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Selected Wisepicks
We have selected 11 comments as Wisepicks from our Facebook Page, Facebook Group and YouTube as on 9 February 2025

Araliza Arias
Sometimes the brain silences
what the heart feels.

Aphrodite Path
Silence your mind,
make your heart sing.

Helen Gottschalk Pittman
Don’t let your thoughts cage your heart!

Sheela P M
A songbird in confinement,
yet free in spirit.

Roccio Saldaña
Don’t analyze too much,
or you won’t be able to enjoy love.

Ravindranath Shivaram
You dont need a big brain
to understand the emotions of a
happy bird and a caged heart..

Maulika Patel
mind thinks, heart knows!

Your mind becomes heavy
if you’re not open and free.

A right balance between
the heart and the mind
makes you human and wise.

Don’t let your arrogance
silence the song
that your heart sings.

A wise mind knows
how to cut the chaos of emotions!
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