6 Kinds Of Healthy Arguments That Show You Are With The Right Person

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Arguments are a part and parcel of every relationship, and no matter how healthy and fulfilling your relationship might be, there will be times when things won’t always be happy and positive. But arguments are not always a bad thing; how you and your partner are arguing with each other and what you are arguing about is the point. Moreover, there are some specific types of arguments that show you are with the right person, even when you don’t realize it at that time.

Most of the time arguments are seen as this negative thing, and couples always try to steer clear of them thinking that it will end up destroying their relationship for good. Sometimes, some arguments are good for your relationship in the long run, and you should focus on the bigger picture to understand that.

Resolving every fight and always seeing eye to eye is not possible, but conflicts can be a good way of understanding each other’s feelings and where you both stand when it comes to important things.

6 Kinds Of Healthy Arguments That Show You Are With The Right Person

1. Getting engaged or getting married.

When you and your partner get into arguments regarding getting married or engaged, because one of you or both of you are not ready for it, then it’s a red flag. But if both of you are indeed considering getting married, but have conflicting opinions regarding the nitty-gritty, and have discussions regarding this, then that’s not really a bad thing. It clearly shows that you, your partner and your relationship are on the right path.

Couples who are immature or insecure about a long-term commitment like this will never be able to resolve their conflicts. But couples who have a healthy and strong relationship might clash initially, but they will find a way of getting on the same page.

Both of you can put forward your opinions, without putting down the other. You might be frustrated, but when your partner hears you out and tries to understand where you are coming from, that’s a good sign.

Related: This Is What A Healthy Relationship Looks Like

2. Handling finances.

Money can be a sensitive thing to talk about at times, but it’s a healthy thing when you and your partner do talk about it with each other. If you are looking for a hint of whether your relationship is on the right track or not, this can help you understand everything better.

When you are in a healthy relationship, you will always try to understand how you and your partner handle money, and what your financial management plans are. As long as you are both on the same page, and both your plans complement each other, it’s a good thing.

Talking about money and your finances is not a scary and negative thing; as long as both of you have a respectful, open-minded, and mature discussion about it, all will be well in paradise. In case of any issues, how you are handling them so that there are no problems between you two is what decides the fate of your relationship.

3. Spending quality time together.

Everybody’s definition of quality time is different, and the same goes for you and your partner too. Conflict about how much time you should spend with each other is one of the many types of arguments that couples end up having. If your relationship also witnesses this, then don’t worry, because this is a green flag.

If your partner is telling you that they want you around more, and want to spend more with you, it’s a sign that they have genuine feelings for you, and they love having you around. Codependency might not be a good idea but quality time is.

Remember that people look for different amounts of alone time, but if you choose to have an open-minded and healthy conversation about it, your relationship will be stronger.

Related: 15 Little Things Strong and Healthy Couples Consistently Do Together

4. Things that hurt the both of you.

In an unhealthy relationship, openly talking about what hurts you can sometimes make things worse, and end up escalating the conflict. This leads to many people choosing to keep quiet about their feelings, in order to avoid rocking the boat. But is this a healthy thing to do when you are in a committed relationship? The answer is, of course not.

But, if you are able to talk to each other freely about the things that bother you or hurt you, and your partner does the same, then know that you are in a good relationship, and you have nothing to worry about.

When you are having healthy arguments, after bringing such issues up, and working towards making it better, then be rest assured that your relationship is on solid ground, and both of you are getting closer to each other.

Types Of Arguments That Show You Are On The Right Track

5. Meeting each other’s families.

This is one of those types of arguments, which can go south very easily. Talking about finances, and getting married can be overwhelming and scary, and so is deciding to meet each other’s families.

When you are not feeling sure about this, the way your partner deals with it and handles the argument can say a lot about them and the state of your relationship. When both of you are thinking about introducing each other to your families, but are having arguments about how to do it and when to do it, it is a positive sign.

This means that both of you are secure enough in your relationship, and are serious enough about each other to take this major step. Take for instance, that your partner is upset about the fact that they haven’t yet got to meet your family. This is a good thing, as this shows that they are serious about you and this relationship, and that is why it matters to them so much.

Even though taking it slow might be a good idea, your partner’s willingness to get acquainted with your family is something to feel happy about.

Related: 3 Ways to Handle Healthy Anger in Your Relationship

6. Socializing with friends.

Friends are an important part of every person’s life, so naturally, everyone would want their partner to be on good terms with their friends. If your partner is talking to you about your friends and they wish to get along with them, you should be happy about that. Your partner is trying to embrace your friends as their own because they know how important your buddies are for you.

Also, your partner might feel at times that you spend too much time with your friends and lesser time with them. Navigating through a discussion like this might seem like a challenge, but it all depends on how both of you are handling it. They might not tell you to stop seeing your friends, but will expect you to spend quality time with them too.

These are the types of arguments that will help you understand where your relationship stands. Don’t be scared if your relationship is going through this; this simply means that both of you care a lot about making this work. Healthy arguments in a relationship will only make your relationship stronger.

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