Wise picks for ‘Caption This’ image Published on 18 February. Click to read more selected captions submitted by our readers.
Dhanushi Nimavat
You create your thoughts
and your thoughts create a new you.
Madu Chiwendu
You are but a reflection
of your thoughts.
Terri Knuth
Identified thoughts
manifest into form.
Manaji Prakash
You are the reflection of your thoughts
You understand that it is clouded and foggy
Focus on your destained targets of life
The opaqueness shall turn to transparency
Kate Kidd
Whom you think you
are is who you become.
Speak kindly to yourself.
Sulekha Pande
The cloud of my self doubt.
Shubha Bhandarkar
Somewhere in the corner of your mind,
the clouds of your imagination comes alive!
Envision its potential and bring it to reality.
Rinku Shah
When my thoughts confronted me,
I could see.
The monster I had made,
And now on my mind it weighed!
Payal Kantharia
Our own thoughts and imagination
creates a virtual world!
Make sure you create it as you want it!
Beena Baburajan
Dualities of the mind.
Trapping unreal thoughts.
Between two extremes.
Of deflation and inflation.
W LeRoy Davis
Reflective introspection –
Do my thoughts look like me?
Sherry Greene
I occasionally need to admit to
and confront my overinflated ego.
Nearly all of us do.
Sayeeda Pearl
Your thoughts reflects
duality of your nature.
Beena Baburajan
Clouded reality.
Of dualistic thoughts.
Phyllis Snider Boyer
Though I’m not who I thought I was,
I can still become who I think I should be.
Suveera Bellary Kusnur
Your thoughts
are a reflection of you
Heidi Joy Capuli Marquez
What a person thinks about himself
is only just a thought.
Angela Holmes
You aren’t who you created
in your mind.
Tosin Enioluwa
You can never be bigger
than your thoughts
Bob Dee
What you THINK, you BECOME.
My thoughtical friend
Kufre Stephens
You are what you think!
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