It’s important that you stop hiding your phone from your partner, because it can spell trouble, and also threaten to destroy the sense of trust your partner has on you. Hiding your phone in a relationship is completely unnecessary and can destroy your bond permanently.
Yes, these are easier times, or so we say.
We keep saying that these are easier times because communication is very easy these days. We say that we have all the means to interact better. Yet, why are we increasingly having like so many communication breakdowns?
We are actually at a point in time where we have a relationship with our phone more than we have a relationship with anyone else. Phones take most of our time even though we claim we aren’t addicted to them. We continue to say things like, “Oh! I can live without the phone”. But, can you?
Now, not only are the means of communication causing communication breakdowns, but they are also making you more detached from the things that happen around you. One more thing that they are doing is that they are making relationships tougher. Yes, this is true.
One of the recurring complaints of so many people in relationships is that their partner doesn’t look at them and is constantly engrossed in his/her phone. Well, there is no lie in this complaint.
We actually have partners who want to click a photograph of everything and post it to social media platforms and then they want to know how many people liked the photo and what not. So, the thing is that the phone is greater than the real world now.
But, there is another thing about our phones that hurt our partner more than anything else. The problem is when you start to hide your phone…
Yes, some of us call it privacy and some of us call it giving space. Whatever justification you might give for hiding your phone from your partner, it is always going to make your partner feel that you are cheating on them. It will be a trust deficit that you won’t be able to fill with anything, like ever.
Now we don’t want the phone to come between you and your partner, hence here we are to convince you with reasons why you should not hide your phone from your partner. Pay heed, these could save you a lot of trouble.
Let’s find out why it’s high time you should stop hiding your phone from your partner.
Related: 8 Signs You’re With Someone Who Respects You
5 Reasons Why You Should Stop Hiding Your Phone From Your Partner
1. Trust.
The biggest reason why you should stop hiding your phone from your partner right now!
It is practically needless to say that if you give your phone to your partner, they are going to trust you far more than before. This trust is not because they know about your whereabouts or something.
This trust happens between two people because of the realization that they are sharing the most private parts of their lives with you. Your partner will actually feel that they are significant in your life and after this, the relationship will obviously go in the right direction. Take this step and you will feel the trust between you and your partner.
2. If you aren’t doing anything wrong, prove it.
This is one of the obvious and simplest reasons why you should never hide your phone in a relationship.
It is a fairly simple thought. If you aren’t in the wrong, you will never have anything to hide. Your partner assumes that you are doing something wrong which is why you are trying to hide your phones. This thought makes your partner go crazy about your act. Then they don’t even understand rational aspects like privacy or something.
They will consider it as hurt to their ego that you are doing something seriously wrong. In this process of making up a story against you, they will think too much and this will obviously have a serious impact on your relationship.
Related: How Your Partner’s Phone Causes Jealousy
3. Transparency.
Just like trust is important for a relationship, transparency is crucial too. It is actually one of the pillars of a happy, long-term relationship. If you are transparent with your partner and don’t hide your phone in a relationship, nothing can separate the both of you.
One more important thing about transparency is that your partner will be able to know about your needs. And this is actually good. Only when your partner is aware of your needs, they will be able to be better partners than before. It is all going to lead to a more fulfilling relationship, trust us!
4. Closer together.
A very, very important reason why hiding your phone in a relationship is a bad thing.
Well, when there is nothing between to hide, you will obviously be far closer than before. The reason this happens is that once you hand over that phone without any inhibition or doubts, the relationship gets into an all-new phase where there are no secrets or confusion.
And even a robot can tell you that such a relationship will be a close bond between people that is sure to last forever. And it is pretty easy, you just have to show them the darn phone!
5. Fights will reduce.
Oh! If I had a dollar for every time I have heard couples fight about not giving the phone to each other, I would be pretty rich. When you are going to give your partner the phone and dismiss all their doubts and confusion about you and form a closer bond, obviously fights will reduce.
It is a full circle and I don’t see why people will not want lesser fights in their relationship.
Here’s hoping that you will choose to give your phone instead of letting your partner’s thoughts go haywire about what you are doing while you are sitting and using that phone all day. Giving the phone might actually end up being the best thing that you did in the relationship and it is going to give you so much respect and trust.
So, if not for the above reasons, give your phone to your partner for pure leverage. You can use that leverage to prove how honest and nice and trustworthy you are!
Related: Why You’re Addicted To Your Phone And How To Fix It
Oh, come on! Give that phone to your partner and breathe the air of trust and live happily ever after (with your partner who deeply trusts you).
Do you hide your phone from your partner? Has hiding your phone from your partner ever caused problems between the two of you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!
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