Wise picks for ‘Caption This’ image Published on 8 January. Click to read more selected captions submitted by our readers.
Wicked Bad Girl
The imprint left by abuse
stays there, forever.
Jo Mac Del Cas
In the tranquility of my mind,
your sickening voice roars.
taunting me.
deafening me
Debra Pry
My strength was stronger
than your voice.
Ilda Coelho
Shadow thoughts
Sherry Greene
You are long gone,
But your loud abusive words
Linger in my ears.
Lisa Dutkiewicz
Your words filled with fire
still burn in my ears.
Elizabeth Willis
I have learned to blend your verbal abuse
into the universe.
I don’t care anymore.
Sulekha Pande
The bitterness of some words
Lingers on, in the soul,
Long after they evaporate into the air.
Ashish Verma
The imprints of abuse lasts forever
in the memory of a victim.
Lynn Laveau Lund
Verbal abuse…
the bruises and scars on the heart
that can never be seen
but can last for a lifetime.
Rational Akrofi Akuffo
Our approach to a situation
determines it’s outcome.
Choose gentle words always.
Kym Kaye-Muscat
The voices in our heads
do not start out as our own.
One of the hardest things to do
is overcome them and silence them.
Mylene E. Ramos
The echo of the noise
from the outside world is unbearable.
Don’t let it ruin your inner peace.
MeHann Pilapil
What’s inside of you is too powerful;
it can either build or destroy you.
You choose.
Holly Kelly
When all around you is frantic,
harsh and cacophonic,
meditate and feel a healing tranquility.
Phyllis Snider Boyer
Harsh words remain long after spoken,
leaving their scars on our spirit.
Claire Lisin
May the negative power of his words
make you the positive stronger woman
who will never let another man
destroy her soul.
Take him out of your head.
You got lots to do
Don’t let the past shout into you.
Open your eyes to the world in front you..
Sherilyn Campbell
Never allow someone close to you
to fill your head
with their negative or abusive talk.
Words have so much power.
Gina Marino-Vitiello
I am committed
to the purity of my own light
in spite of the noise around me.
Ophelia Ann
My lips wont speak
what my brain bleeds
Ashok Pande
There is a darker side &
A lighter side within us,
Orchestrating our thoughts & actions.
We need to keep a check
On our darker side
To have a positive impact
In our lives.
Linda Mansolf
Sticks and Stones may break my bones but,
Words will break my spirit.
Neha Garcha
The shadow of abuse always lingered,
The bruises and scars still tingle,
She carved herself from them,
much stronger, much better
The screech of abuse made her soul much wiser
Ruth Serrano
Verbal abuse may not harm the body,
but it does harm the soul for a lifetime
Rinku Shah
What hurts more?
The hurtful words that were said…
Or replaying them repeatedly in the head!
Susan Fair Arakelian
Never let the shadows of the past
tell you what to do next
Neeru Dhall
My silence speaks louder
than your words.
Beena Baburajan
Meltdown versus Meditation!
Here’s a clear winner!
Danielle Simone
Be kind to yourself…
You can be your own worst critic
Lisa Hammock
Emotional abuse is a weapon
used to belittle its victims, to break their will.
Simple Aura
I have the power and choice
to remain calm and peaceful in any situation
Samiha Al Ghussain
A strong woman is a woman
who learned to control and tame her emotions,
thoughts, and impulses
Dhanushi Nimavat
Sometimes the best reply is ‘no reply’
because no words can express the battle
going on between your mind and heart.
Jaby Na
Unlike the calm face,
her soul was loud
Vidhi Shah
You can defeat the chaos outside
only when you defeat the chaos
which is there within yourself
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