The 4 Zodiac Signs That Won’t Show Or Tell You How They Really Feel (Ever)

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The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Won’t Ever Tell or Show How They Feel. Each one of us is different and the same goes for the zodiac signs. While each sign expresses their feelings in their unique way, there are some signs who downright avoid showing their inner self. Some are very expressive while some signs are a pro at hiding their feelings. Want them to open up? Good luck.

Talk about running away from your emotions — if you look to astrology and to someone’s horoscope, it’s easy to see which of the zodiac signs tend to have some serious issues when it comes to confronting how they feel.

If you ask friends with any of these 4 signs about how they feel, they’re likely to tell you they’re “fine” (when they totally aren’t). It’s a defense mechanism to protect themselves, even when they know they can TOTALLY tell you.

Everyone has different reasons for hiding their emotions — some people are more private or like to hide the way they feel from people they aren’t remotely close to, while others wear their hearts on their sleeve and cry without hesitation — but these specific zodiac signs do not only have an issue sharing their feelings with you, they honestly can’t really seem to recognize or translate their own feelings to themselves.

It’s like second nature for them; if they are vulnerable they will allow themselves to feel TOO MUCH, and these are the type of people who typically like to avoid feeling anything too much. So instead of risking that vulnerability, they would just rather act like they don’t care at all.

This kind of hesitation, though, can lead to some pretty complicated relationships with the people they care about most.


To be honest, these people have hearts that are big enough to carry really expressive emotions, but it’s difficult for them to show others that they care without getting too far out of their comfort zones.

Well, we’ve got, the answers for WHY these lovable people seem to NEVER open up to you, so take a look to see which 4 of these least emotional zodiac signs need a little help when it comes to letting people in.

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The 4 Zodiac Signs Who Won’t Ever Tell or Show How They Feel

1. Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo can be SUPER shy. She is always overly critical of herself and others, so showing emotions can be super difficult for herself.

Virgo is very practical and analytical, so dealing with emotions can feel very difficult for them because they feel very out of control.

She is all work and no play, so the idea of sitting down just to express her emotions is letting go TOO much for her.

2. Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Libra hates (I mean HATES!) confrontation. She desperately avoids having to handle any sort of emotional responsibility at all costs.

Her self-pity runs deep, so admitting she has a problem can seriously hurt her ego. She’ll probably tell you she’s fine at least 100 times before admitting that she’s upset.

Libra is extremely peaceful and fair, to the point where she will let people walk all over her and NEVER tell them it bothers her.

3. Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio is about as spiteful as they come. She struggles with jealousy, secrecy, and misunderstanding situations, which immediately shuts her down from sharing any emotions.

She finds it hard to trust people, even when she’s close to them. She may not share with you because she doesn’t want you to judge her. That’s a pretty typical concern of a Libra. She comes off so confident and sharing, but deep down she really struggles with her self-esteem.

Read 10 Personality Traits Of Scorpio, The Ambitious Water Sign

4. Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

If there’s one sign that runs from emotional expression, it’s Aquarius. She’s extremely hot and cold; you NEVER know how she feels until it’s too late, and you’re in the dog house.

She feels and thinks deeper than anyone, but HATES expressing it. The worst part is, the moment you ask her if she’s okay, she’ll pretty much bite your head off. Good luck trying to get her to open up, with an Aquarius this is a KNOWN issue that you just have to learn to deal with if you want her in your life for the long haul.

Written by Abby Jamison
Originally appeared on Your Tango
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