A Force Of Nature: 10 Signs You Are A Wild Woman And A Free Spirit


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The idea of the wild woman has been romanticized throughout history, with myths and legends depicting her as a primal force of nature, free-spirited and unapologetic. Explore the signs of a wild woman, who is nothing short of a force of nature.

And honestly, a lot of that is true. A wild woman is someone who has embraced her true self, has fully accepted her strengths and weaknesses, and lives life on her terms. She is fiercely independent, confident, and unafraid to take risks.

Also, from a spiritual point of view, a wild woman is someone who is deeply connected to her inner wisdom, her soul, and the natural world. She lives her life in alignment with her higher self and follows her heartโ€™s desires, trusting that the universe will guide her along her journey. In short, this is the actual wild woman meaning.

In this article, we will explore some signs you are a wild woman. But before we do that, letโ€™s talk about the wild woman archetype.

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The Wild Woman Archetype

The Wild Woman is a symbol of untamed, instinctual nature, and represents a connection to the natural world and the feminine life force. She is fiercely independent, free-spirited, and unafraid to follow her own path.

The Wild Woman is often depicted as a wolf, a bear, or another powerful and untamed animal.

Author and poet, Clarissa Pinkola Estรฉs wrote in her book, โ€œWomen Who Run with the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetypeโ€ that the Wild Woman archetype is an innate, instinctual aspect of the feminine psyche that has been suppressed by patriarchal society.

She argues that many women have lost touch with their Wild Woman nature due to cultural conditioning and societal expectations. She encourages women to embrace their inner Wild Woman, reclaim their instinctual nature, and live authentically and courageously.

So, are you a wild woman? Letโ€™s find that out, shall we?

Signs You Are A Wild Woman

What Makes A Wild Woman? 10 Signs You Are A Wild Woman

1. You follow your intuition, and it hardly ever fails you.

You trust your intuition and follow your gut instinct. You listen to your inner voice and make decisions based on your instincts rather than conforming to social norms or expectations.

However, this doesnโ€™t mean you are impulsive or reckless. Rather, you are in tune with your intuition and use it as a guide to make informed and mature decisions.

You understand that your intuition is your inner compass, guiding you toward what is in alignment with your highest good. You listen to the whispers of your soul, even when they may seem to go against logic or reason.

2. You embrace your shadow self.

One of the major traits of a wild woman is this.

You understand that true spiritual growth comes from embracing and integrating all parts of yourself, including your shadow self. You are not afraid to confront your fears, insecurities, and past traumas, knowing that they hold valuable lessons and opportunities for growth.

You fully accept yourself for who you are, flaws and all. As a wild woman, you are not afraid to show your vulnerability and acknowledge that your imperfections are what make you unique.

Most importantly, you never try to conform to societal standards of beauty or perfection but instead embrace your individuality, happily and completely.

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3. You trust the universe and know that it has grand plans for you.

A wild woman trusts that the universe has a plan for her and that everything is unfolding as it should.

She knows that everything happens for a reason and that even the most challenging experiences hold valuable lessons and opportunities for growth. She surrenders to the flow of life, trusting that the universe has her back.

She knows that no matter how hard life might seem at the moment, the Universe will always come through for her. It will make sure that all the struggles and hardships she is going through will all be worth it in the end.

These are just some of the subtle signs of a wild woman and free spirit, and if you identify with this, then you my dear, are a wild, wild woman.

Signs You Are A Wild Woman

4. You are extremely resilient.

As a wild woman, you are resilient and can handle whatever life throws your way. You have faced challenges and obstacles but you have tackled them head-on, learned from them, and grown stronger.

You never let setbacks hold you back but instead use them as opportunities to learn and improve in life. The bad times never bog you down, and no matter how difficult life may seem, you always get up and fight.

You are not someone who gives up that easily, and this never-say-die attitude is what makes you, you. Your immense resilience and inner strength make you a force to be reckoned with.

5. You embody feminine energy.

One of the prominent traits of the wild woman is that she embodies feminine energy, and embraces her intuition, creativity, and nurturing nature. You honor your cycles and rhythms, whether itโ€™s your menstrual cycle or the cycles of the moon.

You understand that by embracing your feminine energy, you are better able to connect with your higher self and the natural world. You embrace your femininity fully and know that itโ€™s one of your biggest strengths.

All the qualities that are traditionally associated with femininity and feminine energy โ€“ creativity, empathy, compassion, nurturing, and intuition โ€“ you accept and embody all these beautiful aspects.

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6. You love deeply, passionately, and fearlessly.

This is probably one of the most beautiful signs of a wild woman and free spirit.

Even though you are fiercely independent and self-reliant, that does not mean you are closed off to love and connection. For you, love is something that makes life complete, and having true and authentic love in your life is equal to feeling peace in your heart.

When you love someone, you love them with a deep passion and intensity. Be it physical, mental, or emotional love, the passion with which you love is unparalleled.

Additionally, you value your independence and authenticity, so you want to be with someone who respects that and also respects your personal space without making you feel guilty.

Anyone who seeks to love you should know that a wild woman is not a girlfriend simply, she is someone who embodies the Universe within herself and when she gives, she gives her all to the person she loves. The next time someone asks you about how to love a wild woman, show them this.

Signs You Are A Wild Woman

7. You are exceptionally grounded.

This is again one of the most important signs of a wild woman.

A wild woman is grounded and connected to the earth. You understand the importance of being present at the moment and connecting with nature. You love spending time outdoors, whether itโ€™s hiking, camping, or simply enjoying the beauty of the natural world around you.

This connection to the earth provides you with a sense of peace and balance and helps you to stay centered even in the midst of chaos.

Being grounded can also mean that you have a clear sense of your values, beliefs, and priorities. You know who you are and what you want in life, and you make decisions that are aligned with your true nature.

This grounding can bring stability and focus to your life, even as you embrace new experiences and takes risks.

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8. You are a trailblazer who is not scared of challenging societal norms and expectations.

Youโ€™re a natural rebel who questions the status quo and seeks to create her own path rather than following the crowd. You are unapologetic about your beliefs and values and you always stand up for what you believe in, even if it means going against the grain.

Your willingness to question the status quo can inspire others to do the same, leading to a ripple effect of positive transformation in society. By challenging societal norms, you play an active role in creating a world where individuality is celebrated and diversity is embraced.

The courage and conviction you show when it comes to challenging societal norms is a reflection of your own courage, creativity, and passion for life.

9. You honor your spiritual practices.

When it comes to a woman, one of the major signs of a wild woman and free spirit is this one right here.

A wild woman understands the importance of spiritual practices in connecting with her higher self and the divine. She has developed her own unique spiritual practices, whether itโ€™s meditation, prayer, or ritual, and honours them as a way to deepen her connection with the universe.

If youโ€™re a wild woman, then these practices are not just mere habits for you, but rather an essential part of your daily routine. Through them, you find the inspiration, courage, and guidance you need to navigate lifeโ€™s challenges and express your fullest potential.

By prioritizing your spirituality, you honor the sacredness of life and the interconnectedness of all things. You recognize that true wisdom cannot be found through external pursuits alone, but rather arises from a deep wellspring of intuition and inner guidance.

As a result, you live a life of greater fulfillment, purpose, and joy, and inspire those around you to do the same.

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10. You practice forgiveness and believe in its power.

Want to know how to be a wild woman? Practice forgiveness and believe in its power wholeheartedly.

A wild woman practices forgiveness, understanding that it is a key component of spiritual growth and healing. She forgives herself and others for past mistakes and transgressions, knowing that holding onto resentment only holds her back.

You understand that by practicing forgiveness, you free yourself from the burden of the past and open yourself up to new possibilities and opportunities.

Embracing these qualities and never feeling ashamed about any of them will help you become the very best version of yourself. You can tap into your inner wild woman and live a more authentic and fulfilling life.

Signs You Are A Wild Woman
Signs You Are A Wild Woman
wild woman

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