60+ Quotes By Atticus That Will Speak To Your Soul
How often do you scroll down your feed and stumble upon some washed-up ‘love’ or ‘romantic’ quotes? TBH, the entire internet cosmos is filled with quotes that may not make sense, at times.
In this day and age of fast food, fast fashion and fast .. well .. almost everything, we have been offered the luxury of fast poems. Short yet very meaningful bodies of fine words that you scroll down to, read, relate and double tap/like.
One of the most common names among modern ‘Insta poets’ is none other than Atticus, known all over the world for his quintessential quotes and passionate poems. A name you cannot easily forget. And just like his name, so are his words.
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Here are 60+ Quotes By Atticus That Will Speak To Your Soul:
1. “We will never get back the life we waste trying to be normal.”

2. “I look at her sometimes and wonder out of all the faces in the world how did I find one that was so perfect for me.”
3. “It seems to me, that love could be labeled poison and we’d drink it anyways.”

4. “I told her I was lost in this world, and she smiled, because she was too, we were all lost somehow, but we didn’t care, we had in the chaos found each other.”
5. “All she wanted was for someone to look at her and see the person she hid so well.”

6. “It was never the way she looked, always the way she was, I could’ve fallen in love with my eyes closed.”
7. “She was a drug to take in moderation.”
8. “She wasn’t looking for a knight, she was looking for a sword.”

9. “She was so flawed so perfectly flawed so perfectly flawed for me.”
10. “To a poet, the broken flowers bloom the brightest.”

11. “She wore his compliments like diamonds.”
12. “My atoms love your atoms, it’s chemistry.”
13. “I worry there is something broken in our generation. There are so many sad eyes on happy faces.”

14. “I aspire to be an old man with an old wife laughing at old jokes from a wild youth.”
15. “Spoiler, we die in the end.”

16. “Don’t ask her to be a rock for you to lean upon. Instead, build her wings, and point her to the sky, and she will teach you both how to fly.”
17. “The words never meant much, that’s not how I loved, it was when she stroked my hair, when she thought I was asleep that I knew she really did.”
18. “We are all born free and spend a lifetime becoming slaves to our own false truths.”

19. “The words never meant much, that’s not how I loved, it was when she stroked my hair, when she thought I was asleep that I knew she really did.”
20. “Loneliness, is a fire which I hold close to my skin, to see how much pain I can stand, before running to the water.”

21. “That was her magic, she could still see the sunset even on those darkest days.”
22. “She wasn’t looking for a knight she was looking for a sword.”
23. “I think there is something broken in our generation there are so many sad eyes on happy faces.”

24. “That was her magic, she could still see the sunset even on those darkest days.”
25. “It’s a sad thing, protecting a breakable heart.”

26. “Don’t find her and lose you. Find you to find her.”
27. “We are made of all those who have built and broken us.”
28. “It’s too easy to love the ones who don’t love us back.”

29. “Love her but leave her wild.”
30. “She wore a smile like a loaded gun.”

31. “She conquered her demons and wore her scars like wings. ”
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32. “I think it’s beautiful the way you sparkle when you talk about the things you love.”
33. “In all the wild world, there is no more desperate a creature, than a human being on the verge of losing love.”

34. “A sky full of stars and he was staring at her.”
35. “She wore a thousand faces all to hide her own.”

36. “There is nothing prettier in the whole wide world than a girl in love with every breath she takes.”
37. “She was afraid of heights but she was much more afraid of never flying.”
38. “He had stolen her todays, but not her tomorrows, those were hers, and so one by one, she stole them back.”

39. “She had just enough madness to make her interesting”
40. “True love exists in moments stumbled upon by accident in hospitals, in airports, and underneath the stars gone before you realize it was there missed before you knew you had it.”

41. “I want to be with someone who dreams of doing everything in life and nothing on rainy Sunday afternoons.”
42. “Depression is being colorblind and constantly told how colorful the world is.”
43. “The most beautiful thing about young love is the truth in our hearts that it will last forever.”

44. “From the moment I saw her I knew this one was worth the broken heart.”
45. “You are the series of mistakes that had to happen for you to find you.”

46. “Chase your stars fool, life is short. ”
47. “Brushing a girl’s hair behind her ear once a day will solve more problems than all hose
therapists and drugs.”
48. “Don’t give up now, chance are your best kiss your hardest laugh and your greatest day are still yet to come.”

49. “She was everything real in a world of make-believe. ”
50. “Never go in search of love, go in search of life, and life will find you the love you seek.”

51. “I let her go because I knew she could do better and now she’s gone I wonder if I should’ve just been better.”
52. “I aspire to be an old man with an old wife laughing at old jokes from a wild youth.”
53. “She loved him with everything she had and somewhere along the way she forget that she too was someone she too was worth loving.”

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54. “Time is all we have and don’t. ”
55. “We drink the poison our minds pour for us and wonder why we feel so sick.”

56. “I will follow you, my love, to the edge of all our days, to our very last tomorrows.”
57. “There’s too much risk in loving,’ the young boy said, ‘no,’ said the old man, ‘there’s too much risk in not.”
58. ‘Watch carefully, the magic that occurs when you give a person just enough comfort to be themselves.’

59. “She was not for everyone but she was for me. ”
60. “Sometimes there is nothing less lonely than a little time alone”

61. “Thinking of you is a poison I drink often. ”
62. “Don’t worry — you see, to some you are magic.”
63. “I fall in love everyday, with ideas and sensations, people I see. I hold them long enough to let them go but I keep them in my heart and in my soul.”

64. “There will always be a glimmer in those who have been through the dark.”
65. “The hardest step she ever took was to blindly trust in who she was.”

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