17 Things An Introvert Wants You To Know



Iโ€™ve always been an introvert. Thereโ€™s nothing quite like relaxing by myself with a good book.

Even if I donโ€™t have anything to occupy myself with, Iโ€™ll just sit and dream. Iโ€™m the most forgettable person in almost all situations and I love that.

This is what itโ€™s like to be an introvert.

1. I crave solitude

Donโ€™t get me wrong, I care deeply for those close to me but I also love having time to myself. Without people around, I can really concentrate on the things Iโ€™m passionate about.

Related: 11 Daily Struggles Only An Introvert Will Understand

I can do it all the way I want to and not think about how others would react. I can keep myself busy and I donโ€™t really want to do the things others do when they hang out.

Introverts Like Drinking Coffee Alone

2. I get easily bored by conversations

I hate having to talk for the sake of it. Meaningless chatter just doesnโ€™t sound right to me even though I force myself to do it now and then so I donโ€™t seem rude.

Related: People Who Like To Be Alone Have These 6 Special Personality Traits

An introvert wants and prefers to have a meaningful discussion with one person he/she truly connect with rather than be part of a crowd.

introvert wants

3. I canโ€™t handle spontaneous invitations

Iโ€™m a planner. Itโ€™s what I do. I have most of my days planned out well. I even plan my leisure hours when I can just lounge around and chill without having to be productive.

Related: 13 Extraordinary Things Introverts Love To Do In Their Leisure Time

Iโ€™m genuinely happy when I get to do that so if someone tells me they want me somewhere in five minutes, I really canโ€™t make that switch.

Introvert Inclusion

4. Iโ€™m not entirely honest when I want to avoid something

While weโ€™ve all been told to always go with the truth, itโ€™s just too tiring to go into detail about what itโ€™s like for an introvert with people who just donโ€™t understand.

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I do try to tell it like it is, but if Iโ€™m just too tired, Iโ€™ll just make up a good excuse that will allow me to maintain my friendship with the person who has invited me while saving me from a social situation I donโ€™t want to be in.

being an introvert

5. I canโ€™t handle crowds

If Iโ€™ve had to spend way too much time with others who Iโ€™m not really close to and if they are too many people and too much noise, Iโ€™ll just break down and cry no matter where I am at that moment.

I Prefer A Small Circle

6. I will go to great lengths to hide from people

Introvert wants to hide from people. When Iโ€™m feeling too overwhelmed, I donโ€™t care where I go as long as it is a private place. Iโ€™ve even spent some time hiding in a dirty toilet stall in a public place just so I could have a few moments of peace.

introverts are Allergic to people

7.ย Not everything I obsess over is useful

I do have moments when Iโ€™m considering the deeper questions about life, the universe, and everything.

But sometimes, my analytical abilities donโ€™t serve me well. I obsess over meaningless quarrels for ages and ages. An introvert doesnโ€™t always want to obsess over what is useful.

Yes, I Do Enjoy Walking At Night

8. I donโ€™t care for too many people

Iโ€™m part of a close group of friends who I care deeply about but I canโ€™t extend that to too many people. I find it hard to connect to others.

I'm Never Lonely

9. It feels like Iโ€™m in a play every time Iโ€™m in a new social situation

Every time I meet someone new, I feel like Iโ€™m putting on a show. Iโ€™m constantly telling myself to look the in the eye, to look like I know what Iโ€™m talking about, to stand up straight, and so on. Iโ€™ve memorized a number of tips that help me look more interested.

Related: 10 Things An Introvert Does When He Likes You

The Fewer People I Involve Myself With The Happier I Become

10. Donโ€™t trust your initial judgment of me

Iโ€™ve had friends tell me that they didnโ€™t like me too much when were first introduced to me. I can be reserved and that makes me look impolite. Itโ€™s just that I need a while to put myself at ease so I can open up better

I Reveal Myself In Layers

11. I canโ€™t flit from topic to topic

As an introvert, I measure my words before I say them out loud. But most people tend to move through conversations very fast and this makes it very hard for me to participate because I canโ€™t keep up.

I Always Felt Like I'm Not From This Generation

12. Iโ€™m not good at expressing myself

Iโ€™ve been told that I donโ€™t show a lot of emotion, be it in my professional life or my personal life. Hiding my emotions comes naturally to me and I just donโ€™t realize that I need to open up a little.

I Could Like You

13. I just want to be invisible at times

Introvert wants to be invisible at times. I just wish I could hide in my own spot, cut off the rest of the world, and be perfectly alone. Of course, I donโ€™t want to be alone forever, just for a short time.

I Disappear

14. Iโ€™m all for isolation but I can also get lonely

I like being alone but I also desire affection and friendship and romance. But itโ€™s not easy to create intimate connections.

I'm Close To Very Few People

15. Iโ€™m actually happy when my partner has other obligations

This happens when youโ€™re an introvert dating an introvert. We tend to spend a lot of time inside and we donโ€™t have a big house so we are thrown together all the time.

Related: Most Intelligent People Choose To Be Less Social. Hereโ€™s why!

So itโ€™s nice to have some time alone when he goes out with his own friends.

16. I really donโ€™t mind when you back out of a plan

Iโ€™ll say all the right things to make it look like Iโ€™m a little disappointed but I donโ€™t really mean it. Iโ€™m usually happy that Iโ€™m getting some alone time.

At the same time, I need to say those words so that you donโ€™t think Iโ€™m glad to be rid of you.

Sometimes I Feel Super Social And Charming

17. Itโ€™s not you, itโ€™s me

An introvert wants to speak out!

Iโ€™m terrible at communication but I want to tell all those who are close to me that I truly love them. They make my life what it is and I wouldnโ€™t be who I am without them.

But I get too immersed in my own head now and then and itโ€™s difficult to come out.

So, these are 17 things an introvert wants you to know. If youโ€™ve enjoyed reading, feel free to share it with your friends. Also, let us know your thoughts in the comments.

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The Truth About Being An Introvert As Told By An Introvert
Things Introvert Wants You To Know Pin

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