What Each Month of Your Life Will Look Like In 2018 Based On Your Zodiac



January- March

While the past year of your life was pretty successful and you achieved a lot, there is still a feeling of lacking something. Even though you don’t know what that is exactly. Don’t settle. Don’t allow negativity to poison you. Keeping a positive attitude will attract everything you could want and need.

April – June

You’ve established what you want or have an idea of what will make you happy. Now you have to not let fear get in the way of it. Go for it. Whatever that it. However crazy it might seem to others. Do what you think will make you happy.

July – September

So you’ve made that change you fear. Maybe it’s a location. Maybe it’s a job. Maybe it’s a relationship you were apprehensive about. And it’s okay it took you half the year to finally do something the important thing is that you’ve actually done it. And whatever that choice is I promise you something good will come of it.

October – December

Here you are winding down the year wanting to make the most of the last four months. It’s these four months that are going to define your year.


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January- March

Your spirits are high as you’ve entered the new year. You have a lot of things to look forward to and a lot of things you hope to achieve. While your job might be your number one priority it’s important that you focus also on your relationships and living in the moment. Not just plotting your next move.

April – June

In these months wary of a wolf in sheep’s clothing.

July – September

These are the months you are going to have your ah-ha moment. You think back to where you were a year ago and everything in your life has changed for the better. Don’t stop there. Keep going. Keep improving. Keep progressing.

October – December

While you are building your life and your career, there is someone you’ve let slip through the cracks. And it’s going to hit you, you’ve lost someone you care a lot about. And the truth is they still care about you, they still want what’s best for you. But they couldn’t keep staying on the sideline watching. So they walked away.

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January- March

There is a big achievement down the road for you. And you’ve been busting your ass to get there. And you see the light at the end of the tunnel. Keep going because all the long nights and hours spent investing into this will be worth it.

April – June

You’ve done it. Whatever that it was. You were able to breathe for a moment. But now comes the next hurdle. As tired as you might be. As much as there are going to be moments you feel defeated don’t stop just yet.

July – September

The words I love you are going to sneak up on you. Either hearing them or saying them. And yeah it’s been a while since you felt the way you do but don’t fear it. Scorpios tend to push love away very easily.

October – December

It seems everything in your life is exactly how you envisioned it. But the last four months are going to test you. Something is going to happen that you have no control over and you’re going to have to have faith that everything will be okay. Because everything will be okay.

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January- March

You’re looking back at 2017 and thinking, “how the F did I make it?” While the end of the year was kind of tough for you that’s how much better the beginning of this year will be. There’s no denying you got hurt pretty badly. What you have to take away from that relationship isn’t to fear love but fear losing yourself loving someone too much.

April – June

So in these months when someone new comes into the picture as much as you are going to want to tell yourself no. Realize you deserve to be happy again. It’s no secret you haven’t been.

July – September

Fall is going to sneak up on you. Yet another season has gone by. Even though you’re looking for benchmarks of improvement learn to celebrate little achievements and give yourself credit where credit is due.

October – December

A new relationship will suddenly become more serious. Those silly Fall pictures will turn into Christmas ones by the tree. And when the year ends, you aren’t going to feel as lonely as you did this past year.


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January- March

The year has just started but you can already tell something is about to go wrong fast. But you’ve always handled things pretty gracefully. And every bad thing that has ever happened to you in the past didn’t break you then and it’s not going to break you now.

April – June

Your luck is bound to change during these months. In these months something is going to happen to make your year.

July – September

An old fling is going to come back into the picture and it’s up to you to decide if you want them in your life again or is this a mistake. Just when you’ve stopped thinking about them, it’ll be a text, one word three letters and your heart is going to race because you are going to realize maybe you never did stop caring.

October – December

You are closing out the year reflecting on how it started and how hard it was. Give yourself a break maybe even a vacation because you deserve it.

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January- March

2017 came with a new relationship that’s going strong. You picked up and moved your life because you needed a change as you adjust to this new life you’ve built for yourself don’t forget about the people you left behind. Just because you aren’t seeing them every day doesn’t mean they don’t matter.

April – June

You’re going to come to a crossroads in this relationship. A BIG question will define where it goes from here. Follow your heart in answering it and don’t be afraid what it says.

July – September

Summer is when you are the happiest. Maybe you’ve worked hard enough you deserve a trip somewhere. Take it. If there is one thing this year is going to teach you it’s to do the things you want to even if it scares you.

October – December

As things change you are going to look back and realize how much you have in the past few months. You’re going to run into that ex you thought you’d never get over but here you are happy and healthy and doing really well for yourself. You’ve deserved that for a while now.


January- March

Quit. However, that applies to you. Quit all the things and people that aren’t making you happy.

April – June

Once you muster the courage to leave don’t go back. And don’t feel guilty if you do look back at what you left behind. Sometimes looking back makes us realize how far we’ve come.

July – September

The more things change the more they are going to stay the same. You swore you weren’t ready for a relationship. But when the right person enters your life it’s no longer up to you.

October – December

These are going to be the months you realize what love really is. And it’s going to make you happier than you’ve ever been.

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January- March

2017 came with a lot of change but more than that accomplishments. Be proud of everything you’ve done and keep striving for more in the new year. A new year. Another birthday. A year you’re going to remember.

April – June

You’ve been serious with someone for a long time now. That question everyone has been wondering about is around the corner.

July – September

While it feels like your life is just beginning, it’s been happening for years. You’ve let go of the past and you’ve moved forward in creating the life you want with the person who will be yours forever. But remember the people who were there when all of these things weren’t so clear. No matter how far you run from the past. Those are the people who deserve to be in your future.

October – December

These months are going to test you in ways you have been tested before. Emotionally something is going to happen. You’ve never been someone who shows how they feel but it’s okay to be vulnerable.

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January- March

You keep looking for things that are going to make you happy. But what you have to realize is, it’s never going to be things that make you happy as much as you have to find that within yourself.

April – June

You feel a little empty and you don’t know why. It’s okay to feel through those things but remembers that discomfort isn’t supposed to be a comfort zone. It’s an indication something needs to change.

July – September

Make that change you fear making even if it means losing people. The right people will understand.

October – December

While the year is coming to an end these are the months you’ll feel like you’re starting to live again.

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January- March

Love is going to come into your life when you aren’t expecting it.

April – June

Your career is going to continue to progress.

July – September

Your relationships all around you are going to seem like they are great.

October – December

Then something is going to shake all those good things up and life is going to try and break you. But that relationship and those people who care about you are going to be there for you and it’s going to be okay.

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January- March

2017 was a year you’re glad to have survived but not one you want to repeat. But you got through it and as hard as it might have been that’s how much better 2018 will be for you.

April – June

Someone new will enter your life. Maybe that’s a relationship. A friendship. Family member being born. It’s these people who matter and that’s what you have to remember when things don’t go your way at any time.

July – September

Go on that trip. Take that risk. You only live once. And this is the year that’s going to be unlike any other year.

October – December

This year you are going to finish strong. And for the first time in a long time, you’re just take everything in and be really happy with where you are.

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January- March

You got hurt pretty terribly in 2017. Give yourself time and heal and don’t jump into something new fast. It’s okay to be alone and it’s okay you don’t like it sometimes. Learning about the relationship you have with yourself will help you in your next one.

April – June

Someone is going to catch your eye on a night out and you are going to swear you aren’t ready. You are going to push them away and they are going to let you take the reins but they aren’t going to give up on you so easily.

July – September

This relationship you swore wasn’t one, you’ll catch yourself falling and you’re going to deny it. You’re going to play cool. But this person is going to see right through it and they are still going to be patient with you.

October – December

Then it’s going to hit you. You don’t want to say the word love but after almost a year of sticking with you, you know that’s what it is. You’ll become official and you’ll have someone to spend the holidays with and unlike last year it won’t hurt. 

Read Also: 12 Things to know before dating a Virgo

Written By Kirsten Corley

Follow Her Work On Facebook

What Each Month of Your Life Will Look Like In 2018 Based On Your Zodiac

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