Are Your Eyes At Risk? The Shocking Truth About Smartphone Vision Syndrome!


Harmful Smartphone Vision Syndrome Symptoms To Know About

Have you ever had blurred vision, sore eyes, or a headache after using your phone for a long time, particularly in the dark? If yes, then you might have Smartphone Vision Syndrome (SVS). Letโ€™s find out more about it.

In this era of technology, we heavily rely on our smartphones. Whether itโ€™s checking emails and scrolling through social media or streaming movies and playing video games โ€“ these handheld devices are ubiquitous. However, even though they keep us engaged and connected, there is one thing that we sacrifice unknowingly: our eye health.

In a recent case, Smartphone Vision Syndrome caused a woman to have bright flashes of light and momentary blindness. Mostly when she woke up to go to the bathroom at night, she couldnโ€™t see anything for some seconds.

smartphone vision syndrome
Are Your Eyes At Risk? The Shocking Truth About Smartphone Vision Syndrome!

An eye doctor found nothing wrong with her eyes and sent her for neurological assessment. What Dr. Kumar discovered was that she had gotten into a routine of spending many hours on her smartphone each day โ€“ two of them being in darkness late into the night.

Read more here: Tech Neck: 5 Signs Your Gadgets Could Be Hurting Your Neck

So, What Is Smartphone Vision Syndrome?

Smartphone vision syndrome, also known as computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain, is a condition in which eyes get uncomfortable along with visual disturbances caused by looking at screens for too long.

If youโ€™re an avid screen-scroller, this could apply to you too. So without further ado, let’s take a look at the smartphone vision syndrome symptoms below!

Smartphone Vision Syndrome Symptoms To Look Out For!

It might be digital eye strain if you have:

1. Blurry vision, seeing spots or flashing lights in your eyes

smartphone vision syndrome
Are Your Eyes At Risk? The Shocking Truth About Smartphone Vision Syndrome!

2. Seeing zigzag lines

3. Double Vision

4. Eye irritation

5. Headaches

Do You Know The Main Causes of Computer Vision Syndrome?

Several main factors contribute to vision problems from smartphones or other digital devices:

1. Exposure to blue light: Retinal damage is caused by the deep-penetrating blue light emitted by smartphones, which also interfere with sleep and result in digital eye strain.

smartphone vision syndrome
Are Your Eyes At Risk? The Shocking Truth About Smartphone Vision Syndrome!

2. Brightness of screen and glare: Eyes are forced into constant adjustment by high levels of brightness, particularly when it is dark outside; this leads to significant fatigue as well as strain.

3. Extended periods focusing: Digital eye strain occurs after staring at a screen for too long because our eyes are not built for continuous near-point work over such durations โ€“ discomfort sets in alongside blurred vision.

4. Reduced blinking rate: Blinking less often while using a smartphone leads to dryness and irritation of the eye since frequent blinking keeps them lubricated thereby maintaining good health.

Ways to Reduce Digital Screen Time

These are some practical suggestions to help you protect your eyes and reduce screen time:

1. Rule of 20-20-20: After every 20 minutes, look at something that is 20 feet away from you for a minimum of 20 seconds. As an example, while working with your laptop, look out the window occasionally.

smartphone vision syndrome
Are Your Eyes At Risk? The Shocking Truth About Smartphone Vision Syndrome!

2. Screen Adjustments: Dim the brightness on your phone and activate blue light filters, particularly during the night. Use night mode which reduces the emission of blue light, reducing eye strain.

3. Keep A Distance: Ensure that your mobile phone is at least an armโ€™s length away from you. For example, hold it farther when reading emails to minimize the intensity of light.

4. Use Larger Screens: When reading or watching videos, use a tablet or computer instead to be comfortable and strain your eyes less.

5. Regular Eye Checkups: Visit an eye doctor regularly to test for early signs of SVS and other conditions.

Read more here: Unplug To Recharge: 10 Incredible Benefits Of Digital Detox

So what are you waiting for? You can save your vision while still enjoying electronic gadgets by applying to the advice above.

Share your thoughts with us in the comments below!

smartphone vision syndrome
Are Your Eyes At Risk? The Shocking Truth About Smartphone Vision Syndrome!

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