Choose An Eye: The Sight You Are Drawn To, Says Something Special About You


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Just simply looking into someoneโ€™s eyes, you may discover a lot about them. So, choose an eye and learn something hidden about yourself.

Choose an Eye Quiz! The Eyes are the mirror of the Soul, as an old greek saying states and it is probably true. Through our eyes we perceive, we learn and we fall in love.

The Sight requires the most complex brain function of all senses and this is why it is so important. But the Sight does not always come from our Eyes.

Choose An Eye โ€“ Which Eye Are You Drawn To?

Choose An Eye internal

When we talk about the Sight in Magic we are referring to many more things apart from our sense. We are talking about spiritual sight and how our astral body โ€œseesโ€ things. These spirit eyes can bless and harm can curse and enchant!
(read more about the Evil Eye here)

This is why we say trust your guts, energy doesnโ€™t lie.ย Therefore, our Astral Sight is much more precious and eternal.ย 

This is why we ask you to choose an eye from the following eyes. Let the eye choose you. Which one looks at your soul? With which one you feel more connected? Do the test one month later. The answer may surprise you!

Results: The Eye You Choose Reveals A Secret About Your Subconscious

1. You Are Fuelled With Passion

Choose An Eye passion

If you choose this eye, it means the fire is into you, burning brightly. Your instincts are alive and hungry. You need to feel adventurous again. You need to be able to be spontaneous and feel life like you always wanted.

Related:ย 14 Things Your Eyes Say About Your Health

Your libido is awakened, and you are now able to know more about your true intentions are what you really really want for the future. You also probably feel enraged about something that happened in the past which you cannot easily let go. However, forgiveness is the key to healing.

Moreover, the element of Fire can both be creative or become a lethal trap.ย Make sure you use thisย Awakeningย of your instincts for beneficial purposes. Let fire shine in you!

2.ย You Are A Book of Secrets

Choose An Eye secrets

You know that youโ€™ve learned so much in the past by both the easy and the hard way. You may have sacrificed so much in order to become who you are now. You may lose something very precious, but here you are, wiser and stronger (maybe you donโ€™t realize it yet but you are indeed stronger).

On the other hand, this additional wisdom that youโ€™ve acquired during your journey can now be used in order to achieve your purposes. Yes, your goals might have changed, but this wisdom should not be wasted. Make room for the future, plan your goals anew. You are in a very creative phase of your life. Show us what you can really do!

Related:ย How Good Is Your Eyesight And Perception? Mind Game

3. You Are A Force of Nature

Choose An Eye force

Your living energy has always been a part of nature. You just now realize it even more. You are attuned with the spirits of Nature and you know day by day what you can tap into this force and perform miracles. These miracles can change your life and others!

After all, people are attracted to you as you can help them heal themselves. You have a lovely aura, drenched in the Green Forces of Nature. You can become a lighthouse of Happiness and Tranquility if only you knew the extent of your powers! Tap into this force of Nature with Herbal Magic. Discover the properties of herbs, plants and resins. See your energy reaching its peak.

4. You Are An Ethereal Spirit

Choose An Eye Are An Ethereal Spirit

If you choose this eye, it means you always try to find more about what is happening. Always looking for the deeper meaning of everything. Always wondering how life could be if you have chosen different paths. Sometimes you are very strict with yourself. You are a perfectionist.

Well, life is what it is and although your crystal soul can help many people find their way, you can easily feel lost. This happens because you always question your choices, your motives, and your judgment. You should learn to trust yourself more.

Of course, you will do mistakes and yes, sometimes mistakes can become really painful. But whatโ€™s life without mistakes? If we were perfect we would not be born here. So please learn to love yourself more and trust your guts!

5. You Are A Living Riddle

Choose An Eye riddle

Much of the information you distribute to others is part of your master manipulation technique. People who choose this eye, know what to hide and what to show. You may not do this in purpose but you value your personal traits too much to let others know them easily.

You reward people who are close to you with this private information about you. The more you love someone, the more you let them know about you. Probably this happens because earlier in life you felt that you were betrayed. In this way, you created a โ€œprotective wallโ€ which no one can easily interfere. This solid, enigmatic exterior is part of your defense mechanism.

Be careful though, you donโ€™t want to play too many riddles. The ones who were stupid enough to betray should not be compared with people who now choose to be with you, because they love you. Reverse bad luck Make room for Love. Itโ€™s time to let past wounds heal!

Related:ย 7 Signs You have a Spiritual Gift

6. Youโ€™re an Enchanting Soul

Choose An Eye enchanting

You magnetize others around you with your enigmatic and mysterious personality. Your aura radiates arcane wisdom and secrets. You are always noticed (even though you donโ€™t realize it) as your energy is so intense.

You have to learn to become more confident. You should discover the truth,ย that you are a unique being with so many powers hiding underneath. Learn your powers, find out more about what is lurking in you. You should probably try to see your past lives. This might be the key to unlock all this intense power.

Moreover, you should stop being on defense and learn how to go out and reach for your dreams. You can have whatever you want. The only thing you have to do is believe in yourself and reach for it! You are so powerful!

7. Youโ€™re the Nightโ€™s Sentinel

Choose An Eye nights sentinel

You are a master of disguises and keeper of Wisdom and sensitive information. People who choose this eye love to watch and notice how others react in certain situations. You know how to create illusions and how to โ€œplayโ€ in relationships. Although you are sincere, you donโ€™t want other people to know everything about you.

You love to give them a reason to discover more about you. You acknowledge yourself as a prize that one can win if they are brave enough. You set the bait and wait if your โ€œtargetโ€ reaches for it. S/he may have to walk into your โ€œdark corridorsโ€ but what miracles will they discover if they do!

Related:ย What Do Your Eyes Reveal About Your Personality?ย 

You have so many treasures hidden inside your heart. The one who is brave and wise enough to look into โ€œyour nightโ€ will be rewarded with the privilege to have you as a soulmate and guide.

Did you choose an eye? Whatโ€™s special about you? Comment and let us know more about this eye personality test.

Source โ€“ Magical Recipes Online

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