Please Believe Me When I Say You Can Come Back

Please believe me when I say you can come back
Please believe me when I say you can come back from the edge. Believe me when I say things can get better. How do I know? Because I’ve been through it. I’ve been to the place you are now. In fact, I was there for a very long time. To be honest, I out-stayed my welcome. Everything was just dark. All I could see was black. I was tired. Exhausted in fact. How had I let it get to this stage? How did I end up loathing myself so very much, and loving myself so very little? I know how you are feeling, believe me, I do. I know every worry and every thought that’s surrounding and taunting your mind. And that’s how I know, that you’ll be okay. I came back from it. You can.

J.L. Brown Quotes, Inspirational Quotes, Motivational Quotes

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