Nanc McClure
When we hold
on to our burdens too long,
it’s difficult to let them go.
Sulekha Pande
Freedom is a state of mind,
we stay chained
to the shackles that bind.
Er Sunita Sahoo
The shackles of bondage
have finally broken
but why does my heart
still cling to past memories
and thoughts unspoken.
Kayel McAllister
Goodbye my past.
We both have freedom
now as I walk and you roll.
Thank you, I can now
reconnect with my soul
Rinku Shah
My past, pain and grief,
our journey wasn’t brief.
The only things I had,
when I was sad.
Eduardo G. Lim
We embrace our lessons
when we gain the
gift of freedom.
Tania Santiago Gonzalez
Embracing our grief
gives us comfort
even when the chains
are broken and
we are free to move on.
Crista Winterkorn
The weight that we bear
can still be bound
once it is fully released
as it may be all we really know.
Jenn New
We often cling
to our traumas,
because that’s all
we know.
Emily Venturino
We become so comfortable
carrying our burdens that
we fail to see the only one
holding us back is ourselves.
Ammey Zeu Lim
Sometimes we forego
the freedom to be
comfortable being trapped
within ourselves.
Shilpika Bagh
The captivity I ‘survived’;
made me who I am ‘today’.
Felicia Renteria-Holmes
The things that cause us pain
are hard to let go,
because we lived with them
for so long.
Jill McKing
Even when
the chains are broken,
we are enslaved in our minds.
We won’t let go of the
very same thing that broke us.
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