Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘HOTD’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!


Which Dragon Would You Ride In HOTD Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Are you a fan of “House of the Dragon” and curious about which dragon would you ride based on your zodiac sign? Buckle up as we will explore the mystical beast that fits best with your personality.

In Westeros, dragons aren’t just tools for seizing power. The Targaryens believe they share a deep bond with their dragons. They see themselves as having the same fiery traits and qualities, believing dragon blood runs in their veins.

Whether youโ€™re a daring Aries or a mysterious Scorpio, Iโ€™m sure a dragon is waiting to be matched to your nature. I canโ€™t wait to find out which one aligns best with me!

Read more here: Which โ€˜House of the Dragon Characterโ€™ Is Your Match? Claim Your Throne Now!

Which Dragon Would You Ride? 12 Alluring Dragons Of HOTD

1. Aries (March 21 – April 19) – Caraxes

Aries Caraxes
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

For their brave spirit and fearlessness, Aries would find the best match in Caraxes. Black with red eyes marking its passion like an Aries, this dragon is flown by Prince Daemon Targaryen who is known for his independence and strength. 

Thereโ€™s no challenge that you two wonโ€™t meet head-on as you fly through the skies together.

2 .Taurus (April 20 – May 20) – Vermithor

Taurus Vermithor
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

Vermithor could be a perfect dragon for Taurus. Despite its massive size, it has patience like no other creature. King Jaehaerys I Targaryen used to ride this colossal beast.

Vermithor is known to be loyal and dependable, making it a perfect companion for Taureans who value tradition and stability.

3. Gemini (May 21 – June 20) – Meleys

Gemini Meleys
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

Are you a Gemini looking for your dragon zodiac personality? Then you should ride Meleys because they are very adaptable creatures. Being quick-witted and nimble in nature, geminis love agility.

And this one is ridden by Rhaenys Velaryon – The Red Queen! This creature will help you come up with new ideas. And together both of you can make spontaneous decisions whenever needed across each corner within the realm.

4. Cancer (June 21 – July 22) – Seasmoke

Cancer Seasmoke
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

Wondering which dragon would you ride in HOTD? Well, youโ€™re best suited for Sea Smoke due to their deep emotional understanding and care for others. 

A dragon of this kind would be perfect โ€“ it was ridden by Laenor Velaryon. And has got blue scales having silver marks all over which represents water or sea; reflecting sensitive nature associated with the sign cancer. 

Seasmoke is always protective towards its dragon rider and family members even going beyond words into emotions themselves.

5. Leo (July 23 – August 22) – Sunfyre

Leo Sunfyre
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

If youโ€™re a Leo and imagine yourself to be a part of House of The Dragon, then you would ride Sunfyre because it has natural leadership abilities and love being the center of attention. 

It was originally King Aegon II Targaryenโ€™s golden scaled dragon  โ€“  majestic in every sense just like Leo who is outrageous, strong willed and sometimes dramatic! 

With this dragon as your mount you will shine brighter than anyone else while soaring high up into the sky commanding respect.

6. Virgo (August 23 – September 22) – Tessarion

Virgo Tessarion
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

Which dragon would you ride, Virgo? Well, the answer is Tessarion. It is originally Prince Joffrey Velaryonโ€™s dragon and it possesses great battle intelligence and can make victories possible even where none seemed likely before.

It goes well with your meticulous nature as you too are intelligent and a strategic thinker, hence this will match your dragon zodiac personality.

7. Libra (September 23 – October 22) – Syrax

Libra Syrax
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

Syrax is a good match for you, Libra. This is one of Queen Rhaenyra Targaryenโ€™s mounts. This creature uses its power only when necessary, but it will always protect those around it. You, Libra, value fairness above everything else and strive to bring about peace among others. So if I were you, Iโ€™d ride Syrax.

8. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21) โ€” Vhagar

Scorpio Vhagar
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

Scorpio, you are an extremely passionate and resourceful individual and due to your intense personality being a dragon rider to Vhagar wouldnโ€™t be too hard for you. 

This is one of the oldest and deadliest dragons in history, having been ridden by Lady Laena Velaryon and then Aemond Targaryen. 

It is as loyal as any Scorpio; and will not let go until they get what they want.

9. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21) โ€” Balerion

Sagittarius Balerion
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

Which dragon would you ride, Sagittarius? Well, you crave freedom above all else and an insatiable thirst for adventure leads me to believe that you would fit best with Balerion, Aegon the Conquerorโ€™s dragon as your mount. 

This beast happens to be the biggest and strongest fire-breathing creature ever recorded in existence. Balerion embodies everything about being bold like a true Sagittarius.

10. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19) โ€” Meraxes

Capricorn Meraxes
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

If you’re a Capricorn, you likely share many qualities with Meraxes, the silver-gold scaled dragon. Meraxes is a graceful dragon with shimmering eyes like gemstones that was once ridden by Queen Rhaenys Targaryen. 

Like the mythical dragon, Capricorns are disciplined, ambitious, and focused on success. With Meraxes’s strength and your determination, you can reach new heights of success and prestige.

11. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18) โ€” Dreamfyre

Aquarius Dreamfyre
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

Aquarians have visionary ideas and a humanitarian spirit that would make them a good fit for Dreamfyre. This beautiful dragon has scales that shimmer like opals and eyes that change color with her mood. 

Dreamfyre, bonded with Princess Helaena Targaryen, is innovative and independent, and challenges conventions, just like you Aquarius. If you ride Dreamfyre, youโ€™ll inspire others with your creativity and compassion, leaving a mark on the world that will last forever.

12. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20) โ€” Vermax

Pisces Vermax
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

Vermax, the dragon who embodies grace and intuition, is a perfect match for Pisces. Thatโ€™s because this dragon is known for its dreamy nature and deep intuition, just like you. 

In โ€œHouse of the Dragon,โ€ this creature is ridden by Jacaerys Velaryon. With its gentle and fierce loyalty, Vermax would lead you through challenges and offer moments of insight and courage.

Read more here: The Game Of Thrones House You Belong To, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

No matter your zodiac sign, each dragon in “House of the Dragon” brings its unique strengths and qualities to match your personality. So, which dragon would you ride? Tell us your match in the comments below!

Which Dragon Would You Ride In HOTD Based On Your Zodiac Sign pin
Which Dragon Would You Ride In ‘Hotd’ Based On Your Zodiac Sign? Find Your Match!

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