Caption This Image and Selected Wisepicks – 19 May 2022

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Roccio Saldana Break The Cycle Feature 1

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Selected Wisepicks (Captions)

We have selected 23 comments (captions) as Wise picks from our Facebook PageFacebook Group, and Youtube as on 21 May 2022.

Roccio Saldaña Break The Cycle

Roccio Saldaña

Break the cycle of pain
for the generations ahead.

Sulekha Pande Inflicting Emotional Trauma

Sulekha Pande

Inflicting emotional trauma,
with your verbal drama,
scarring the child for life.
One day, you’ll be sorry
for all this strife.

Maria Corina Pearce Think Before You Speak

Maria Corina Pearce

Think before you speak,
your words will have a
lasting impression in
the minds of your
children for a lifetime.

Sylvia Grounds Was Pinto Gomez I Wont HAte you

Sylvia Grounds Was Pinto-Gomez

I won’t hate you for the hurtful
words you say to me, but I will
believe the hurtful words you say,
and I will hate myself

Tanu Joshi When PArents

Tanu Joshi

When parents reprimand
their child without caring
how he feels, They will
give him an emotional
hurt that is never going
to heal.

Vinita Singh Toxic Parenting

Vinita Singh

Toxic patenting may turn
a child to question his
self-worth and crush his
ability to comprehend
the meaning of life.

Navroop Sarao Emotionally Immature

Navroop Sarao

The way we talk to our children
becomes their inner voice.

Imelda Correa A PArents Words

Imelda Correa

A parent’s words cast a deep
shadow throughout a child’s life;
Whatever you said, will become
his inner voice.

Araliza Arias When You Yell At Me

Araliza Arias

When you yell at me, you make
me feel like I’m in jail. Lead me,
don’t mistreat me; like a crime,
sometimes it’s too late to apologize.

Navroop Sarao Emotionally Immature

Navroop Sarao

Emotionally immature parents
are injurious to a child’s mental health.

Shilpika Bagh When You Yell

Shilpika Bagh

When you yell at them in your egos;
Their little world is lost in those echoes.

Sandhyarani Dash Its Not

Sandhyarani Dash

It’s not advisable for both
parents to guide their children
in an unmannered way.

Priya Nayak Gole The Burden

Priya Nayak – Gole

The burden of cumulative adult
scolding is enough to crush the
child’s sensitive mind. Adults
must be mindful…

Mai Quesada The LAnguage of parents

Mai Quesada

The language of parents is
totally different from their
children due to the generation
gap! Be adaptable to the
language of their own level
for full understanding to
result in effective

Beena Prasad Harsh And Loud

Beena Prasad

Harsh and loud words are
not the tools to guide one’s
child who seeks support to raise.

Robin Bitz Angry Words

Robin Bitz

Angry words spoken leave
a trail of broken tears that
can last a lifetime

Jaya Karmalkar As Parents

Jaya Karmalkar

As parents, be more empathetic
and considerate towards your
child. It’s harmful to be so harsh,
condescending, and wild.

Niranjana Shankar Sharp Edges

Niranjana Shankar

Sharp-edged words are never
conducive to a well-rounded

Mrinalini Saurav Kakkar The Behaviour

Mrinalini Saurav Kakkar

The behavior of parents makes
the behavior of a child.

Mausumi Halder Parents Should

Mausumi Halder

Parents should communicate with
their children in a decent language
and gestures because harsh words
often are capable of destroying the
conscience and behavior of the child.

Leta Marie DeMello Harsh Criticism

Leta Marie DeMello

Harsh criticism is holding a hasty
distaste for others, not for their
imperfections, but for the imperfections
that are different from your own.

Oneevisa James Aiyepada Calm Words

Oneevisa James-Aiyepada

Calm words of correction help
the child’s mental health but
sworded words destroy the
mind of a growing child.

Andrea Keener Adults Impart

Andrea Keener

Adults impart ideas set in boxes.
Children have thoughts of imagination
and boundlessness.

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