Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs: Which One Are You?

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Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs Zodiac 1

Are you familiar with the ancient egyptian astrology signs? If you’re not, we have got you covered!

Earlier we discussed about how african astrology can influence your personality. Now, let’s take a look at the ancient egyptian astrology signs, covering:

  • their characteristics
  • what your ancient egyptian horoscope says about you
  • your personality based on egyptian zodiac sign

Also Read: African Astrology: The Most Primitive And Accurate Astrological Guide

The Egyptian Astrology is made up of 12 signs, just like their Western, Vedic, or African counterpart. However, in Egyptian Zodiac, each of the egyptian astrology sign represents certain days of the year, but not in a chronological manner.

Moreover, each of the Egyptian zodiac signs is symbolized by an Egyptian God or Goddess with the exception of The Nile. The ancient Egyptians believed our personality and life were shaped and influenced by the sign we are born under.

Now, let’s take a closer look at the the ancient egyptian zodiac signs and see what the ancient egyptian astrology reveals about you!

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Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

Here’re the 12 ancient egyptian signs of the zodiac:

1. The Nile (January 1-7, June 19-28, September 1-7, November 18-26)

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

The first of the ancient egyptian astrology signs is called The Nile. It is representative of a new begining. People born under this sign are very passionate about life.

They try to avoid conflict whenever they can. They love to dream about the possibilities of life. They are most compatible with Amon-Ra and Set.

2. Amon-Ra (January 8-21, February 1-11)

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

The second of the ancient egyptian astrology signs is Amon-Ra. People born under this sign make good leaders. They come across as being very controlled and confident.

They strive to be the best at what they do and are motivational and encouraging to others. They may find success in counseling or mentoring. They are most compatible with The Nile and Horus.

3. Mut (January 22-31, September 8-22)

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

The third of the ancient egyptian astrology signs is Mut. Mut is a symbol for the mother. People born under this sign are nurturers by nature and make good parents.

They are logical and practical thinkers and would do well in careers in law, nursing or teaching. They are most compatible with the signs of Amon-Ra and Thoth.

4. Geb (February 12-29, August 20-31)

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

Geb is the third of the ancient egyptian astrology signs. People born under the sign of Geb are kind-hearted and sensitive. They trust their intuition and their feelings and can be affected deeply by things happening in the world.

They are environmentally conscious and aware of any harm being done to the earth. They are most compatible with the signs of Set and Horus.

5. Osiris (March 1-10, November 27-December 18)

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

Next in the line of ancient egyptian astrology signs, comes Osiris. People born under this sign have two sides to their personality. On one side they are strong and on the other they are vulnerable.

They are independent and go after their goals with enthusiasm. They have lots of energy and are very independent. They are most compatible with the signs Isis and Thoth.

6. Isis (March 11-31, October 18-29, December 19-31)

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

Among all the Egyptian Goddess Signs, people born under the sign of Isis are very direct. They like to get to the point with no misunderstandings.

As Isis is a natural protector, they are very protective and caring for those they love. They have an energetic and playful personality. They are compatible with the signs of Osiris and Thoth.

Also Read: What Is Spirituality?

7. Thoth (April 1-19, November 8-17)

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

Thoth is known as the god of wisdom. People born under the seventh of the ancient egyptian astrology signs are good at solving problems.

They have good memories and never forget a good deed done by someone else. They are naturally romantic and are always looking for a stable partnership. They are compatible with the signs of Bastet and Isis.

8. Horus (April 20-May 7, August 12-19)

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

People born under the sign of Horus have a lot of courage. They take risks in order to achieve their goals. They love to be in charge and crave security. They are optimistic and want to always be the best in life. They are compatible with the signs of Bastet and Geb.

9. Anubis (May 8-27, June 29-July 13)

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

Anubis occupies the ninth place among the ancient egyptian astrology signs. People born under the sign of Anubis love solitude. They need time to introspect. They are introverts who love peaceful environments.

Their emotions can be intense but they are generally very calm and even-tempered. They are confident and have a regal air about them. They are compatible with the signs of Bastet and Isis.

10. Seth (May 28-June 18, September 28-October 2)

Egyptian Astrology zodic sign seth

People born under the Seth Egyptian sign are perfectionists who are always seeking change. They have a hard time being in one place.

They are good communicators and love to be the center of attention. They have outgoing personalities and love the challenge of any obstacle. They are most compatible with the signs of Geb and The Nile.

11. Bastet (July 14-28, September 23-27, October 3-17)

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

People born under the sign of Bastet are searching for peace and balance in their lives. They have a strong intuitive sense and have a natural ability to sense the true motives of others.

They may be attracted to the occult and metaphysics. They are most compatible with the signs of Sekhmet and Horus.

Also Read: 8 Signs You’re A Highly Intuitive Empath Sensitive To Energy

12. Sekhmet (July 29-August 11, October 30-November 7)

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs

People born under the sign of Sekhmet are very down to earth. They are very intelligent and do best in positions of authority.

They are perfectionists and have a good sense of fairness and justice. They would do well in careers as a judge or CEO. They are most compatible with the signs of Bastet and Geb.

That was all on Egyptian astrology and zodiac signs. Did you resonate with the Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs? Drop in a comment down below!

Also Read: Egyptian Astrology: What Your Egyptian Zodiac Sign Says About Your Personality

Ancient Egyptian Astrology Signs and Their Characteristics: Which One Are You?
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