Food Personality Test: What Does Your Eating Patterns Say About You?


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This food personality test decodes eating patterns to reveal your hidden personality traits that you might still be unaware of.

Did you know the way you eat can be analyzed to know much more about yourself? we have listed few such ways of eating patterns and the personality they reveal.

food personality test

Keep scrolling to Know which personality is yours!

Which Eating Pattern In this Food Personality Test Matches Yours?

Get to know yourself better by knowing what youโ€™re eating behavior reveals about you, keep scrolling!

1. Fast Eater Personality

If you are a fast eater , chances are that your are a goal-oriented person, who doesnt like to waste time and wants to quickly move on to the next work.You are a competitive person by nature and take eating as a task. However, fast eater personality is more on the anxious side than being calm and patient.

2. Slow Eater Personality

If you eat slow and take time to enjoy the taste and texture of your food then you are suppsoedly a very calm, patient and relaxed person. You enjoy being in the present and make the most of it without getting too anxious about the future. A slow eater personality is that of a thoughtful person who can manage emotions better.

3. Healthy Eater Personality

If you are strict in your diet it means you are a self-aware person who prioritzes his/her health. It also reveals your nature of balacing your emotions correctly. You are a conscious and a sorted person who always wish to be in control of his/her life and has successfully controlled the sense of pleasure.

4. Unhealthy Eater Personality

If you binge on junk foods, anytime and anywhere, you fall into this category. Unhealthy eaters are pleasure-loving people by nature who responds to gastronomic pleasure more than the health concerns. This eating patterns reveals that you have self-destructive behaviors and can also be prone to addictions.

food personality test

5. Social Eater Personality

If you enjoy eating with friends and family , then you can be identified as a social eater.ย ย Social eater personality is that of an extrovert by nature who enjoys fostering connections and values connections. You prefer learning from shared experiences and have great interest in knowing people around you.

Related:15 Everyday Habits That Gives Away Parts of Your Personalityย ย 

6. Solitary Eater Personality

If you prefer eating alone, you are a solitary eater. You are an introvert who takes time alone and enjoys solitude. You prefer introspection over learning about others to know yourself better. Also you prefer to eat in quite environment, away from the hassle and noise.

7. Conservative Eater Personality

Reluctant to try new food? then you fall into this category. This eating pattern reveals that you value traditional ways of doing things and prefer a monotonous lifestyle withย very little to change. You are comfortable with all that is familiar to you and do not want to step into the zone of uncertainty.

8. Liberal Eaterย Personality

You are all up for adventurous eating! you want to try new cuisines and explore the expanding food landscape. You are an open-minded person for whom freedom is an important aspect. You have a heart and mind of an explorer and you are an enthusiastic person, ready to go for new adventures.

9. Emotional Eater Personality

If you desperately seek junk food or skip meal when you are anxious, you are an emotional eater. Your lifeโ€™s environment and incidents affect your eating patterns and hence your eating fluctuates. Your food choices are always based on your mood and emotions.

Related:ย 9 Basic Foods That Treat Depression Better Than Medicationย ย 

10. Practical Eater Personality

If you eat mindfully, then by this food personality test, you are a practical eater. Your mood and life situations do not affect your eating. You eat for the purpose of staying healthy and hence you focus only on the nutrition it provides and not the relaxation and pleasure it provides.

food personality test

What did you Understand About Yourself from the Food Personality Test?

Eating patterns can be linked to personality traits and you are indeed the way you eat!

What did you learn about yourself? Would you decide to change your eating patterns so that you can project a different image or want to stick with the same pattern? Let us know!

slow eater personality

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