The Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs: All 12 Signs Ranked From Most To Least

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Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs Signs Ranked, Most To Least

Manipulation is an art, and some zodiac signs are practically born with a paintbrush in hand. Be it twisting a situation to their advantage or making things seems like it was your fault from the beginning, we have the ranked the most manipulative zodiac signs down to the least.

These zodiac signs have perfected the manipulation game and know exactly how to play everyone like a fiddle. So, are you ready to know the most cunning zodiac signs of the astrology world?

Presenting to you the most manipulative zodiac signs ranked!

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The Most Manipulative Zodiac Signs: Most To Least Cunning Zodiac Signs

1. Scorpio (October 23 โ€“ November 21)

Scorpios are the undisputed manipulation champions

Okay, if you didnโ€™t see this one coming, do you even know astrology? Scorpios are the undisputed manipulation champions. Creative? Check. Intense? Check. Always ten steps ahead? Check!

Scorpios know how to make you believe that everything and literally everything is your fault; they can even convince you that it’s your fault they ate the last slice of pizza and you might even apologize for it!

They never shy away from playing dirty, especially if they feel wronged or hurt. But it’s not always shady. Sometimes their scheming is just their way of guarding their vulnerable little hearts.

Just donโ€™t lie to themโ€”theyโ€™ll sniff it out faster than a dog with a bone.

2. Gemini (May 21 โ€“ June 20)

Gemini Their quick thinking and charm

Geminis are the smooth talkers of the zodiac world. They are so good at it, that they would be able to sell sand to someone who lives in the desert and make them believe that they got the deal of a lifetime!

Their quick thinking and charisma makes them one of the most cunning zodiac signs, but here’s the thing – they’re so good at this, that you might not even realize you have been played until it’s too late.

One minute youโ€™re arguing with them, the next youโ€™re questioning your own opinion. Itโ€™s not always malicious, though. Sometimes theyโ€™re just bored and stirring the pot for fun. Classic Gemini being one of the most manipulative zodiac signs.

3. Pisces (February 19 โ€“ March 20)

Pisces may seem all innocent and emotional

Ah, sweet, dreamy Pisces. You didnโ€™t think theyโ€™d make the list, did you? Well, think again. Pisces may seem all sweet, innocent and emotional, but theyโ€™re low-key pros at guilt-tripping and playing the victim.

They know how to tug at your heartstrings, and before you know it, youโ€™re doing something you swore you wouldnโ€™t.

They might not have Scorpioโ€™s calculating nature or Geminiโ€™s smooth-talking skills, but theyโ€™ve got those big, sad eyes that make you want to fix everything for them.

Watch outโ€”underneath all that sensitivity is a sneaky little manipulator.

4. Cancer (June 21 โ€“ July 22)

Cancer might be all about love and loyalty

Cancer might be all about love and loyalty, but when they feel hurt or cornered, their cunning side comes out. Most people think they are incapable of being shady, but they are actually one of the most cunning zodiac signs.

They are experts when it comes to emotional manipulation; they know exactly what to do to make you feel guilty, if you call them out on their shady tactics. They will throw a pity party so grand, you will be forced to RSVP and you won’t even realize it!

But hey, it usually comes from a place of wanting to protect their loved ones (or themselves). So, while they may not be as sneaky and problematic as Scorpio or Gemini, they know how to make you dance to their tune when they really want to.

5. Leo (July 23 โ€“ August 22)

Leos dont usually scream manipulative

When it comes to manipulative zodiac signs ranked, Leos donโ€™t usually scream โ€œmanipulative,โ€ but donโ€™t let their confident, chill vibe fool you. If they set their sights on something, they will use their charisma and brains to make sure they get it.

Interestingly, they are not even subtle about it either – they love to stir up drama, rather than scheme behind your back. What is their go-to move you ask? Playing on your admiration for them. Theyโ€™ll make you feel like theyโ€™re doing you a favor by letting you help them.

The manipulation might be obvious, but their confidence is so magnetic, youโ€™ll probably go along with it anyway.

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6. Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)

Libra They dont like confrontation of any kind

Libras are all about peace and harmonyโ€ฆ or are they? The truth is they are some of the most manipulative zodiac signs out there. They don’t like confrontation of any kind, so they try to manipulate you indirectly.

Instead of addressing issues head-on, theyโ€™ll nudge you in the direction they want without you realizing it. Their secret weapon? That friendly, charming smile that makes you trust them completely.

Libras are pros at playing both sides to keep everyone happyโ€”or at least to keep themselves out of trouble. Itโ€™s not malicious, though; they just want everything to be smooth and drama-free (for them, anyway).

7. Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)

Virgos dont manipulate for fun

Virgos donโ€™t manipulate for funโ€”they do it out of practicality. Because they are perfectionists who like things done their way, they choose to be quite sneaky about it. However, they are extremely subtle about the way they go about doing things.

Theyโ€™ll drop hints, plant ideas in your head, or quietly take control of a situation without making a scene. Unlike Pisces or Cancer, they are not emotional manipulatorsโ€”theyโ€™re more about logic and strategy.

Itโ€™s less โ€œI used guilt to manipulate youโ€ and more โ€œI made you think it was your idea to go to this substandard restaurant for dinner.โ€ Sneaky, but efficient.

8. Aries (March 21 โ€“ April 19)

Aries isnt exactly known for being manipulative

When it comes to most to least cunning zodiac signs, Aries isnโ€™t exactly known for being manipulative. Why? Theyโ€™re way too direct for that. If they want something, theyโ€™ll just go for it.

Subtlety is not really a strong suit of theirs. But that doesnโ€™t mean they canโ€™t be cunning when they really want to be. Aries might use their fiery passion and bold energy to push people into doing things their way.

Itโ€™s not manipulation in the traditional sense, but they can be so forceful and convincing that you might give in just to avoid the drama. Itโ€™s more โ€œbull in a china shopโ€ than โ€œmastermind,โ€ but it gets the job done.

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9. Capricorn (December 22 โ€“ January 19)

Libra They dont like confrontation of any kind 1

If we are talking about manipulative zodiac signs ranked, then Capricorns are too busy climbing the ladder of success to waste time on petty manipulation. Theyโ€™re practical, ambitious, focused, and straightforward.

However, if a Capricorn does manipulate, itโ€™s probably for a good reasonโ€”like advancing their career or something they have dreamed of forever. They prefer to play the long game, and always rely on patience and strategy to get what they want.

But honestly, theyโ€™d rather fall back on hard work and persistence than cunning and trickery. Theyโ€™re more likely to outwork you than outsmart you, which is kind of intimidating in its own way.

10. Sagittarius (November 22 โ€“ December 21)

Sagittarius is too blunt and freedom loving

They are not one of the most cunning zodiac signs, you know; Sagittarius is too blunt and freedom-loving to bother with stuff like this. Never interested in scheming or controlling peopleโ€”theyโ€™re too busy chasing their next adventure.

If a Sagittarius tries to manipulate you, itโ€™s probably by accident. Theyโ€™re brutally honest to a fault, and they donโ€™t have the patience to play mind games. That said, their charm and sense of humor can be very persuasive, so they might get their way without even realizing it.

Itโ€™s less โ€œmanipulationโ€ and more โ€œI accidentally convinced you to come skydiving with me.โ€

11. Taurus (April 20 โ€“ May 20)

Taurus is way too chill for trickery

When it comes to the manipulative zodiac signs ranked, Taurus is way too chill for trickery. They are simple and straightforward people. If they want something, theyโ€™ll either ask for it or just go out and get it themselves.

Stubborn as hell, they will try to convince you the right way to change your mind, without relying on any sort of shady stuff. Or at most, they will wait you out, until you cave. Thatโ€™s about as manipulative as they get.

Taurus doesnโ€™t have the patience for mind gamesโ€”theyโ€™re too busy enjoying their snacks and naps to bother with all that drama.

12. Aquarius (January 20 โ€“ February 18)

Aquarius Theyre the most independent

When it comes to most to least cunning zodiac signs, Aquarius has no manipulative bone in their body.

Theyโ€™re the most independent and detached sign of the zodiac world, so the idea of controlling or influencing someone elseโ€™s behavior doesnโ€™t even cross their mind. Aquarians are way too focused on their own weird, wonderful ideas to bother with schemes.

If anything, theyโ€™re more likely to accidentally confuse you with their logic than to manipulate you. Theyโ€™re honest to a fault and value freedomโ€”yours and theirsโ€”way too much to play games.

There you have itโ€”these are the most manipulative zodiac signs of the astrology today. Whether you believe in astrology or just find it fun to analyze your friends (and yourself), one thingโ€™s for sure: everyone has a little bit of cunning in them.

Related: Zodiac Signs Who Are Loyal: 4 Signs Thatโ€™ll Be Your Ride-or-Die Besties

Is your zodiac sign one of the most cunning zodiac signs or the least? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

manipulative zodiac signs ranked

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