How To Make An Introvert Miss You? 9 Simple But Thoughtful Things You Can Do


If you are curious about the mysterious world of introverts and are wondering how to make an introvert miss you, then you have come to the right place, my friend. Today we are going to talk about how to tug at an introvertโ€™s heartstrings and make them want to be with you.

Picture this: youโ€™re sitting at home, wondering how to capture the attention of that introverted friend or crush. You want them to miss you and yearn for your presence just like you do. So, today Iโ€™m going to be your wing woman in navigating the art of captivating introverts.

Ready to know more about how to make an introvert miss you and some of the profound signs an introvert misses you? Letโ€™s get started, then.

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How To Make An Introvert Miss You? 9 Simple Things You Can Do

1. Try texting them instead of calling.

Introverts hate calls, as simple as that. Even though there might be exceptions, a buzzing phone or a sudden video call can feel like an uninvited guest to them, disturbing their peace and quiet.

Thatโ€™s why, itโ€™s always better to text them or even email them if you are at work, rather than directly calling them. Introverts prefer texts because it gives them some time to read it, think about it and then give an answer theyโ€™re comfortable with.

However, try not to bombard them with texts, because thatโ€™ll just stress them out even more. Hit them up too much and they might just ghost you.

How to make an introvert miss you? Text them instead of calling

2. Respect their space and donโ€™t rush them into making decisions.

How to make an introvert miss you? Respect their boundaries and that too happily and voluntarily. If you have a crush on an introvert, and they seem a bit detached and aloof, then donโ€™t push them to talk to you or make important decisions.

You might think that you are doing the right thing by dealing with the problem head on, but for an introvert this feels like unnecessary pressure.

So, itโ€™s better to stay back, give your suggestions, and then leave the ball in their court. Let them approach you first. Keep calm, take a deep breath, and allow them some time and space, so that they come back to you with a fresh mind.

3. Make them feel comfortable with you.

Everyone wants to be understood, and supported. If you are dating an introvert, they will love you more if you create a relaxed environment where they feel comfortable to be themselves.

When you give them that understanding that they can feel at ease, without pressuring them or trying to control their actions, they will miss you more.

Take it slow in your relationship so that they feel completely relaxed with you. If they take some time away or are busy with other things, theyโ€™ll start to look forward to coming back to the comforting atmosphere you offer and your supportive presence.

If youโ€™re wondering how to make an introvert miss you, then do this and see the difference.

4. Respect their boundaries and donโ€™t try to overstep them.

Apart from giving them their own space, itโ€™s crucial to respect their personal limits. For example, suppose after going on three dates, they still havenโ€™t asked you to come over. Instead of feeling insulted or pressuring them to invite you, stay calm and respect their boundaries.

Introverts never rush into anything like headless chickens, they think a lot about someone and something and then make a decision accordingly. Moreover, they might love peace and quiet, and unless they know you more, they donโ€™t feel comfortable calling you over.

Acknowledging and understanding these boundaries helps them feel more at ease with you, be it personally or even socially. Once they see that youโ€™re respecting their boundaries without making a big deal out of it, they will show signs that they like you and miss you.

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5. Donโ€™t force them or push them to be extroverted.

Extroverts and introverts donโ€™t always like the same stuff. Whereas extroverts donโ€™t mind small talk, crowded places, or being in the spotlight, introverts are the exact opposite.

Donโ€™t suddenly expect an introvert to change who they are and start loving the things you do. How to make an introvert miss you? Respect their mindset and who they are as a person.

Understand that itโ€™s okay if theyโ€™re not the life of the party or arenโ€™t the most outgoing person in the room. They are different and that doesnโ€™t have to be a bad thing. When they see that you respect them just the way they are, without trying to change them, it will mean a lot to them.

how to make an introvert miss you

6. Take an interest in their passions.

How to make an introvert miss you? Take an interest in their likes, dislikes and passions. There are so many things introverts feel passionate about, but most of the time donโ€™t talk about it because they feel no one cares or would understand.

If you want to win an introvertโ€™s heart, show that you care about what excites them by wanting to know more about it, ideally through their eyes. Being involved in their hobbies is a sure-fire way to be unforgettable. Moreover, it can really help you in strengthening your bond.

7. Show love to them according to their love language.

Even if they donโ€™t admit it, love languages really matter to them, and if you respect their love language and show your love accordingly, you will for sure win their heart. There are 5 types of love languages โ€“ receiving gifts, acts of service, physical touch, quality time, and words of affirmation.

Knowing what is your introverted partnerโ€™s love language can help you show them how much they mean to you, and not only will your love blossom, they will also trust you more.

Figure out what is their love language, and make them feel special. When it comes to how to make an introvert miss you, this is one of the best things to do.

8. Let them know that you understand and respect who they are.

Introverts often feel misunderstood, because society always glorifies extroversion. Introverts have been living with this complex for ages, and most of the time they feel like people donโ€™t accept the way they are.

They are always asked to be more social, to go out more, to speak more and be more outgoing. However, if you choose to respect and embrace them just as they are, they will know you are one of the good ones and appreciate you more.

How to make an introvert miss you? Put yourself in their shoes and try to comprehend how they feel. Once you understand that, loving them for who they are authentically becomes easier.

Related: Introverts At Parties: How Do Introverts Survive A Party?

9. Give them gifts that are thoughtful and personal in nature.

To make your introverted partner feel special, give them gifts that cater to their unique tastes. Avoid presents that are too expensive, superficial and materialistic. Introverts love thoughtfulness, and if you give them thoughtful and emotional gifts, they will love you even more.

Think about what suits their personality, as well as their hobbies and preferences. Gifts that allow them to relax and unwind can be particularly appreciated by someone whoโ€™s introverted.

A thoughtfully chosen present can really make your introverted partner long for you when youโ€™re not around.

how to make an introvert miss you

8 Signs An Introvert Misses You

If you notice all or most of these signs an introvert misses you, then you have hit the jackpot, my friend. Thereโ€™s no love like an introvertโ€™s love.

  • They text you more often, as if they canโ€™t get enough of you and your company.
  • Starts suggesting fun things to do together, showing that they really miss hanging out with you and want to do more fun stuff together.
  • Lights up with a big, genuine smile when they see you, like youโ€™re their favorite person in the room.
  • One of the major signs an introvert misses you is this. They donโ€™t hesitate to have deep and personal conversations, sharing their inner thoughts and feelings.
  • Introverts remember every little thing youโ€™ve said to them, proving they are really attentive and caring.
  • Reaches out during tough times, seeking your support and understanding.
  • One of the most glaring signs an introvert misses you? They seek you out for one-on-one time, because they want to spend those intimate moments with just you.
  • Craves quality time, whether itโ€™s a cozy night in or a quiet walk together.

If you are trying to win over an introvert, then these are some of the best things you can do when it comes to how to make an introvert miss you. Also, look out for the above signs an introvert misses you, so that you donโ€™t overlook any of the cues they are sending over at you.

Related: 6 Reasons Why Introverts Are Incredibly Attractive People

Do you have any more suggestions regarding how to make an introvert miss you? Do let us know your thoughts in the comments down below!

signs an introvert misses you

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