Being mean to your partner doesn’t always look like full-blown fights or throwing personal insults around. More often than not, it’s those little, unintentional habits that slowly chip away at your relationship, and by the time you notice them, it’s already too late.
You might be under the impression that you are simply joking around or being honest with them, but have you ever asked your partner if they feel the same way as you? Maybe there are signs you are the toxic partner, but you have never really stopped and thought about it.
We all screw up sometimes, but recognizing the problem is the first step to fixing it. So, let’s break down some of the sneaky ways you might be being mean to your partner—without even realizing it.
Related: 9 Toxic Fighting Habits That Are Slowly Killing Your Relationship
7 Signs You Are Being Mean To Your Partner
1. You don’t take their feelings seriously.
Do you ever make statements like, “You are overreacting” or “You are making it a big deal, whereas it’s not”, when your partner expresses their anger and frustration?
It’s easy to brush off their feelings when you don’t see things the same way, but constantly doing this sends a clear message: Their emotions don’t matter. Also, it’s one of the major signs you are toxic.
Nobody likes feeling dismissed or unheard, so if your default approach is to minimize their feelings, instead of trying to understand where they are coming from, then you really need to rethink your approach.
Maybe try listening to them next time? I promise, it will make a world of difference.
2. You make fun of their appearance.
Joking about your partner’s appearance, even if you think it’s all in good fun, can cut deeper than you realize. Passing comments like, “Are you really going to wear that to the party?” or “You need to lose some weight before wearing a tight dress like that” can leave lasting scars.
From your point of view, it’s just some good-natured ribbing, but if it’s something they feel insecure about, it’s not funny, rather it’s cruel. Your partner deserves to feel attractive and special, not picked apart.
So, the next time you feel like making a snarky comment, ask yourself: Is this actually funny, or am I just being mean? Compliments and encouragement are always better than senseless insults.

3. You use their insecurities against them.
When arguments get heated, it’s easy to throw low blows, but bringing up your partner’s insecurities to win a fight is a major red flag, and one of the biggest signs you are the toxic partner.
Maybe they’ve opened up to you about something they’re self-conscious about, and in a moment of frustration, you use it against them. That’s not just hurtful; it’s betrayal, and one of the signs you are toxic.
Weaponizing their insecurities for a cheap win isn’t just unkind—it’s destructive. Instead of stooping to that level, why not try resolving the actual issue? Relationships are about supporting each other’s growth, not tearing each other down.
4. You are hyper-critical of everything they do.
Are you toxic? If this is something you do, the maybe you are. Yes, nobody’s perfect, but if you’re constantly pointing out your partner’s flaws and mistakes, you’re creating a toxic atmosphere in your relationship.
Are you nitpicking how they are doing laundry? Are you constantly complaining about how the food has 1% less salt in it? Are you criticizing them because of their qualities? This sort of relentless criticism can wear anyone down.
The occasional constructive criticism is fine, but there’s a difference between helpful feedback and straight-up tearing someone down. Instead of pointing out what’s wrong, try acknowledging what they’re doing right. A little appreciation can go a long way.
Related: 10 Toxic Communication Patterns That Are Secretly Destroying Your Relationship
5. You don’t give any effort to socialize with their family and friends.
We all have our introverted days, but if you’re consistently avoiding your partner’s friends or family, you are not just being mean to your partner, it also sends a pretty harsh message.
You need to understand that relationships don’t exist in a vacuum – when there’s someone in your life, you need to make an effort with the people they love and care about.
Sure, you don’t have to love every single friend or relative, but actively refusing to engage with them can feel dismissive. It’s like you are sending off the message, “I don’t really care about the people you care about.”
Instead of being mean, try showing a little interest and effort. It’s not pretending to be enthusiastic, it’s about showing them that their world holds value for you too.
6. You put them down just because you earn more than them.
When one partner earns more, it’s easy for things to get messy—especially when the higher-earning partner uses money as a power play. Are you guilty of this? If you answered yes, then of course you are being mean to your partner.
Maybe you make snide comments like, “Well, I paid for it, so I get to decide,” or you act like your partner’s financial input doesn’t count. When you dismiss their budget concerns, joke about the fact that they earn less than you or remind them who makes more money isn’t just rude – it’s degrading.
This sort of behavior causes a toxic imbalance, where your partner feels like their worth depends on how much money they earn. Respect in a relationship means valuing your partner, not their earnings.
7. You Throw Around “Jokes” That Aren’t Really Jokes
Are you toxic? One of the biggest signs you are the toxic partner in the relationship is this. Sarcasm can be fun…until it’s not. Those little “jokes” about their habits, appearance, or interests?
They can sting, especially if your partner has told you before that they don’t find it funny. Sure, humor is a must in a relationship, however if you make your partner the punchline all the time, it’s time to take a step back and check yourself.
Ask yourself: Is it actually playful, or are you just being passive-aggressive? If it’s the latter, knock it off. Healthy relationships thrive on kindness and respect, not cheap shots disguised as humor.
The good news? If you recognized yourself in any of these signs, it doesn’t mean you’re a bad person or a bad partner. It just means you’ve got work to do, just like everyone else on this planet.
Related: Is It All About Them? 7 Signs of an Egocentric Personality
Relationships are about learning and growing, and sometimes that means taking responsibility of your actions when you mess up. The key is making the effort to do better, and if you care enough to read this far, you’re already on the right path.
Did you relate to any of these signs you are being mean to your partner? Let us know in the comments down below!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1. What are 5 signs of an unhealthy relationship?
Some of the major signs of an unhealthy and toxic relationship are jealousy, contempt, abusive behaviors (physical, emotional, mental), personal attacks and silent treatment.
2. When to end a relationship?
If your partner constantly belittles you, mocks you, puts your family and close ones down and always goes out of their way to make life difficult for you, know that maybe it’s time to end the relationship.
3. How to tell if he’s a bad boyfriend?
If your boyfriend always makes you feel bad about yourself, is not emotionally supportive, treats you like an option, and humiliates you at every opportunity he gets, then safe to say, he is a very bad boyfriend.

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