Thought Cloud
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Have you ever stepped into a home or space and instantly been overcome with an emotion? Perhaps you felt a peace settling over you or maybe you were put off by your surroundings. The truth is that your environment can have a considerable impact on whether or not you are happy.
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Each day, after the school, He would first go to the beach, before returning home.
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Each day, He would pick up different pebbles and stones.
Shall We Dance
Can a dog be taught new tricks
How did it learn the ones it knows
Would you chase your own tail
Blinded by the face on your nose
Yoga has been linked to improved overall mental and physical wellbeing. It’s been shown to combat menopause symptoms and even help people stop smoking.
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It can also be done anywhere, so long as you can practice steadily. You can use a mat, blanket, or even towel to roll out on, but where do you go from there?
When did we become so uncomfortable with human interaction? with raw emotion? with the freedom of expression? with the deep speech? with thinking and sharing? with beholding and caring?
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