What You Need To Do Differently To Alter Your Life Based On Your Zodiac Sign

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Sometimes you just know you have to change your life in a significant way, for good. But how do you identify the things that you need to change, to alter your life? That ONE Change You Need To Make To Alter Your Life Based On Your Zodiac Sign

“The only thing that is constant is change.” – Heraclitus

1. Aries (March 21st – April 19th)

alter your life aries

Alter what you do for a living.

If what you are doing isn’t making you happy, not only is it a disservice to you and you’re well-being, you aren’t helping the place you work for if there’s another person who would value that role and be happier than you would. When you find a job you like and you’re good at you’ll do better and you’ll be happier.

2. Taurus (April 20th – May 21st)

alter your life taurus

Alter allowing fear to dictate your life.

If there’s something you’re afraid to do chances are that’s what you should be doing. That feeling inside you, you think is fear is really a guide to what choice would be the best to make.

3. Gemini (May 22nd – June 21st)

alter your life gemini

Alter the people who are around you.

The people you surround yourself with will dictate your success, your failure, and your happiness. If someone is toxic in your life remove them and cut ties because you have to. Think about your own well-being and think are these relationships helping me to progress?

4. Cancer (June 22nd – July 22nd)

alter your life cancer

Alter the risks you aren’t taking in life.

Take more risks. Do things that scare you. Live a life that you don’t even care to make others jealous but one you’re proud of.

5. Leo (July 23rd – August 22nd)

alter your life leo

Alter the fact you are so guarded.

You think it’s better to keep your walls up and push people away but vulnerability is what forms connections. And those connections are so important.

6. Virgo (August 23rd – September 22nd)

alter your life virgo

Alter the standards you are failing to live up to.

Stop beating yourself up for not living up to these unrealistic expectations. It’s one thing to have goals and be ambitious, it’s another thing to set yourself up for failure then fall apart because of it.

Related: The Good and Bad of Loving a Virgo (12 Brutal Truths)

7. Libra (September 23rd – October 22nd)

alter your life libra

Alter the fact you’ve been selfless you’re whole life and now it’s your turn to be a little selfish.

Think about yourself for once and don’t feel bad about it. You deserve a little more than what you give yourself.

8. Scorpio (October 23rd – November 22nd)

alter your life scorpio

Alter your perception of the life you are leading.

Negativity will drain you. Instead of looking at the glass half empty, try looking at things a little differently and see how it affects your life.

9. Sagittarius (November 23rd – December 21st)

alter your life sagittarius

Alter the credit you don’t give yourself enough of.

Pat yourself on the back every once in a while. It’s okay to be proud of who you are and the choices you’ve made. It doesn’t make you pompous or arrogant.

10. Capricorn (December 22nd – January 20th)

alter your life capricorn

Alter your life by trying to make yourself happy and not everyone else.

It’s important to make yourself happy and not just try and please everyone around you. When you do that what you’ll find is you’ve lost yourself trying to be what everyone else wanted and needed you to be.

Related: 10 Personality Traits Of Capricorn, The Disciplined Soul

11. Aquarius (January 21st – February 18th)

alter your life aquarius

Alter the way you think about the past.

Stop being so bitter about the past. You can’t change it. You can only learn from it.

12. Pisces (February 19th – March 20th)

alter your life pisces

Alter your surroundings.

Sometimes it’s scary to admit a place doesn’t work for you. When a plant doesn’t thrive, a gardener doesn’t look at the plant and blame it, instead, they alter the surrounding in which it’ll thrive and grow. People are the same way.

Written By Kirsten Corley
Follow Her Work On Facebook

That ONE Change You Need To Make To Alter Your Life Completely Based On Your Zodiac Sign
That ONE Change You Need To Make To Alter Your Life Based On Your Zodiac Sign
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