The Lessons That I Derived from My Recent Wanderlust

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Recent Wanderlust

The darkness that surrounds the storm is often the most turbulent period of hardships that embellish us into the trance of not knowing what to do. I learnt the lessons of patience, virtue and gratitude from the darkest periods of my life. Life has its ways of embracing us in its wisdom, staggering us into the whirlwinds of challenges and adversities, only to gift us with peonies of hope. Hope can metamorphose mountains of hatred into the galloping beauty of existence that showers us with the narrative of self-belief and confidence. It is often in a wanderlust away from our daily surroundings that we realize the wonder that the world we live in has to offer. Forgiveness after a storm is like accepting the catastrophe without denying the damage it has done. It is painful but necessary to survive, to thrive in our lives.

I recently travelled to Africa where I was amidst the wonders of the existential realm,
encompassed by wildlife, beautiful sunsets, art, music, genuine beauty, culture and most
importantly the warmth of goodness, the mystical radiance of a gorgeous smile that showers the heart with love and the presence of a community that holistically binds us all together. While living in paradise that exists within our reach, here are some reflections and lessons that I stumbled across and imbibed into my psyche as I spent my time wandering through the forests of the mighty continent.

1) Live more in reality and less in your head – As a writer and a poet, it is very easy for me to analyze and overthink the possible outcomes of certain stances that can be detrimental to my well-being. While striding my course through the serene traces of the oceans and letting the serenity of the sunrise and the sunset seep through the crevices of my skin, I shut down my phone and put a hold on all the work, only to realize that often we are so busy hustling and attempting to reach the next best endeavour, to reach the penultimate mark of glory but yet find
ourselves hollow, void of true joy. It is not how much money we earn, what jobs or careers we associate ourselves with or the materialistic drawls that we possess, that indicate that we live a rich and fulfilling life. Rather it is the moments when we can laugh without a care, it is the times that we can cry with gratitude at the experiences that feel too surreal to be real and the conversations with someone who has lived their life and telling them your partakes, it is how treat ourselves and the ones around us tell us how beautiful and wondrous of a life we have lived.

2) The only way to move is radical acceptance of yourself- Acceptance of your past and the present, accepting every traumatic memory and every joyful reminisce, embracing your shades of light and dark, smiles and tears, scars and fears, and being okay with it no matter what is the only way you will be able to move on. During the trip, there were certain comments over my appearance made by strangers that could have influenced me in the past, but as I saw individuals around me enclothed in the hues of confidence and self-love irrespective of their outward appearance, it made me realise no one cares about you as much as you do. We judge ourselves way more than anyone would ever judge us. Accepting ourselves in a holistic and non-judgemental light and affirming that we are enough, beautiful and amazing just the way we are and there is nothing wrong with us is the only way we can choose to be free and lead our life the way we want to.

3) You are exactly where you need to be With holding different conversations with varied individuals ranging from differing ages, jobs, ethnicities, cultures and professions, I realized how unique and individualistic everyoneโ€™s path is. For some money is the central priority, for some education is their end goal and for others, they are figuring their path out, trying out different things that ignite their soul with passion and zeal. In complete honesty, there is no right or wrong answer to the question of what path should you take for you to be called successful or to be doing well in your life. Everyone is meant to lead their life the way they want to, in the timelines they wish to stride on, and you are not behind or ahead of anyone, you are exactly where you need to be.

4)The power of being kind- I witnessed the power of being kind as I traveled my way through the lush beauty of Africa. Whether it was the local people, the staff or simply fellow travelers or unknown people I came across, the warmth of their smiles and the embrace of their affirming and kind words radiated my day with enthusiasm. It made me realize that we should be kinder towards ourselves and everyone we meet because no one knows the silent battles anyone is fighting, and words hold the power to heal wounds that we once inflicted by syllables spoken or actions repented by someone else, be kind;)

5) The beauty of community- I have always talked about the beauty of isolation and how it heals us, but I will never disagree with the prowess that a supportive community holds. Humans are born to social animals and everyone needs a healthy amount of social presence and support to thrive and grow in their lives. It was not only the group of individuals I travelled with but also the people I met on my journey that made me realise the vitality of having a balanced sense of togetherness and solitude and the beauty of celebrating moments of sheer joy and fun with your fellow travel companions.

6) Live for yourself and not others- The most beautiful part that this trip taught me was to stop caring so much about what other people think and start living for myself. It is okay to not be okay, it is fine to take a break when your body and mind demand it profusely, it is okay to dress the way you want and it is okay to be yourself and take things at your pace. As someone who lived a greater portion of her life trying to fit in, the realization that I am meant to shine in my light and stand out in my authentic truth finally liberated me.

From dancing crazily in public, to writing alongside the pool, to doing adventure sports to enclothing myself in the couture of my confidence and finally talking loudly to the stars and wishing on them, I realised the wonder that I behold. I hope you realise it too.

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