Toxic Positivity Vs Support And Validation

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Toxic Positivity Vs Support And Validation

Toxic Positivity

1. You will get over it soon.

2. Just be positive.

3. Positive vibes only.

4. Stop being negative all the time.

5. Think happy thoughts.

6. Never quit. Never give up. Ever!

7. Just stop being sad and be happy instead!

8. Always look for the positive, even in a negative situation.

9. Donโ€™t talk about whatโ€™s wrong. Just forget it and stay positive.

10. Failure is never an option.

11. Everything will get sorted by the end.

12. I did it. So you can do it too.

13. Get rid of negativity.

14. It could be much worse.

Acceptance, Support & Validation

1. Youโ€™ve survived hardships before and I believe in you.

2. I know itโ€™s difficult right now and things can easily go wrong. But letโ€™s think about what can go right?

3. All energy is natural. Learn to accept both bad and good vibes.

4. Itโ€™s okay if you are feeling negative right now. It doesnโ€™t have to define you.

5. Itโ€™s alright if you arenโ€™t positive and happy right now. Feel your emotions & let it pass naturally. My best wishes are always with you.

6. Giving up is alright. In fact, sometimes itโ€™s necessary that we give up. Focus on what you want to accomplish.

7. I know how terrible it feels right now. But would you like to do something that you might enjoy?

8. Itโ€™s okay if everything seems disappointing right now. We can sort things out and find a way to get through this later.

9. You can tell me what youโ€™re going through. Iโ€™m here to listen.

10. Success tastes sweeter only after failure. It helps us learn and grow.

11. I know this is hard. I am here with you.

12. Itโ€™s okay if you are struggling. We are all different and deal with problems in our own way.

13. Pain and suffering are a part of life. It makes us stronger and helps us grow.

14. This is really sad. I can understand what youโ€™re feeling right now.

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