What life will teach you anyway?

20 Things You Are Not Taught But Life Will Teach You Anyway
1. You will fall in love and it will be nothing like the movies. Life will teach you he’s not gonna come to your window and he’s not gonna kiss you in the rain. He’s gonna make you lay awake at 3 am and he’s gonna make you wish you’d never met because your whole body feels like it’s on fire.
Related: Detaching: How To Let Go with Love
2. The school doesn’t make you learn anything except that people can be really mean. You won’t learn how to do taxes or vote or change the world but hell at least you can calculate velocity and bullshit a five-page essay in two hours.
3. You’re going to make mistakes and some of them will cause more damage and some of them you can’t fix. But that just makes other things happen and life throws a lot of curveballs at you that you need to make good things from. I promise it’s only as bad as you let it be.
4. Kiss boys. Kiss girls. Kiss anyone you want. Kiss people, you don’t want to and cry about people who kissed people that weren’t you but never hurt yourself because of a kiss.
Related: Kissing Adds Years to Your Life
5. Some days you won’t want to wake up or move. Some days, don’t. Most days, get up anyway. Take a shower. Sing. Pretend you’re happier than you really are.
6. Don’t spend too much time hating yourself. Don’t act like someone else. Don’t waste time pretending. Write love poems to you, from you, and mean them.
Related: 12 Tips To Self-Love And Compassion
7. You’ll find yourself waiting for the weekend and waiting for summer and waiting for things to get better. Life will teach you to make them better and do not wait.
8. Keep flowers always, wear whatever you want, hug as many people as you can. This is mandatory.
9. Nobody knows what to do when you run out of toilet paper. Ask a friend.
10. Never settle for less.
11. People don’t always mean what they say or say what they mean. Ask a lot of questions and genuinely mean them.
12. If they won’t hold your hand, don’t let them hold your heart.
13. Nights are either the worst things or the best things. Sometimes you cry a lot and ask the stars why and sometimes you laugh and lay in the street. Treasure both.
14. Things spoil when you try to force them to last forever. Appreciate the time you get with people or in places and don’t stretch it’s life longer than it needs to be. Not every friend will be with you forever. Know that it’s okay that way.
15. Life will teach you that nobody understands their feelings. Write about it, paint about it, sing about it, dance about it. Cry about it. You’re not the only one who feels a little lost. Search for comfort in lyrics and poems.
16. If your pillow isn’t comfortable, buy a new one.
17. Life will teach you that nothing goes as planned. It’s beautiful though.
18. People are going to hate you and call you terrible names but they don’t know what it’s like to be you and they certainly don’t deserve your attention. Pretend they’re sour milk. No one likes sour milk.
19. Ever since you were born you have been working a full-time job breathing and staying alive. You’re doing well. Don’t be so hard on yourself.
20. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. When you’re at rock bottom just know that your low may be low but there’s an equal and opposite reaction waiting for you someday. Soon enough you’ll be at the top of the world.
Watch this video to know about lessons that school never teaches you about life:
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