Everyone gets sleepy while working once in a while. Although it’s not that big of an issue, it can land you in trouble at work if a senior or even worse, your boss catches you.
In today’s busy and competitive world, we need to be the best version of ourselves and that can only happen when we are wide awake and active. This means that staying attentive while working is very very important.
Most people struggle with staying awake and attentive at work and start relying on energy drinks. What they don’t know is that energy drinks can have a really harmful effect on their health.
Trust me, I’ve gone through a similar phase in my life where I was addicted to work and started relying a lot on those miraculous yet dangerous beverages. Now I know I shouldn’t have done that and that there are a lot of natural ways to stay attentive and active while working.
I decided I wanted to change my life and I figured out these ways with the help of my friend. I observed, tested, and noted down the ways that work the best for me and I would like to share them with you all. I know there are people out there who struggle with a similar thing and I’m here to help them. So, let’s get started without any further unnecessary delay.
Related: 7 Steps To Getting The Sleep Your Mind And Body Needs
6 Tips That Can Stop You From Feeling Sleepy At Work
1. Stand Up And Move Around A Little Bit
When you’ve been sitting for a long time doing the same thing, you’re bound to feel sleepy. Just get up and take a walk for ten to fifteen minutes to feel awake.
Moving around gives your body the signal that you need to use it for a longer time and it needs to stay active. Although this might not sound like the best way, this will make you feel awake and attentive again in no time.
2. Take A Nap
Before you call me crazy, I’m not talking about sleeping, I’m suggesting you take a nap. A nap is a mini-sleep for fifteen to thirty minutes that is proven to energize you for the rest of the day.
Just take one of those breaks you keep ignoring and just close your eyes and relax for a while. You deserve it! Oh, but don’t forget to set the alarm for after fifteen or thirty minutes so that you can get back to work on time feeling energized and amazing.
3. Give Those Hardworking Eyes A Break
Nowadays, almost everyone works while sitting in front of a computer screen. This is bound to tire up your eyes. Just distract them for a little bit by looking anywhere else but the screen.
You can even close them off for a little bit to give them the rest they need. Trust me, this will give you the amount of energy you need to go on for a little longer. Keep repeating this if necessary.
4. Give Yourself An Energy Boost By Eating A Healthy Snack
Caution: I don’t mean junk food and protein bars! Always keep something healthy to eat on your desk while you are working.
It might not sound energetic but it surely will make you feel a boost of energy after you start doing it. Whenever you feel sleepy, just eat one of these and you’ll be good to go:
- Celery stick with peanut butter.
- Fruits such as an apple or a pear.
- A healthy salad made with green vegetables (without dressing).
There are many more food items that can give you instant energy but these are the ones I’m habitual of and they are amazing in doing the job.
Related: The Creative Power Of Your Sleep: 10 Easy Practices
5. Drink Lots Of Water
I don’t mean drink as much as you can but at least drink the required amount per day that is two liters or half a gallon in a day.
If you are feeling tired or sleepy, keep drinking a small amount of water after every ten to fifteen minutes. Doing this will make you feel super energetic by the time you are done with half a liter.
Wait for some time and when you start feeling sleepy again, repeat the process until you feel energetic. Doing this will not only keep you active, but it’ll also fulfill the basic need of two liters of water consumption per day.
6. Make A Habit Of Exercising Every Day
You might think that exercising will make you feel more tired, however, if followed up by a proper meal, exercising can change the way you feel and live.
Just take out thirty to forty-five minutes from your day and dedicate it to exercising. Follow it up with a meal high in protein and other essential nutrients and there’ll be nothing stopping you. Not only that. You’ll start feeling more energetic as you’ll be developing your physical and mental health every day. Trust me, a workout combined with a proper and balanced diet is a life-changing experience.
In today’s busy and competitive world, feeling tired and sleepy is not an option. The things mentioned above are what helped me at the time I needed them and are still helping me every day.
Related: The 3 Most Popular Sleeping Positions And Their Health Impacts
You won’t need energy drinks or coffee if you implement the above-mentioned ways in your day-to-day life. Stay healthy and keep working hard.

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