Abusive behaviors can be more than physical! And you thought abuse was all about bruises and cuts? Didn’t you? Think again. Seems like you are not familiar with the concept of emotional abuse.
Emotional abuse is as harmful as physical abuse. Maybe we come to know about physical abuse more because it gets more space in the newspapers but that doesn’t mean that emotional abuse doesn’t exist.
Psychologically speaking, emotional abuse may annihilate your idea of your own Self. Emotional abuse means a lifetime of an identity crisis.
It also means loneliness because of severe trust issues. It can lead to a lack of confidence for a long time. In all situations, the abused will always think of himself/herself as the victim and sometimes people use this victim situation for their own benefit. Hence an already abused person can fall prey to more abuse. This cycle is endless and it is very hard for the abused.
Related: 6 Signs You’re In A Trauma Bond: What You Need To Know About The Trauma Bond And Healing
The most ironic part is that most people don’t even realize that they are being emotionally abused. It is so sad that what they don’t even see as a problem could actually be the biggest cause of their identity crisis and trauma.
Of course, we all know that understanding your own needs and your own self as well as understanding the magnitude of the incident that has happened to you will help you gain power and control over the abuse.
But for the unlucky ones, it can be the longest time till they realize that they are being abused.

Reflections of emotional abuse can be seen in the following abusive behavior patterns.
4 Abusive Behaviors That Are Not Physical But Equally Damaging
1. Gaslighting
What if the actions of your partner are making you question your own idea of reality?
What if all your feelings are dismissed as either being too sensitive or being crazy?
This is characteristically gaslighting. It’s a psychological game that your partner plays and you may begin to think that they are doing everything for you with love and concern but this will reach a point where you will begin to question your identity and even your sanity.
Your reality has already been blurred by the machinations of your partner and after this, the partner will cleverly and slyly superimpose their own reality that they wish you had.
This is a classic way of gaslighting someone. Beware of this abusive behavior! You may be a victim.
Related: The 4 Levels of Gaslighting And How It Can Affect You
2. Pushing Boundaries
Do those surprise visits from your partner make you feel elated and fill you with thrilling love as well as soothing affection?
Well, you may not know but this is only a part of a larger scheme of emotional abuse. These surprises by your partner are actually meant to keep a close vigil on you and your whereabouts.
It’s a way to know what you are up to and when. It’s a perfect trap because if you ask your partner why they are giving you these surprises, they would instantly plead love and make you go through a whole guilt trip. Hence, they will continue to violate your privacy and you won’t be able to even question it.
But you must always remember to give yourself space and most importantly, make sure that your partner respects your privacy and boundaries. Some people need it more often than others, otherwise, they might just manipulate you without you even realizing it.
3. Sneaky Insults
Always remember that a great partner will make you strong. They won’t look out for the first opportunity to insult and belittle you by using sneaky ways and means.
If your partner continuously uses the sneaky insult weapon, it is surely time to confront them about this as it means like these can mar your confidence and mangle your spirits.
A partner is not in your life to stifle your energy but rather they must contribute to your growth and betterment. If this is not the case and if they are using mere ‘good humor’ to get back at you and reduce your image in your own mind, it might be time to rethink your relationship. You need a cheerleader, not a scumbag!
Related: Super Powers That Survivors of Emotional Abuse Uniquely Possess
4. Isolation
The abuser will always look for a lonely target because it is easier to abuse someone who doesn’t have many near and dear ones in their life. If you aren’t lonely, they will make you cut off the people around you so that you become easy to manipulate and at the same time, don’t question their ways and means.
Don’t fall into the abyss of isolation. Constantly keep in touch with the people you love and the people who love you. It’s absolutely important for your well-being to do so as your loved ones will make efforts to protect you from any kind of abuse.
Sometimes, a third person can understand things better than the two people involved. So don’t shut off your loved ones, just because your partner insists you to.
Most importantly, don’t become an easy target because you aren’t one. If you are in a situation where you are feeling abused, fight it. Never ever allow the abuser to have any sort of control over you. Fight it with all your guts and don’t you dare let that abuser win over you.
You are stronger than anything that you will face and always remember that you have the strength in you to fight with anything, just anything. Trust yourself and your inner reservoir of power. And if you are not able to fight it out yourself, talk to someone, and seek help. You will get better.
If it is love, it would never hurt. For love, don’t destroy yourself. You will do better without such love. Choose yourself over everything else. Always! And if you have been through harrowing experiences of abuse, seek help.
Related: Identifying Emotional Abuse before it Happens.
Love and Light!
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Want to know more about emotionally abusive behaviors? Check this video out below!
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