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Selected Wisepicks
We have selected 10 comments as Wisepicks from our Facebook Page and Instagram as on 9 March 2025

Navroop Sarao
Heal your inner child
with love to release the
trapped memories of the mind.

Jaya Karmalkar
You can be your own monster or sage.
Yourself only you can uncage.

Shilpika Bagh
My “inner child” is now my strength;
helping me unleash the opportunity.

Amrita Mallik
Pray for inner healing
to have a better adult life.

Sherry Greene
That child of the past
is now grown and free.
Free to choose her own future.

Netty Älpunkt
The door to your inner prison
can only be opened from the inside.

Efflin Fernandes
The worst prison is the one
built by the mind.

Pragyan Parimita Nanda
An imprisoned mind leads to
restricted thoughts.

If you do not process
your inner child emotions,
they will control you
in your later years.

Prisoner of her past.
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