that you can
make sense
and comprehend
what you see.

Roccio Saldaña
Have an objective eye
so you don’t become
blind to the truth.

Navroop Sarao
The soul has a
very faithful interpreter,
the mind’s eye.

Sherry Greene
Train yourself to have
an observant mind.
You’ll grow far
more enlightened.

Anjana Prasad
Eyes capture moments,
brain create memories
together they stay
for a lifetime
remains as an imprint
on the soul for eternity…

Malka Rahat
When we see the
problems through
the mind’s eye.
We can find there
is an opportunity.

Alicia Scott
The eye only sees
what the brain
wants it to perceive.

Noor Afshan
Your depth of perception
is directly proportional
to your clarity of vision.

Sulekha Pande
The eye of
your conscience,
is always watching
your deeds.

Vinita Singh
Learn to see
through your mind,
it will always guide you
in the right direction.

Shambhavi M R
Positively charged brain
prepares our vision
to look at good things
and fatches
healthy perceptions…

Prosper Kimboka
Our brain have an eye
that mind travel through.

Helene B. Leanos
Our brains are like beacons,
provide us with an
overall view of our
surroundings and
our circumstances.

Kamlesh Bhasin
A vigilant mind
is always awake and
keeps its wide eye open,
never to blink….

Aneet Mahajan
Sometimes, the physical eyes
are not enough for
detailed observation,
by which judgment
could be made;
Therefore, to make
a good decision,
we require concentration
of highest degree and
it can only be achieved
with mind’s eye!

Oneevisa James-Aiyepada
For every functioning brain
there is a controlling network
connected to the socket of sight

Navya Shivaram
Surveillance through
the mind’s eye is the
best way to comprehend
the complexity of the world!
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