The Kind Of ‘Crazy’ He Can’t Resist In A Woman, Based On His Zodiac Sign

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The Kind Of Crazy He Loves In A Woman Based On His Zodiac Sign 1

Are you a ‘crazy’ woman, but your partner absolutely loves and adores that about you?

The stars know he can’t resist this kind of craziness.

The word “crazy” is problematic; it can make people feel marginalized and can add to the lack of understanding that many people with mental illness face.

I come from a family with mental illness. My mother has a form of OCD and narcissistic personality disorder, my brother had schizophrenia, and my father probably had some form of depression. I have a number of phobias and fears.

My point is, I take mental health extremely seriously and I try to be sensitive in regards to that topic. I would never call someone “crazy” as a way to belittle them or their mental health. When I use the word crazy, it isn’t about disrespecting people with mental illness for it can mean many things that there aren’t always other words for.

For instance, when someone has that touch of madness that inspires amazing creativity, we might describe them as being “crazy good” at painting, or if they’re passionately excited about someone, they might be crazy about Taylor Swift.

Sometimes, crazy just means going totally overboard with an emotion. When I looked up the word in the online dictionary, it had many definitions including impractical, intensely enthusiastic, passionately excited, anxious, eager, impatient, wonderful, excellent, perfect, and infatuated. Those are some very good words and very positive attributes.

When the word crazy was used in the title of the film Crazy, Stupid, Love, the creators weren’t trying to slam people with mental illness, nor were they with the title of the popular TV show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend. The thought is that being crazy in love is a very good thing.

Perhaps the answer isn’t to strike crazy from our vocabularies but to embrace it as a way to convey when something is special, unique, and positive.

Here are the kinds of crazy he loves in a woman, according to his zodiac sign.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Crazy woman

An Aries man loves a woman who is super-competitive.

If she throws herself body and soul into any kind of competition, she’s his kind of woman. She may be a poor sport or get upset if she doesn’t win, but he’ll find her competitive spirit completely lovable.

Want to more about the zodiac signs and how they are when it comes to love? Read Unconventional Ways Each Zodiac Sign Acts When They Like You

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Crazy woman

Taurus men love women who are total foodies.

If they go crazy for purple eggplant or learning how to make pasta from scratch, then the Taurus man is enchanted. If she has to cook every one of Julia Child’s recipes and he has to be her official taster, he’s in absolute heaven.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Crazy woman

Geminis love to talk, so if he finds a woman who is crazy good at communicating, then he’s hooked.

She’ll be one of those people who is great about returning texts, calls, and messages and doesn’t ever run from an argument. She loves a good verbal spar and has a black belt in banter.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Crazy woman

Cancer men love women who are intuitive, empathetic, and scarily good at expressing their emotions.

In fact, they’re so in tune with how they feel that it can be unnerving to people who are closed off from their own feelings.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Crazy woman

Leo men love women who are crazy into makeup, jewelry, and anything that catches the eye.

I guess Leo men need women who draw visual attention to themselves and their partners.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Crazy woman

Virgo men love women who are crazy about facts and knowledge.

If she kills at any kind of trivia contest or game show, and if she’s the kind of person that others assume will know the answer, Virgo will find her irresistible.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Crazy woman

The Libra man loves a woman who is crazy about parties.

You know, the kind who can make any party seem spectacular just with her presence. It’s a thing of beauty to watch this kind of woman work a room; she does it with such ease and joy.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Crazy woman

A Scorpio man loves a woman who is sex crazy.

Why? Because he loves having someone who is as passionate, intense, and sexual as he is.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Crazy woman

Sagittarius men love women who are ready to go to a foreign country at the mere suggestion of it.

She doesn’t want or need a house in the suburbs; she’s more than happy to see the world without ties.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Crazy woman

Capricorn men love the kind of woman who is responsible.

She knows where every penny she spends went and has perfectly balanced bank accounts and 401ks.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Crazy woman

Aquarius men love women who are a bit off-kilter.

You know, the type who marches to the beat of her own drum. She has the type of crazy that’s individualistic and expressive. She doesn’t dress or look like anyone else; she’s one of a kind.

Looking to know more about the zodiac signs and how they are when it comes to relationships? Read What A Man Looks For In A Woman Based on His Zodiac Sign

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Crazy woman

Pisces men love women who are the kind of crazy that inspires creativity and art.

They are the muses who don’t just inspire others to act or write or paint, but who also express themselves through art.

So, there you have it; these are all the zodiac signs and the kind of ‘crazy’ women they like. Let us know in the comments below if you are one of them!

If you want to know more about the kind of ‘crazy’ he likes in a woman, then check out this video below:

Written by Christine Schoenwald
Originally appeared on

The Kind Of Crazy He Loves In A Woman Based On His Zodiac Sign pin

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