Do you have any mental blockage that ruins the moment while you’re getting intimate with your partner? What is your biggest intimacy issue that prevents you from forging a healthy, stable relationship?
Intimacy is not only when you get cozy with your partner between the sheets, it is also emotional closeness, being vulnerable in front of each other, and letting each other into one another’s life and heart, completely. It’s about trust, security, faithfulness, and love.
But intimacy issues can throw a wrench in the works and keep you from developing a strong and secure relationship. Your intimacy issues can stem from your past or any trauma, belief, habit, or programming. However, the zodiac star you were born under, can help you discern your biggest intimacy issue.
More or less, we all have some kind of habit or belief that are a threat to our love life. If you want to get rid of these subconscious limiting beliefs and dysfunctional habits, you need to identify your biggest intimacy issues. So, let’s ask your zodiac star, what is your biggest intimacy issue and what can you do about it.
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Your Biggest Intimacy Issue Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Here are the intimacy issues of each zodiac sign.
1. Aries (March 21 – April 19)
Your biggest intimacy issue is that you’re fixated on doing things your own way, Aries.
That spark of sovereignty within you is strong, and you fear losing it in relationships. Because you can take care of things so well on your own, you may shy away from letting others know how much you need them.
Practicing the art of give-and-take is the key to maintaining the balance between your independence and a loving relationship. So, it is important for you to know when to take charge and when to step back.
Related: Aries Personality: 15 Things You Need To Know About The Ram Sign
2. Taurus (April 20 – May 20)
Your biggest intimacy issue is that once you make a choice, Taurus, it’s for good.
That’s why you take your time choosing the right person. Once locked in, however, you want things to stay the same forever and stubbornly resist change.
Fear of leaving your comfortable rut is your single greatest barrier to intimacy – a condition that thrives on constant growth. You need to trust that change is good and embrace it with open arms before love can flourish.
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3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20)
Your biggest intimacy issue is that you tend to flit around a lot, Gemini, never staying put long enough to establish deeply-rooted ties.
The fear of becoming bored or being hemmed in, keeps you on the surface of things, never letting you invest enough of yourself to feel committed. And, there’s that secret fear that your partner might discover the “dark twin” you try so hard to hide.
Yet letting someone in shines the light of love into the darkness – leading to true intimacy.
Related: The Good and Bad of Loving A Gemini (13 Brutal Truths)
4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22)
Your biggest intimacy issue is that you fear exposing your soft underbelly, Cancer.
Since your emotions are so close to the surface, it happens more often than you’d like. Once exposed, you’re vulnerable and at your loved one’s mercy.
You’re more comfortable nurturing others than receiving loving care because you get hurt often. This makes you wary of opening up and revealing your emotions to your loved one.
You need to know that being willing to fall apart, cry, or be vulnerable is actually good for you and your relationship. It gives the right partner an opportunity to know the real you. And, your willingness to reveal yourself makes intimacy with others much more rewarding. So, let go of the fear.
Related: 12 Personality Traits Of Cancer, The Cardinal Water Sign
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