How To Smile Better? 12 Tips For Having A Perfect Smile



We all know that having a perfect smile is one of the most important social cues we have. It can help you make new friends, connect with old ones, and even boost your overall mood. But what if you donโ€™t feel confident with how you smile? In that case, how to smile better?

To have a perfect smile is like having a secret weapon that can help you make new friends, reconnect with old pals, and even give your overall mood a serious boost. But what if youโ€™re not feeling too confident about your pearly whites?

Whether youโ€™re dealing with crooked teeth, discoloration, or some other smile-related concern, feeling self-conscious can really put a damper on your social game. But donโ€™t you worry, my friend, because thereโ€™s plenty you can do to turn that frown upside down!

But before we explore how to smile better and how to make your smile better, letโ€™s talk a bit about why itโ€™s important to have healthy smiles.ย 

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Why Is It Important To Have Healthy Smiles?

Having healthy smiles is not just about looking good; itโ€™s also crucial for maintaining good overall health. Your mouth is the gateway to your body, and keeping it healthy can help prevent a range of health problems, from gum disease and tooth decay to heart disease and stroke.

Here are a few reasons why having a healthy smile is important and non-negotiable.

1. Boosts confidence and self-esteem.ย 

People with healthy smiles feel more confident and positive about themselves. The perfect smile can help you make a great first impression, whether itโ€™s in a job interview or a social setting.

2. Improves your digestion in the long run.ย 

Your teeth play a critical role in breaking down food, making it easier for your body to digest and absorb nutrients. If you have missing or damaged teeth, it can be difficult to chew food properly, leading to digestive issues.

3.ย Prevents gum disease.ย 

Gum disease is a common condition that can cause inflammation, bleeding, and even tooth loss. Good oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing regularly can help prevent gum disease and keep your gums healthy.

4.ย Lowers risk of heart disease and stroke.ย 

Research has shown that there is a link between gum disease and an increased risk of heart disease and stroke. The bacteria that cause gum disease can enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation in other parts of the body, leading to cardiovascular problems.

5.ย Reduces the risk of oral cancer.ย 

Oral cancer can prove to be life-threatening if not diagnosed early. Regular dental check-ups can help detect early signs of oral cancer and increase your chances of successful treatment.

6. Having healthy smiles can improve your speech.ย 

Missing or damaged teeth can affect your speech, making it difficult to pronounce certain words or sounds. Having a healthy smile can help improve your speech and make it easier to communicate with others.

Okay, now that we know the importance of having healthy smiles, letโ€™s explore how to smile better and how to improve your smile naturally.ย 

Related:ย 4 Surprising Things Your Teeth Reveal About You

How To Smile Better? 12 Tips For Having The Most Perfect Smile

1. Focus on those things that make you feel genuinely happy.ย 

How to smile better? Try this trick out!

A genuine smile can make all the difference in social situations, but sometimes it can be difficult to conjure up a natural smile. While โ€œfaking it till you make itโ€ can work in some situations, it can also make you appear nervous or insincere. Instead, try using the power of your memory to create a genuine smile.

One way to do this is to think of someone or something that makes you happy. For example, a happy memory of the day when you got your first salary, thinking of going on your dream vacation, or recalling the special moments you spend with your loved ones.

By harnessing the power of your memory, you can create a positive emotional state that will translate into a genuine smile. By focusing on positive memories and emotions, you can create a genuine smile that will make you feel more comfortable and confident in social situations.

2. Try to smile genuinely by smiling with your eyes.ย 

How to improve your smile naturally, you ask? How to smile better? Try smiling with your eyes.ย ย 

A beautiful smile can light up your entire face, not just your mouth. Research has shown that genuine, beautiful smiles, also known as Duchenne smiles, involve not only the movement of the mouth but also the eyes, cheeks, and other facial muscles. To achieve this kind of smile, itโ€™s important to focus on the eyes.

Smiling with your eyes involves crinkling the outer corners of your eyes, which can add warmth and sincerity to your smile. While it might seem counterintuitive to narrow your eyes when smiling, widening them too much can make you appear fearful or unapproachable. By crinkling the outer corners of your eyes, you can create a genuine, welcoming smile that lights up your entire face.

One way to ensure that youโ€™re smiling with your eyes is to pay attention to the muscles near your temples. When you smile with your eyes, these muscles will raise up, creating a natural-looking smile that radiates warmth and positivity.ย 

How to smile better

3. Make sure your smile comes across as relaxed and elegant.ย 

When it comes to your smile, bigger doesnโ€™t always mean better. In fact, research has shown that smaller, more subtle smiles are often perceived as more attractive and photogenic than big, toothy grins with a high, V-shaped angle.

So, if you want to knowย how to make your smile better and look your best in photos or social situations, then itโ€™s important to keep your smile natural and relaxed.

To achieve a natural smile, focus on lifting your cheekbones, slightly squinting your eyes, and keeping your jaw relaxed. These subtle movements can help create a warm, genuine smile that feels natural and inviting. Itโ€™s also important to avoid over-exaggerating your smile, as this can come across as forced or insincere.

While itโ€™s okay to show a little bit of teeth, itโ€™s important to keep your smile relaxed. This can make all the difference in how your smile is perceived by others.ย 

4. Straighten your posture while smiling.ย 

How to smile better? Have a straight, strong posture.ย 

Smiling is not just about the movement of the mouth and eyes; itโ€™s also about body language. When you smile, itโ€™s important to pay attention to the rest of your body to ensure that your overall demeanor is open and approachable.

One aspect of body language to focus on when smiling is posture. If you smile while slumped over, it can portray nervousness and closed-off body language. On the other hand, standing up straight and practicing good posture can make you appear more confident and friendly.

A slightly raised chest and a subtle lean forward show that you are interested in what someone is saying, and can help you make a positive impression.

In addition to good posture, adding a friendly wave or extending your open palm for a handshake can help signal trust and kindness. Open hands are a nonverbal cue that can make you appear more approachable and trustworthy.

By paying attention to your body language when you smile, you can create a more genuine and approachable demeanor.ย 

Related:ย 11 Ways To Be A More Attractive Man

5. Relax your jaw.ย 

Your jaw plays an important role in creating a natural and relaxed smile if you are wondering how to smile better. Tense or clenched jaw muscles can detract from your smile and make you appear stressed or uncomfortable. To achieve a more relaxed and natural smile, itโ€™s important to practice relaxing your jaw muscles.

One way to do this is by consciously releasing any tension in your jaw throughout the day. Take a moment to notice if youโ€™re clenching your teeth or holding your jaw in a tense position, and try to consciously release any tension. You can also try some simple jaw exercises, such as opening and closing your mouth or stretching your jaw muscles.

In addition to jaw exercises, itโ€™s important to be mindful of any habits that may contribute to jaw tension, such as teeth grinding or clenching. If you notice that youโ€™re clenching your jaw frequently, it may be helpful to speak with a healthcare professional to explore ways to address the issue.

By practicing relaxation techniques and being mindful of jaw tension, you can create a more relaxed and natural smile that feels comfortable and genuine.ย 

6. Rely on your muscle memory to have a perfect smile.ย 

Healthy smiles are a combination of muscle memory and physical movements. When you throw your head back with laughter or reunite with an old friend, pay attention to what that smile feels like. By becoming more aware of your natural smile, you can learn to replicate it in social situations.

Visually, the most genuine smiles have a few commonalities, such as the โ€œcrowโ€™s feetโ€ wrinkles near the eyes, raised cheekbones, upward-curving corners of the mouth, and smile lines around the nose and mouth.

Physically, you can feel your facial muscles shift when you smile naturally, with slightly squinted eyes, somewhat engaged cheek muscles (but not too tense), spread-out lips, partially exposed teeth and gums, and a relaxed jaw.

To improve your natural smile, take the time to examine yourself in a mirror or snap a photo whenever you feel like you are smiling your most genuine smile. Notice how specific muscle groups look and feel when you feel your happiest, and later on, dissect that photo to see if you recognize any of the above characteristics.

7. Ensure that your smile is symmetrical.ย 

If youโ€™re thinking about how to make your smile better, then try to make sure that itโ€™s symmetrical.ย 

Symmetry is an important aspect of a genuine and attractive smile. A bright, even smile looks more authentic and approachable than an asymmetrical one. Sideways or lopsided smiles can be misinterpreted as insincere or sarcastic.

To ensure that your smile is symmetrical and genuine, try to smile with your face fully and evenly pointed forward. This can eliminate any doubt about the authenticity of your smile and convey a warm and welcoming demeanor.

Additionally, practicing good oral hygiene and visiting the dentist regularly can help ensure that your teeth are healthy, straight, and evenly spaced, which can enhance the symmetry and beauty of your smile.

8. Use a lip balm and take good care of your lips.ย 

How to smile better? How to improve your smile naturally? Make sure that your lips are moisturized and in good condition.ย 

Well-moisturized lips are an essential element of an attractive smile. If you have dry or chapped lips, itโ€™s important to use a healing and moisturizing lip balm to keep them soft and supple.

Look for products with nourishing ingredients like shea butter, sweet almond oil, cocoa butter, ceramides, petroleum jelly, avocado oil, and coconut oil. Applying lip balm throughout the day can help keep your lips and smile looking gorgeous.

Avoid picking or biting your lips when theyโ€™re chapped, as this can make the problem worse. Instead, apply a moisturizing lip balm regularly throughout the day to help soothe and heal dry or chapped lips. With well-moisturized lips, you can create a more attractive and confident smile that will light up your face and boost your self-esteem.

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9. Practice smiling in the mirror.ย 

If you are wonderingย how to smile better and how to improve your smile naturally, then this is one of the best things you can do.ย 

If youโ€™re self-conscious about your smile, practicing in front of a mirror can help you improve your technique and gain confidence. Experiment with different angles and expressions until you find what looks best on you.

Pay attention to the visual and physical aspects of your smile, such as the position of your lips, the shape of your mouth, the movement of your eyes, and the position of your head.

In addition to practicing your smile, try to create a genuine and confident expression by smiling with your eyes and engaging your facial muscles. A perfect smile involves not only the movement of the mouth but also the eyes and the rest of the face, so itโ€™s important to pay attention to the overall expression when practicing in the mirror.

With regular practice and attention to detail, you can create a more natural, confident, and perfect smile that will make you feel more comfortable and attractive.

10. Choose the right lipstick.ย 

If you are thinking about how to make your smile better or how to improve your smile naturally, then this can be a useful hack.ย 

Wearing the right lipstick shade can enhance the appearance of your smile and make your teeth appear whiter. When selecting a lipstick shade, itโ€™s important to choose a color that complements your skin tone and enhances the natural beauty of your smile.

Blue-based shades like berry and plum can help counteract any yellow tones in your teeth, making them appear whiter and brighter. On the other hand, bright reds and pinks can create a bold and vibrant smile, while also making your teeth look whiter and more radiant.

In addition to selecting the right shade, itโ€™s important to choose a high-quality lipstick that will last throughout the day without smudging or fading. Look for long-wearing, moisturizing formulas with ingredients like vitamin E, shea butter, and jojoba oil to keep your lips soft and supple.

By choosing the right lipstick shade and formula, you can enhance the natural beauty of your smile and create a more confident and radiant appearance.

11. Ensure that your teeth are not touching together when you smile.ย 

Separating your teeth slightly when you smile can make a significant difference in the appearance of your smile. Smiling with your teeth touching can make your expression look tense and uncomfortable. On the other hand, leaving a small gap between your upper and lower rows of teeth can make your smile look more natural and beautiful.

To practice the technique of separating your teeth when you smile, try smiling in front of a mirror. Take note of how your smile looks with your teeth touching, and then try to create a small gap between your upper and lower rows of teeth when you smile. You can experiment with different degrees of separation to find the most flattering and natural look for your smile.

Separating your teeth can also have practical benefits, such as minimizing the appearance of any gaps or crooked teeth. By creating a small gap between your upper and lower rows of teeth, you can create a more uniform, balanced, and perfect smile that enhances the natural beauty of your teeth.

12. Practice good oral hygiene.ย 

How to smile better, you ask? Make sure that your oral hygiene is impeccable.ย 

Good oral hygiene is essential for a healthy and attractive smile. To maintain good oral hygiene, itโ€™s important to brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, floss at least once a day, and use mouthwash to kill bacteria and freshen your breath.

Itโ€™s also important to choose the right toothbrush for your needs and replace it every three to four months or sooner if the bristles become frayed.

When brushing your teeth, be sure to use toothpaste with fluoride to help prevent cavities and strengthen your tooth enamel. Use gentle circular motions to brush all surfaces of your teeth, including your tongue and the roof of your mouth.

Flossing helps remove plaque and food particles from between your teeth and along the gumline, while mouthwash can help kill bacteria and freshen your breath.

By practicing good oral hygiene, you can maintain a healthy and attractive smile that will make you feel more confident and comfortable in social situations.

Related:ย How Smiling Can Help You Live A Healthier And Happier Life

How Can You Spot A Fake Or Superficial Smile?

By paying attention to these subtle cues, you can learn to distinguish a genuine smile from a fake one and respond appropriately in social situations.ย Here are 10 ways to spot a fake smile.

  • The smile doesnโ€™t reach the eyes.
  • The smile is lopsided or asymmetrical.
  • The smile is too quick and doesnโ€™t linger.
  • The smile is forced or exaggerated.
  • The smile is accompanied by tense facial muscles.
  • The smile is too perfect or robotic.
  • The smile doesnโ€™t match the tone of the conversation or situation.
  • The smile is too frequent or inappropriate.
  • The person avoids making eye contact while smiling.
  • The smile is accompanied by other signs of discomfort, such as fidgeting or crossed arms.
How to smile better and how to spot a fake smile

How Should You Smile For Pictures?

If you want to know how to smile better in pictures and create a natural and perfect smile that will enhance your appearance and make you feel more confident in photos, then you should try these hacks out.

  • Relax your face and jaw muscles.
  • Tilt your chin slightly downward to avoid a double chin.
  • Think happy thoughts to create a natural and genuine smile.
  • Keep your lips slightly parted and your teeth slightly separated.
  • Avoid a forced or exaggerated smile.
  • Experiment with different angles and poses to find your best side.
  • Use natural lighting or a soft flash to avoid harsh shadows.
  • Consider using a teeth whitening product or a lip balm to enhance your smile.
  • Pose with confidence and hold your head up high.
  • Practice your smile often in front of the mirror.

How To Achieve The Perfect Smile For Conversations?

Here are 10 tips on how to improve your smile naturally, and also achieve the perfect smile for conversations:

  • Let go of the tension in your face and try to relax it.
  • Pay attention to your posture and sit or stand up straight.
  • Make eye contact with the person you are speaking to.
  • Use a friendly and welcoming tone of voice.
  • Smile with your eyes, not just your mouth.
  • Maintain a natural and genuine smile throughout the conversation.
  • Use appropriate facial expressions to match the tone of the conversation.
  • Take breaks from smiling to avoid appearing insincere or uncomfortable.
  • Avoid overthinking your smile and focus on the conversation.
  • Practice active listening to show that you are engaged and interested in the conversation.


Youโ€™ve made it through our little smile makeover journey! Now, armed with all these tips and tricks about how to make your smile better, youโ€™re ready to conquer the social scene with a dazzling smile and newfound confidence. Remember, your smile is a superpower that can open doors, create connections, and uplift your spirits.

But itโ€™s not just about the physical aspects. If you want to know how to make your smile better, then always remember that true confidence comes from within. So, practice your smile, stand tall with good posture, and radiate positivity. Embrace your uniqueness and remember that your smile is as special as you are.

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So go ahead, smile big, and let your confidence shine. Youโ€™ve got the tools, the knowledge, and the winning smile to make a difference. Get ready to rock the world with your pearly whites, my friend. The stage is yours!

how to make your smile better

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