41 Shocking Pictures Illustrate The Sad Reality Of Everyday Life

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These hard-hitting pictures illustrate the sad reality of everyday life humans live now, and the sad part is, change doesn’t seem to be near.

The world and human society are rapidly changing as we know it. There is a stark difference between how things were 20 years compared to how they are now. Even though society is progressing, and there are so many good changes taking place, there are many negative things that are destroying the fabric of the human mind, and human society.

The following images tell the truth: they present life’s stereotypes, everyday habits as well as the bad role of technology in our lives.

Here Are 32 Shocking Pictures That Illustrate The Sad Reality Of Everyday Life

1. Herd mentality

Herd mentality

This picture depicts the tendency of the people in a group to think and behave in ways that conform with others in the group rather than as individuals. Unfortunately, there are very rare people existing that choose no to conform with others,  no matter what anyone said about them.

2. Woman sleeping with her phone

Woman sleeping with her phone

This image brilliantly depicts the attitude and philosophy of today’s generation addicted to smartphones.

3. It’s all about the money, honey

It’s all about the money, honey

Some women loves only money more than anything else. If you are rich and can offer a lavish lifestyle, you can easily get a gold digging women who are least bothered about who you really are.

4. Excessive use of phones affecting brains

Excessive use of phones affecting brains

This is another creative piece of art that paints the sad status of humanity. Exposure to mobile phone radiation (almost exclusively refers to phone calls) has a negative effect on the brain.

5. Everyone is hiding their real face behind a mask

Everyone is hiding their real face behind a mask

Which mask I should wear today? Happiness? Sad? Anger? People are worried about what society thinks of them. So, before leaving home they are worried about faces and fake identities just to fit with the crowd. Why can’t one be sad when they are actually sad? What’s the purpose of living a fake life?

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6. Chasing money to the grave

sad reality

Instead of living life on their own terms, people think more money is the ultimate goal. By the time, they realize that happiness doesn’t start with money but with themselves, they are close to death.

7. Deforestation and the human costs


Global wood needs have doubled in the last few decades. But, deforestation at ever-increasing speed promotes death and disease, which cost the world trillions.

8. A couple on a date, but both of them are on their phones

A couple on a date, but both of them are on their phones

This image candidly reveals the hilarious realities of modern-day dating. If the person you’re on a date with looks at their phone more than at you, then it means the phone is their first priority than their partner. Smartphones are damaging romantic relationships.

9. Some people are too rich to find the poor ones

too rich to find poor

Rich people can end poverty if only they can see the poor ones. They are blinded by money and greed for riches. They can spot the poor ones if they are rich by heart.

10. Television washing human hearts

Shocking Pictures Illustrate The Sad Reality Of Everyday Life

This amazing illustration shows – being brainwashed. Kudos to the screen time!
How long are you glued to the idiot box each day?

11. Phones are the only companions on the dinner table

Phones are the only companions on the dinner table

A lot of us grew up thinking restaurants were places to order food and dine with loved ones. Didn’t you? But, today going to restaurants is all about clicking the perfect picture of the food with and without flash to flaunt it on Instagram followed by selfies with ice-creams or ambiance or light work and everything that seems attractive there. No time for chit chats, laughter sessions with friends?

12. Man sleeping in an hourglass and spending his life earning money

Man sleeping in an hourglass and spending his life earning money

This interesting piece of art by John Holcroft, a well-known British illustrator reflects a brilliant satire on modern day life. A man sleeping inside an hourglass, at the bottom is falling money. Is he dreaming of making more money? Or he is just bored with his life and simply thought of wasting time and money too?

13. Facebook eating time

Facebook eating time

You can either view Facebook in this picture as a time-consuming machine or a time machine that highlights old memories and help you walk down memory lane virtually. The choice is yours!

14. People wanting what they don’t have

People wanting what they don’t have

Social comparison is the cause of anger, frustrations, jealousy, and arguments. Why can’t we all be happy with what God gave us? The sad reality is we always desire what we don’t or can’t have. Sometimes we don’t even know what do we exactly want.

15. Mother baking cookies for kids stuck to their phones

Mother baking cookies for kids stuck to their phones

This is the cruel reality of our world! The kids immersed in the smartphone world are not smart enough to understand that their hard-working mom needs help baking cookies. That’s how our future is behaving.

16. The life of a gadget is becoming more important than our own

The life of a gadget is becoming more important than our own

This man died cause he wanted to charge his phone! He unplugged the life support system. What is the value of life in this digital world? As a society, we need to be more careful of our Priorities!!!

17. Man crucified by social media

Man crucified by social media

Well, this one’s my favorite! We use Instagram, Snapchat, and Twitter and keep informing the world about how we are living. We are always connected to the world virtually and digitally. The harsh truth is we are hardly enjoying the moment. We are not living in the real world! Are we?

18. It’s still a man’s world, sweetie.


As you can see the lady in the image can’t shoot the basketball through the hoop as it is placed at a much higher position. But, the man can easily play as the hoop is within a reachable limit. It’s a male-dominated society. Sad but true! Women have to put twice the effort to reap the same benefits as men. Gender discrimination is a burning problem.

19. A man overdosed on likes

20 Shocking Pictures Illustrate The Sad Reality Of Everyday Life

This is hard-hitting! Earlier people use to die due to drug overdose. And today people are addicted to likes, shares, and followers, which in turn becomes an addiction and causes death. These people are called likecoholics and they smell like desperation.

20. A malnourished child in front of McDonalds


This pic illustrates two sides of the world. On one hand, there are people who are consuming fast food instead of fresh fruits and vegetables and contributing to the obesity pandemic. On the other hand, there are people who are malnourished and underweight due to lack of enough food to eat or unable to eat the right things or being unable to use the food that one does eat.

21. A man putting the world in a chipper to generate more money


A huge chunk of the forest is leveled every year due to overpopulation and meet the greedy needs of humans. Yet, people want more money putting the world in the chipper.

22. Having mobile phone tanlines on the beach


For me, there is nothing better than sitting near the ocean, listening to the waves roll in. But, kids today spend their entire time looking at smartphones neglecting the cosmic sound of sea waves and the beautiful ambiance. And the result is the mobile phone tanlines accurately depicting the cell phone generation. Addictive behavior!

23. Life is always easy for the rich


One child climbs up the stairs having more money, while the other one struggles due to a lack of it. Life is always easy for the rich. Isn’t it? It is the poor who always suffer.

24. A man having roots in the place where he is playing video games


Gaming disorder is rising by leaps and bounds in today’s youth. Gaming takes precedence over other interests and daily activities. You can imagine how completely nuts modern life has become.

25. Most people taking the complicated path because everyone else is following it


Why not hard work, in the beginning, and achieve your goal faster? Sadly, people are blindly following everyone else and ending up in misery.

26. A man has substituted his brain with a smartphone


People are allowing smartphones to do the thinking for them. They are used to getting quick solutions from this devices that they rarely engage in analytical thinking. However, people who are more knowledgeable are less likely to require online information search when confronted with a problem in everyday life.

27. A rat race


I think this is self-explanatory. People are engaging in the competitive struggle for wealth or power and entering into the darkness of stress, anxiety, and depression. The question reigns – when will people stop running and start living?

28. The hunger for more technology


This cool illustration questions our obsessive relationship with technology and social media. People are eager for easy solutions to every problem. The current generation craves more and more internet and is living in the virtual world, being indifferent to reality.

29. Humans have become zombies by staring at their phone all day


A perfect illustration of modern salves. In the last decade, humans have become zombies to technology. Smartphones have become our masters telling us what to do. We behave like we are controlled by the remote 24/7.

Read The Happiness Of Living Alone In 10+ Perfect Illustrations

30. Many animals killed to satisfy the hunger of humans


We are all consumer-driven individuals and are never satisfied with what we have. We want more food even if it needs to kill animals that are important to balance the nature and ecosystem. Thousands of animals are dying every second in slaughterhouses across the globe. If more people can adopt a vegan diet we can save a lot of animals. Sadly, that’s not happening!

31. The scary prospect of Monday


Dreaded Mondays make our life hell. Even those who like their jobs experience Monday blues. It can be due to poor time management, heavy work pressure, poor work-life balance, unmet goals, and pending old work, etc. Should we escape before Monday strikes again?

32. News channels these days not showing the truth to the public


Some giant companies are controlling mainstream media and they telecast the shit that they want us to see and believe. Journalists and politicians are trapped in a web of lies that mislead the public. We never get to know the truth!

33. Screen time dominates mealtime at home

Screen time dominates mealtime at home

Eating meals or snacks while watching TV has shifted to checking smartphones while eating meals. There is no interaction with the family member, which is damaging the relationship with the romantic partner, parents, and hurting the bond with the loved ones.

34. Helping people for social media

Helping people for social media

This is how people help the poor and needy nowadays. The aim is to grab more likes and shares on social media and not to serve those dying and destitute. Charity isn’t something to show off about!

35. Rich exploit the poor

Rich exploit the poor

While the poor are trying to survive the rich are stealing what the poor have instead of helping them in their endeavors.

36. Talk with no brain

Talk with no brain

This illustration made me laugh out loud! People who don’t think, talk more and tongue gets buff (not literally). A healthy mind thinks before speaking and never speaks ill of others.

37. Priceless brain


This explains how people are paying for expensive brands without thinking to maintain a status quo. His brain is priceless because people don’t want to invest in knowledge.

38. Bullying


Some kids who bully come from families that demonstrate aggressive and unkind interactions. So, kids tend to treat others the same way. Kids who are often taunted by their parents learn that bullying can translate into control over children they see as weak. They fail to learn that it is not OK to pick on kids who are different because of size, looks, race, or religion.

39. Toxic parenting


Parents cut off their child’s wings and expect him to spread his wings and fly. Insane! When children are suppressed they grow up without realizing their potential.

40. Broken family

Broken family

Marriage today is as easy as installing and uninstalling a smartphone app. People get together with a weak commitment, make babies, and divorce when things go against their expectations. Unfortunately, kids suffer most in this family drama!

41. The role of the internet in our life.


People have developed an obsessive relationship with the internet that they feel they can live without water in a desert but not without the internet. It’s far more difficult to pin down a quantifiable, negative effect of Internet use.

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