10 Surprising Perks of Dating a Tomboy: Why She’s the Best Girlfriend You’ll Ever Have


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Dating A Tomboy? Amazing Reasons You Have The Best Partner

When it comes to love, dating and relationships, dating a tomboy is an experience like no other. Tomboys are known to always defy traditional gender norms, bringing a fresh perspective to the table. They are different but good different.

Tomboys have so many amazing qualities, but most of the time, they are so misunderstood. No, they are not trying to be like men. No, they are not confused about their sexual orientation. That’s just how they are. There are so many advantages of dating a tomboy, and today we are going to talk about exactly that.

Weโ€™re going to reveal the 10 surprising perks of dating a tomboy that you probably never expected. So, are you ready to discover what it’s like dating a tomboy, and she might just be the best thing that’s ever happened to you?

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10 Unexpected Perks Of Dating A Tomboy

1. You get to go on endless adventures with her.

Have you ever wanted a partner whoโ€™s always up for outdoor activities, whether itโ€™s hiking through a scenic trail or camping under the stars? Tomboys often have an adventurous spirit that makes every day feel like a new journey.

Dating a tomboy means you will never run out of exciting, adventurous things to do together. She loves nature and being outside, and this doesn’t just give you both lots of fun things to do, it also brings you closer.

Whether youโ€™re biking through the city or planning a weekend getaway, life with a tomboy is full of spontaneous fun.

Take for instance, Katniss Everdeen from The Hunger Games. She is the epitome of a tomboy who thrives in the great outdoors. Imagine dating someone like Katnissโ€”spending weekends practicing archery, hiking through rugged terrain, or camping in the wilderness.

2. Her fashion sense is all her own.

While tomboys may not spend hours getting ready, that doesnโ€™t mean they donโ€™t have style. Tomboys often have a unique fashion sense that blends comfort with coolness. Think on the lines of casual jeans, sneakers and a favorite hoodie – simple, comfortable and effortlessly stylish.

This sort of laid-back approach to fashion means you wonโ€™t have to spend hours waiting for her to get ready, and youโ€™ll likely appreciate her ability to look great without all the fuss.

Moreover, her confidence in her own style will also inspire you to embrace your own individuality, and focus on what works for you, not what other expect from you.

dating a tomboy
10 Surprising Perks Of Dating A Tomboy: Why She’s The Best Girlfriend You’ll Ever Have

3. She is one of the guys.

One of the often-overlooked perks of dating a tomboy is how easily she gets along with your friends. Tomboys are often more comfortable in male-dominated settings and can easily join in on activities that your buddies enjoy.

Whether itโ€™s playing video games, watching sports, or simply hanging out at the bar and having a few beers, your friends will likely see her as โ€œone of the guys.โ€ This ends up making social situations smoother and more enjoyable.

Jessie Spano from Saved by the Bell is a great example of this. Sheโ€™s intelligent, confident, and comfortable hanging out with the guys, whether itโ€™s debating about social issues or joining in on a basketball game.

4. She is confident, strong and independent.

Do you know what it’s like dating a tomboy? Tomboys are often known for their strong sense of independence and confidence. Theyโ€™re not afraid to speak their mind and stand up for what they believe in; they never mince their words.

This strength of character they show is not only incredibly attractive but can also bring a sense of balance to your relationship. Youโ€™ll never have to worry about being in a codependent relationship, as she is fully capable of handling her own life.

Her feisty and independent nature can also inspire you to be more self-sufficient and confident, and can give you a lot of inner strength when it comes to dealing with difficult situations.

5. She has absolutely no fear of getting dirty.

One of the best tips for dating a tomboy is this. Tomboys arenโ€™t afraid to get down and dirty, whether itโ€™s during a workout, a day of gardening, or an impromptu game of soccer. You shouldn’t be afraid to be like this too!

This willingness to embrace the messier side of life can make your relationship more spontaneous and fun. Youโ€™ll never have to worry about her being too prissy to join in on activities that involve a little dirt or sweat.

Instead, youโ€™ll find yourself enjoying the freedom to be yourself and embrace the messiness of life together.

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6. The joy of low maintenance dating.

Are you tired of dating people that are too high-maintenance and you feel like you are at a full-time job? One of the best advantages of dating a tomboy is that they are really laid-back, and low-maintenance when it comes to dating.

Theyโ€™re not obsessed with appearances or societal expectations, which means less stress and a more genuine connection. Imagine spending a lazy afternoon together in comfortable clothes, eating takeout, and watching your favorite shows.

This simplicity is refreshing and allows you to focus on what truly matters in your relationshipโ€”each other.

Think of Jo March from Little Womenโ€”sheโ€™s down-to-earth, values authenticity, and doesnโ€™t care about following societyโ€™s fashion trends. Like Jo, a tomboy girlfriend wonโ€™t expect you to plan elaborate dates; instead, sheโ€™d be just as happy with a cozy night in, enjoying each otherโ€™s company without any pretense.

dating a tomboy
10 Surprising Perks Of Dating A Tomboy: Why She’s The Best Girlfriend You’ll Ever Have

7. She is the best of both worlds.

One of the most exciting and beautiful advantages of dating a tomboy is that you get to have the best of both worlds. You have someone who can be tough and strong when needed, but also caring and nurturing. This is also one of the best tips for dating a tomboy.

Tomboys are often great listeners and are just as comfortable having deep, meaningful conversations as they are doing badass things. This balance makes for a well-rounded relationship where both of you can express yourself fully, without any hesitation and judgement.

8. She will be your partner in crime in all your hobbies and interests.

If your girlfriend is a tomboy, then I am sure you guys share similar interests, when it comes to hobbies. And this is one of the best advantages of dating a tomboy. Whether youโ€™re into sports, gaming, or outdoor adventures, chances are your tomboy girlfriend will be right there with you, enjoying every moment.

Because you like and appreciate the same things, you will always have a partner in crime beside you, whether you are sweating it out playing hoops or just lazing around at home playing Mortal Kombat.

Consider Robin Scherbatsky from How I Met Your Motherโ€”she loves hockey, cigars, and Scotch. Dating someone like Robin means youโ€™d always have a partner for a night out at the bar, a hockey game, or even just chilling at home with your favorite shows.

9. Her motto is “Zero drama, only 100% fun.”

If your past relationships were full of drama, then dating a tomboy is one of the best things you can do. Tomboys tend to avoid unnecessary drama and are more focused on enjoying life.

She is not interested in petty arguments or playing mind gamesโ€”instead, she values honesty and straightforwardness. This makes for a relationship thatโ€™s more fun and less stressful, where you can truly be yourself without worrying about hidden agendas or emotional rollercoasters.

Arya Stark from Game of Thrones is a perfect example of someone whoโ€™s straightforward and avoids petty conflicts. Like Arya, a tomboy girlfriend wouldnโ€™t waste time on mind games. Sheโ€™s more likely to focus on her goals and what matters, making your relationship stress-free and full of genuine, drama-free fun.

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10. Your relationship with her will be one built on equality.

One of the most important advantages of dating a tomboy is the sense of equality it brings to the relationship. Tomboys often value fairness and equality, both in their personal lives and in their relationships.

This means youโ€™re more likely to share responsibilities, make important decisions together, and treat each other with respect and as equals. Having a healthy relationship like this will make both of you feel valued, secure and respected.

And this is exactly how a relationship should be. Take for instance, Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt from Parks and Recreation. While Leslie may not be a traditional tomboy, she embodies many tomboy traits such as being independent, confident, and has a love for outdoor activities like camping.

In their relationship, Leslie and Ben share all the responsibilities, support each otherโ€™s careers, and make decisions together as equals. Whether it’s running a campaign or dealing with personal challenges, their relationship is solely based on mutual respect and partnership.

dating a tomboy
10 Surprising Perks Of Dating A Tomboy: Why She’s The Best Girlfriend You’ll Ever Have

So, this is what it’s like dating a tomboy, and boy, is it fun! If youโ€™re lucky enough to be in a relationship with a tomboy, cherish and embrace what she brings to the table, and get ready for a life full of adventure, fun and genuine connection.

Whatโ€™s your favorite thing about dating a tomboy? Share your experiences in the comments below, and donโ€™t forget to share this article with friends who might need a little insight into the perks of dating a tomboy!

advantages of dating a tomboy
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