The 15 Types Of Trauma That Mess With Your Mind (And How To Break Free)

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The Ultimate Guide To 15 Types of Trauma (And How To Heal)

What comes to your mind when you think of trauma? Big, life-shattering life events? Scary, violent situations? Even though trauma can be caused by these things, it comes in all shapes and sizes, and understanding the different types of trauma is so very important when it comes to moving on, healing and growth.

Be it intergenerational trauma that you still struggle with, or rejection trauma that still stings from childhood, trauma can impact anyone in countless ways.

Today, we are going to talk about the different types of trauma, and what you can do to deal with it and heal your inner child.

So, shall we get started?

Related: Inner Child Work: 5 Ways To Heal The Different Types Of Childhood Trauma

What Is Trauma?

Trauma isn’t just about going through something horrible—it’s about how that experience messes with your mind and body. It’s like your brain hits the panic button and never fully resets.

Trauma can show up after one massive event or build up over time from smaller, repeated blows. And the wild part? Two people can go through the same thing, but their experiences and reactions might be totally different.

The bottom line? Trauma is personal, messy, and doesn’t follow any neat rules. But understanding trauma and the different types of trauma is the first step toward healing your inner child.

Okay, now that we know what trauma is, let’s talk find out what are the different types of trauma.

Types of trauma and healing the inner child

15 Different Types Of Trauma

1. Betrayal Trauma

Betrayal trauma hits hard when someone you completely trusted stabs you in the back. Whether it’s a cheating partner, a disloyal friend, or even a parent who failed to protect you, it shakes your sense of safety and leaves you questioning everyone’s intentions.


  • Trust issues leads you to doubt everyone.
  • Feeling emotionally numb.
  • Feeling always on edge, waiting for the next betrayal to come.
  • Experiencing panic attacks when thinking about the betrayal.
  • Suffering from low self-esteem.
  • Struggling to form new relationships, since trust doesn’t come easily.

How long should you meditate for: 25 minutes daily to help rebuild your ability to trust yourself first.

  • “I am worthy of loyalty, love, and respect.”
  • “I release the pain of betrayal and choose healing.”
  • “I trust myself to recognize what’s good for me.”
  • “I’m stronger than the hurt I’ve endured.”

2. Injustice Trauma

One of those types of trauma that feels so frustrating. This trauma kicks in when you constantly face unfair treatment. Be it discrimination at your workplace or being wrongly accused of something, the anger and helplessness can feel suffocating.

You constantly feel like the world is working against you, and no matter what you do, you just can’t seem to win.


  • You feel a lot of anger and resentment and just can’t let go of the unfairness.
  • Zero trust in authority figures.
  • Chronic low self-worth from constantly feeling invalidated.
  • Always waiting for the next injustice to happen.
  • Exhaustion from fighting battles no one acknowledges.
  • Avoiding situations where you might get hurt again.

How long should you meditate for: 12-20 minutes daily to release the anger within and find peace within yourself.

  • “I am powerful beyond others’ judgments.”
  • “I choose to rise above injustice and reclaim my peace.”
  • “My worth is not defined by anyone else’s actions.”
  • “I release all the hurt and bitterness and choose healing.”
Different types of trauma

3. Rejection Trauma

Rejection trauma happens when your brain convinces you and reminds you of every time someone made you feel like you aren’t good enough or worthless.

That childhood friend group that ostracized you, that one date who stood you up, the parent who never approved – it all sticks and builds up into one giant ball of fear that makes you feel unwanted.


  • Fear of being judged and social anxiety.
  • Feeling like you’re never enough.
  • People-pleasing to the point of exhaustion.
  • Avoiding social interactions to avoid rejection.
  • Overreacting to the slightest criticism, even constructive criticism.
  • Feeling worthless when you feel like you don’t belong

How long should you meditate for: 30 minutes daily to nurture self-acceptance and confidence.

  • “I am enough just as I am.”
  • “My worth is not defined by what others think of me.”
  • “I accept myself with love and acceptance.”
  • “Rejection is redirection; I am on my true path.”

4. Abandonment Trauma

When it comes to the types of trauma, abandonment trauma isn’t just the fear of being left behind, or someone leaving you physically. More than that, it’s about feeling emotionally neglected or straight-up forgotten.

Were your parents emotionally unavailable? Did someone break up with you without any explanation? Did your best friend stop speaking to you without warning? Instances like these can potentially lead to abandonment trauma.


  • Codependency and clinginess.
  • Suffering from intense anxiety about people leaving.
  • Major trust issues.
  • Emotional detachment or, on the flip side, over-attachment.
  • Obsessively overthinking about relationships.
  • Feeling a crushing sense of loneliness even when surrounded by people.

How long should you meditate for: 10–15 minutes daily to calm those anxious thoughts and build emotional security.

  • “I am secure and whole, even when I stand alone.”
  • “I release my fear of abandonment and embrace my own strength.”
  • “I trust myself to navigate life’s changes.”
  • “My worth is not determined by who chooses to stay or leave.”

Related: The 8 Types Of Emotional Wounds and How To Heal Them

5. Spiritual Trauma

Spiritual trauma is what happens when religion or spiritual beliefs are used to manipulate, shame, or control you.

This is one of those types of trauma that messes with your deepest sense of self and purpose. Suddenly, what was supposed to offer peace just feels like more hurt.


  • Fear or discomfort around religious or spiritual spaces.
  • Guilt and shame about your personal beliefs.
  • Anger toward religious figures or institutions.
  • Feeling lost and disconnected from your own spirituality.
  • Anxiety when discussing religion or spirituality.
  • Difficulty trusting your own beliefs or intuition.

How long should you meditate for: 15–20 minutes daily to reconnect with your true self and rebuild inner peace.

  • “My spiritual path is my own, and I honor it.”
  • “I release the pain of the past and embrace my truth.”
  • “I am free to explore what brings me peace.”
  • “My spiritual journey is valid and sacred.”

6. Existential Trauma

When life throws a huge, and I mean HUGE terrifying curveball at you, you start questioning everything. And that’s where existential trauma comes in.

Severe illness, near-death experiences, or losing someone you loved with all your heart can push you to spiral into endless thoughts about life, death, and everything in between.


  • Feeling anxious and scared about the meaning of life and human mortality.
  • Feeling emotionally numb and disconnected from reality.
  • Isolation and feeling misunderstood by others.
  • Obsessively thinking about life’s purpose.
  • Suffering from a deep sense of sadness and depression.
  • Difficulty finding joy or peace in everyday moments.

How long should you meditate for: 20–30 minutes daily to help you feel grounded and find peace and clarity in the chaos.

  • “I am part of something greater than myself.”
  • “I find peace and meaning in each moment.”
  • “My journey has value and purpose.”
  • “I choose to live fully and embrace the present.”

7. Survivor’s Guilt Trauma

Survivor’s guilt trauma is probably one of the most heartbreaking types of trauma. It is when you’re left alive and others aren’t, or when you feel you didn’t suffer as much as those around you.

Whether it’s surviving an accident, war, or even a natural disaster, the guilt can feel crushing. You end up constantly wondering, “Why me?” and feeling like you should’ve done something more to save others.


  • Intense guilt and shame over surviving.
  • Emotional numbness or feeling detached from reality.
  • Nightmares or flashbacks about the traumatic event.
  • Difficulty experiencing joy or pleasure.
  • Self-blame and self-punishment.
  • Isolation and withdrawal from others.

How long should you meditate for:10–15 minutes daily to practice self-forgiveness and emotional release.

  • “My life is valuable, and I deserve healing.”
  • “I release the guilt and choose to honor my own journey.”
  • “Healing doesn’t mean forgetting; it means finding peace.”
  • “I am allowed to feel joy, even after loss.”
Types of trauma

8. Medical Trauma

This is one of the most heartbreaking types of trauma. Medical trauma doesn’t just revolve around scary diseases or painful procedures. It’s more about fearing having your body invaded or your health questioned, which can leave deep, emotional scars.

Shady and bad medical experiences can trigger anxiety just by walking into a doctor’s office.


  • Having flashbacks and panic attacks thinking about going to a clinic or a hospital.
  • Avoiding all sorts of healthcare settings even when necessary.
  • Feeling Hypervigilant about physical symptoms.
  • Feeling helpless or out of control.
  • Feeling depressed and anxious about health.
  • Having a deep sense of distrust toward medical professionals.

How long should you meditate for:10–15 minutes daily to promote relaxation and regain control over your own body.

  • “I am safe and in control of my healing journey.”
  • “My body deserves care, compassion, and healing.”
  • “I release my fear and trust my body’s strength.”
  • “I am more than my past medical experiences.”

9. Intergenerational Trauma

This is those types of trauma feels like you’re carrying the weight of your ancestors’ pain, mistakes and curses.

It’s the baggage that feels like a huge burden; it gets passed down through family lines and generations due to historical oppression, war, addiction, or abusive family patterns. You feel it, even if you didn’t directly experience it.


  • Deep-rooted anxiety or fear with no obvious cause.
  • Self-sabotage and repeating harmful family patterns.
  • Emotional numbness or feeling like you are disconnected.
  • Unexplained rage or sadness.
  • Hypervigilance and a constant need for safety.
  • Finding it hard to form healthy and stable relationships.

How long should you meditate for:15–20 minutes daily to release inherited pain and embrace your own life and story.

  • “I honor my ancestors by choosing healing.”
  • “I release pain that is not mine to carry.”
  • “I am free to build my own future, without guilt or shame.”
  • “I am the healer of my family line.”

Related: 11 Types Of Psychological Ghosts In Your Head That Linger

10. Vicarious Trauma (Secondary Trauma)

Sometimes, when it comes to trauma, you don’t have to go through something horrible to feel it in your bones. At times, it is enough to witness something traumatic or just listening to someone else’s trauma can leave you feeling messed up.

Emergency responders, therapists, caregivers and even people who love listening to true crime can feel overwhelmed by trauma, even if they didn’t experience it firsthand.


  • Feeling emotionally exhausted and burned out.
  • Reduced empathy and compassion fatigue.
  • Having nightmares or intrusive thoughts about others’ trauma.
  • Struggling to set emotional boundaries.
  • Feeling irritable all the time and experiencing mood swings.
  • Feeling a loss of motivation or purpose.

How long should you meditate for: 10 minutes daily to help release what isn’t yours to carry.

  • “I honor my own well-being while helping others.”
  • “I release what is not mine to carry.”
  • “Compassion starts with caring for myself.”
  • “I am not defined by the pain I witness.”

11. Systemic Trauma

Systemic trauma happens when you feel constantly beat down by inequality and structural oppression; it can cause a lot of emotional damage in the long run.

Be it sexism, racism, homophobia or even ableism, systemic trauma makes you feel unsafe, invalidated, trapped and humiliated.


  • Suffering from chronic stress and emotional burnout.
  • Feeling a lot of anger and resentment toward oppressive systems.
  • Low self-esteem and self-worth.
  • Depression and feelings of hopelessness.
  • Hypervigilance around prejudice or discrimination.
  • Distrust toward authority figures or institutions.

How long should you meditate for: 15–20 minutes daily to create a safe space within yourself.

  • “I am powerful beyond the limitations placed upon me.”
  • “I define my worth, not the systems around me.”
  • “I release the anger that no longer serves me.”
  • “My truth is valid, and I stand strong in it.”

12. Complex Trauma

One of the most heartbreaking types of trauma, complex trauma happens when you go through repeated or prolonged traumatic experiences, often starting from childhood.

Did you grow up with abusive parents or siblings? Were you bullied relentlessly at school? These are all examples of complex trauma, where the emotional and psychological wounds run deep and show up everywhere.


  • Experiencing emotional dysregulation – mood swings that feel impossible to control.
  • Chronic fear and hypervigilance.
  • Difficulty trusting others.
  • Negative self-perception.
  • Dissociation and memory gaps.
  • Self-destructive behavior.

How long should you meditate for: 20 minutes daily to rebuild your emotional foundation and find stability.

  • “I am worthy of love, safety, and healing.”
  • “My past does not define my future.”
  • “I choose to rebuild myself with compassion.”
  • “I am stronger than the pain I endured.”

13. Chronic Trauma

One of those types of trauma, chronic trauma is like getting hit with one wave of stress after another, with no time to recover.

It’s the constant drip of painful experiences—whether it’s growing up in a toxic household, dealing with ongoing bullying, or living in a high-crime neighborhood. All of this wounds your inner child and makes it hard for you to heal your inner child.

When the threat never seems to go away, your body and mind stay stuck in survival mode, like you’re permanently bracing for impact.


  • Constant anxiety and hypervigilance.
  • Difficulty regulating emotions—mood swings are the norm.
  • Chronic fatigue and insomnia.
  • Physical symptoms like headaches or stomach issues.
  • Emotional numbness or feeling detached from reality.
  • Difficulty trusting others or feeling safe anywhere.

How long should you meditate for: 15–20 minutes daily to calm your nervous system and slowly shift out of survival mode.

  • “I am safe, and I deserve peace.”
  • “I release fear and choose calm.”
  • “My past does not control my present.”
  • “I am allowed to feel safe and secure.”
Types of trauma and healing your inner child

14. Moral Injury

When it comes to the different types of trauma, this one is probably one of the lesser-known ones out there. You experience moral injury when you violate your own deeply held values.

Maybe you were put in a difficult situation and had to do something that goes against your ethics, or you couldn’t act the way you were supposed to. It’s more than just shame or guilt, moral injury makes you feel emotionally and fundamentally broken.

Soldiers, healthcare workers, or anyone making impossible choices under extreme pressure can end up carrying this invisible wound.


  • Experiencing intense guilt, shame, or self-loathing.
  • Feeling unworthy of forgiveness or healing.
  • Nightmares or obsessive thoughts about the event.
  • Isolation from others due to feeling “unredeemable.”
  • Depression and lack of motivation.
  • Difficulty trusting yourself and your own judgment.

How long should you meditate for: 10–15 minutes daily to encourage self-compassion and inner forgiveness.

  • “I forgive myself and allow healing to take place.”
  • “My worth is not defined by my mistakes.”
  • “I choose to release guilt and embrace growth.”
  • “I am deserving of peace and forgiveness.”

Related: Reparenting: 3 Ways To Heal your Inner child

15. Shock Trauma

What are the different types of trauma? Shock trauma is that immediate, intense reaction to a sudden and horrifying event.

It can be natural disasters, violent attacks, car accidents – you get the gist. It’s your brain’s way of slamming the emergency brakes, leaving you frozen, disconnected from yourself and reality and totally overwhelmed.


  • Having flashbacks and vivid nightmares.
  • Emotional numbness and detachment.
  • Panic attacks and an overwhelming sense of fear.
  • Startle response—jumping at the slightest thing.
  • Memory gaps about the traumatic event.
  • Avoidance of anything that reminds you of the trauma.

How long should you meditate for: 10–15 minutes daily to ground yourself and rebuild your sense of safety.

  • “I am safe, and I am healing.”
  • “The past cannot harm me in the present.”
  • “I am resilient, and I will find peace again.”
  • “I choose to release fear and embrace calm.”

Okay, now that we have talked about the different types of trauma, let’s talk a bit about why it’s important to heal your inner child.

Why Is It Important to Heal the Inner Child?

Most people walking on this earth has a wounded inner child who is still holding onto their past pain. However, when you don’t address that little version of you who felt hurt, betrayed or abandoned, your emotions keep bubbling up in your adult life.

Healing your inner child isn’t about erasing the pain; it’s about giving them the love, validation, and comfort they never got. It’s about telling your younger self, “Hey, you’re safe now. I got you. I will protect you.”

And you know what happens when you do that? When you work towards healing your inner child, you unlock emotional freedom like never before.


Trauma is complicated and incredibly personal. Even though there are different types of trauma, the key is recognizing the pain, not shoving it under the carpet or pretending that everything is fine.

If your aim is to heal your inner child, you should start by acknowledging your trauma and getting the help you need, be it therapy, self-compassion or meditation.

Always remember that you deserve to heal and move on from the pain, and most importantly, you deserve to live a life that feels happy and safe. And you definitely don’t have to do it alone.

Related: Why Healing your Inner Child is Crucial for Self-Growth

Do you feel that you need to heal your inner child? Did any of these types of trauma strike a chord with you? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

Want to know more about healing your inner child? Check this video out below!

How to heal your inner child

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for professional mental health advice, diagnosis, or treatment. While we strive for accuracy, we do not guarantee the completeness or reliability of the information provided. Readers should always seek guidance from a qualified mental health professional for any concerns regarding their mental well-being.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What are the 4 C’s of trauma?

The 4 C’s of trauma are calm, contain, care and cope.

2. What are the 3 types of trauma?

The 3 main types of trauma are complex trauma, chronic trauma, acute trauma.

3. What are the top 5 childhood traumas?

According to studies, the top 5 childhood traumas are sexual abuse, physical abuse, violence, physical neglect, and emotional abuse.

different types of trauma

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