Signs Of Betrayal In Friendship: 12 Signs Your Friend Betrayed You


Signs Of Betrayal In Friendship: 12 Signs And How To Cope

Friendship is an essential part of our lives. We all need someone to rely on, to laugh with, and to share our thoughts and feelings with. When we trust our friends, we feel comfortable and safe in their company. However, sometimes things can go wrong, and you may notice certain signs of betrayal in friendship.

Betrayal can take many forms, and it can be difficult to recognize, especially if we don’t want to believe it’s happening. In this article, we will explore 15 signs that you have been betrayed by your best friend.

But before that, let’s talk a bit about what we mean by a best friend’s betrayal.

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What Is Betrayal In Friendship?

Betrayal in friendship is an emotional wound that can cut deep into your soul. It is the feeling of being let down by someone who was supposed to be a source of support and trust, leaving you feeling hurt, abandoned, and betrayed.

When you are betrayed by a best friend, it can lead to feelings of confusion, anger, and sadness. It can leave you questioning your own judgment and your ability to trust others. The emotional pain of betrayal can be overwhelming, making it difficult to eat, sleep, or concentrate on anything else.

When you realize and tell yourself that “my best friend betrayed me”, the hurt caused by that can linger for a long time, even after the friendship has ended.

It can cause you to withdraw from others, to avoid future hurt or disappointment. The pain of betrayal can also affect your ability to form new friendships, as you may struggle to trust others again.

In short, realizing the signs of betrayal in friendship is a profound emotional experience that can leave you feeling wounded and vulnerable.

Why Would A Friend Betray You?

Here are a few probable reasons behind being betrayed by a friend or in other words, friendship betrayal.

  • Lack of loyalty: They don’t really value your friendship or prioritize your trust.
  • Selfishness and self-interest: They prioritize their own needs and desires above your friendship.
  • Jealousy or envy: They feel threatened or resentful of your accomplishments or relationships.
  • Competitiveness: They view your friendship as a competition or struggle for power.
  • Misunderstandings or disagreements: They misunderstand or disagree with something you said or did.
  • Different values or priorities: They have different values or priorities that clash with yours.
  • Betrayal in their nature or character: They have a history of betrayal or dishonesty.
  • Feeling wronged or hurt by you: They feel that you wronged or hurt them in some way.
  • Succumbing to peer pressure or outside influence: They may have been influenced by others to betray you.
  • Mental health or personal issues: They may be dealing with their own personal struggles or mental health issues.
  • Fear or insecurity: They may betray you out of fear or insecurity in the relationship.
  • Temptation: They have been tempted by a situation or opportunity to betray your trust.
  • Anger or resentment: They hold anger or resentment towards you that leads them to betray you.
  • Power or control: They want to exert power or control over you through betrayal.
  • Betrayal as a means to an end: They see betrayal as a way to achieve a desired outcome or benefit.

Now let’s find out the signs of betrayal in friendship.

Related: 55 Reasons Why Friendships End

12 Heartbreaking Signs Of Betrayal In Friendship

1. They stop communicating with you.

If your friend suddenly stops answering your texts, calls, or emails, it could be a sign that they are no longer interested in maintaining the friendship.

While it could be due to a variety of reasons, such as busy schedules or personal issues, it’s important to note the sudden change in behavior. If your friend was once responsive and communicative, but now seems distant, it could be a sign of betrayal.

2. They start avoiding you.

If they have started to actively avoid you, such as changing their route to work or making excuses to not attend events you invite them to, it could be a sign that something is wrong.

Avoidance is a way for people to distance themselves from situations or people that they are uncomfortable with. If your friend is avoiding you, it could be a sign that they have betrayed your trust in some way.

Signs of betrayal in friendship
When you are betrayed by your best friend

3. They talk about you behind your back.

One of the major signs of betrayal in friendship is this.

If your other friends or acquaintances start telling you that your friend has been talking about you behind your back, it could be a sign of betrayal. Gossiping about someone is a way for people to vent their frustrations or anger, and it can be hurtful and damaging to the person being talked about.

If your friend is gossiping about you, it could be a sign that they are not as loyal or trustworthy as you thought.

4. They expose your secrets which you had told them in confidence.

If your best friend shares something that you confided in them with someone else, it’s a clear sign of betrayal. Sharing someone else’s secrets is a violation of trust, and it can be damaging to relationships.

If your friend betrays your confidence, it’s important to address the situation and find out why they felt the need to share your secret with someone else. If they show no remorse or regret, then it’s time to move on from the friendship.

Related: The Woes Of One-Sided Friendship: Signs, Effects, And Tips To Escape

5. They make you feel bad about yourself.

When your friend consistently puts you down or makes you feel bad about yourself, it is a big sign of betrayal. A true friend uplifts you and makes you feel good about yourself, not the other way around.

If you notice that your friend is constantly making you feel bad about yourself, and you are left feeling emotionally and mentally drained whenever you’re with them, then it could be a sign that they are not as supportive, nice, or loyal as you thought.

6. They steal from you.

If your friend has stolen something from you, whether it’s money, belongings, or personal information, it’s a clear sign of betrayal.

Stealing is a violation of trust, and it can be hurtful and even prove dangerous for you. If your friend has stolen something valuable from you, it’s a huge red flag that they don’t deserve to have a place in your life. It’s important to address the situation and find out why they felt the need to do it and break all ties for good.

7. They don’t respect your boundaries.

One of the most important rules when it comes to friendship is that you will always respect each other’s boundaries, and never make your friend feel guilty for having boundaries.

If your friend consistently crosses your boundaries, whether it’s invading your personal space or disregarding your wishes, don’t take it lightly. Respecting boundaries is an important part of any healthy relationship, and if your friend can’t respect yours, it could be a sign that they are not as invested in the friendship as you thought.

Signs of betrayal in friendship and lack of boundaries

8. They try to sabotage you whenever they can.

Sabotage is a clear indication that your friend is not a true friend, but someone who takes pleasure in trying to ruin your life. If they are always jealous of your achievements and take advantage of your vulnerabilities, it’s time to reevaluate the relationship.

A devoted friend will support and encourage you through both good and bad times, rather than use them as an opportunity to get back at you when they feel insecure. It’s important to remember that a healthy friendship is built on mutual respect and trust, and any behavior that undermines this is not acceptable.

If your friend tries to sabotage you, it may be time to move on from this relationship and seek out people who genuinely care about your well-being.

Related: 7 Reasons Why Even Close Friends Might Ghost Us

9. They find joy in disrespecting you.

Respect is a cornerstone of any healthy friendship. A true friend will always respect your decisions and be there for you, no matter what. If your friends are disrespectful towards you, it’s a clear sign that they are not true friends.

When your friend has betrayed you, they will refuse to respect your boundaries. And if you ask them to, they will disrespect you even more and hold a grudge against you. They will never pay heed to what you have to say or what you want, rather they will keep on dismissing you and your requests.

You will be left feeling awkward, alone, and humiliated. Toxic friends find joy in making you feel humiliated, and every time they see you hurt and disrespected, they feel like a winner.

10. They shower backhanded compliments and praise on you.

Backhanded compliments can be hurtful and damaging to any friendship. Insincere compliments, such as “You finally did something right!” or “I never thought that dress would look good on you,” are thinly veiled insults that are designed to make you feel bad.

If your friend consistently gives insincere compliments or backhanded compliments, it’s important to communicate how their words make you feel and set boundaries for how you expect to be treated.

A healthy friendship is one where both parties feel valued and appreciated, and where honesty and authenticity are prioritized over false flattery.

11. They use you for their own benefit.

If your friend only reaches out to you when they need something, such as money, favors, or emotional support, it could be a sign that they are using you for their own benefit.

A true friend is there for you, not just when they need something from you. If your friend is only interested in what you can do for them, it is one of the biggest signs of betrayal in friendship. Healthy friendships can never be transactional, and if your friendship feels like one, then maybe it’s time to let it go.

Related: Friends In Low Places: How To Recognize A Toxic Friendship

12. They turn others against you.

Betrayal in a friendship can take many forms, and one of the most hurtful is when a friend tries to turn others against you. If your friend is actively working to sabotage your relationships with mutual friends or acquaintances, it’s a clear sign that they may not have your best interests at heart.

Turning others against you is a manipulative tactic that can lead to isolation and loneliness. A true friend will never try to damage your relationships with others or turn people against you. Instead, they will support and encourage positive relationships with others.

If you feel like your friend is trying to turn others against you, it’s important to address the situation and communicate how their behavior is impacting your friendship.

A healthy friendship is built on trust and mutual respect, and any behavior that undermines those values should be addressed and resolved.

Signs of betrayal in friendship

How To Deal With Betrayal In Friendship?

1. Allow yourself time to process.

Being betrayed by your friend can be a deeply emotional experience. It’s important to give yourself time to process your feelings and emotions before making any decisions about the future of your friendship.

Take the time you need to reflect on what happened, how it made you feel, and what you want for your future.

2. Communicate your feelings.

When your best friend betrays you, and once you’ve had time to process your emotions, it’s important to communicate your feelings with your friend.

Let them know how their actions affected you, how it impacted your friendship, and what you need from them moving forward. Be clear and direct in your communication, and try to avoid blaming or attacking language.

Related: How To Get Over a Friendship Breakup: 4 Healthy Ways

3. Set boundaries.

One of the best ways to deal with betrayal in friendship is this.

If you decide to continue the friendship, it’s important to set clear boundaries and expectations. Be clear about what behaviors are acceptable and what are not. Setting boundaries will help to protect you from further harm and ensure that your friendship remains healthy and positive.

4. Practice forgiveness.

When you feel betrayed by a friend, turn towards forgiveness.

Forgiveness is an important part of moving forward from a betrayal. Forgiving your friend doesn’t mean that you condone their behavior or that you have to forget what happened.

It means that you’re willing to let go of any anger or resentment you may be holding onto and move forward with a renewed sense of trust and understanding.

Signs of betrayal in friendship and the power of forgiveness
Forgiveness is one of the best ways to deal with friendship betrayal

5. Seek support.

The effects of betrayal in friendship can be really painful to deal with. If you are trying to cope with betrayal in friendship, then don’t hesitate to ask for support from your loved ones.

Dealing with betrayal in a friendship can be challenging, and it’s important to seek support from others. Talk to trusted friends or family members, seek out a therapist, or join a support group.

Having a support system in place can help you navigate your emotions and find the strength to move forward.

Related: How To Know If Itโ€™s Time to Let Go of Toxic Friends or Family: 15 Questions To Ask


Betrayal in a friendship is a painful experience, but it’s important to recognize the signs of betrayal in friendship so that you can address the situation and potentially salvage the relationship.

While it’s easy to ignore the signs and pretend that everything is okay, it’s important to take action and address the situation head-on.

Whether it’s having a conversation with your friend or ending the friendship altogether, it’s important to prioritize your own well-being and surround yourself with people who are loyal and trustworthy.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the types of betrayal in friendship?

The different types of betrayal in friendship are – lack of support, breaking confidence and trust, disloyalty, getting together with your friend’s partner, taking advantage of you and exploiting you, and speaking negatively about you behind your back.

What does betrayal look like in a friendship?

When your friend knowingly breaks your confidence, pursues your partner romantically, ridicules you publicly, and exposes all your private and personal stuff, know that they have betrayed you.

What is the saddest part of betrayal?

The saddest part of betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies.

effects of betrayal in friendship
betrayal in friendship

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