We are usually amazed when we discover hidden knowledge related to mysticism, magic, and witchcraft. In ancient world, people exploited symbolic words, images, and rituals to achieve desired outcomes through magical knowledge. Not only does this ancient knowledge enlighten us but it can also help us understand the very essence of our being. However, most of the time valuable magical information and insight are hidden right before our very eyes. We simply need to know where to look.
“Secrets have a way of making themselves felt, even before you know there’s a secret.” – Jean Ferris
It’s true that this is World which has never actually cut off from the Old Ways. In fact, so many things we still do, reflect on the Old Religion and our Witchy Ways. Therefore, we decided to publish an article, on all weird things that actually got Pagan Origin or even Witchy! This is going to be really really fun!
Magical Knowledge Hidden in Plain Sight
“It is hidden but always present.” – Laozi
The list is endless. We could keep going on and on about it but we chose 5 facts which make more sense to almost anyone.
1. Why do we Wink to signal about secret knowledge?
A Winker actually signals the Winkee that they share or s/he is about to share some secret knowledge. It’s not obvious why or what it is, but this is a sign to immediately question reality. This is an awakening call. If you really think about it, it’s already pretty weird.
Wink & the one eye of Odin
Odin is the mighty and wise father of the Norse Religion. God of Wisdom, Healing, and Victory, he is beloved in all germanic traditions. He is famous for his thirst for Wisdom and magical knowledge. According to one story, Odin was traveling again in his quest to expand his awareness. One day he ventured to Mimir’s Well, located beneath the world tree Yggdrasil. The Guardian spirit of this well, whose wisdom and magical knowledge for the Realms was unprecedented, greeted Odin. Odin asked for some water.

The mystical creature knew exactly what Odin was asking and he tried to make it as hard as possible. Thus he demanded his eye. Odin was asking for true and absolute wisdom and the price seemed fair for the Guardian. However, Odin gave it instantly and the Guardian gave the God of Wisdom what he was asking.
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In many ancient depictions, and due to the fact that Odin has one eye, he seems like he’s winking. This is where the ‘wink’ came from. As Odin lost his eye for hidden truth, we reenact his divine sacrifice by winking, to signal someone for secret knowledge.
“The only secrets are the secrets that keep themselves.” – George Bernard Shaw
2. Why do we give the ‘middle finger’ to insult someone?
Greeks understood the power of sex & sexuality, thus sexuality was part of each God’s powers. Thus, the ‘Phallus’ aka the erect penis, was a symbol of great potential, a power that could fight every demon, reverse bad luck to golden opportunities, and create a new and successful beginning in everyone’s life.

Middle finger represents a phallus – a magical symbol
Indeed, the middle finger represents an erect penis. The middle finger also is known as “digitus impudicus” or “the impudent finger”. Saint Isidore of Seville explains in his Etymologies that the third finger is called impudent because it often expresses vexation, insult. But why?
“A graceful taunt is worth a thousand insults.” – Louis Nizer
This rude gesture actually dates back to ancient Greece. This was a sacred and magical gesture – something like a Mudra. Greeks used it to instantly counter any negative activity and dark arts that targeted them. Just like the statues of Phallus in crossroads and anywhere, they did it to repel dark magic.
Therefore, by ‘giving the middle finger and insulting’ the receiver we actually attempt to bind his/her power against us.
3. Why are Days Seven?
Have you wondered? Why aren’t the days of week 5 or 10 or 12? Why 7? Is there special power in it? Well YES!

Seven are the Days, Seven are the ‘Planets’ of ancient Witches
In the ancient World, astrologers and mages worked with the energy of the ‘7 Planets’. These 7 celestial bodies – which are not all planets – embody the diverse magical forces and energies from which everything is born into creation. Each ‘planet’ has a distinct vibration that can be directed and channeled in every magical work.
Each of the seven Days of the Week represents each of the ‘Planet’ of Astrologers and Witches which of course correspond to one God.
- Monday is the Moon’s Day, the day of Artemis / Diana – Goddess of the Moon
- Tuesday is Tyr’s / Ares / Mars’s Day – God of War
- Wednesday is Woden’s / Hermes’s / Mercury’s Day – God of Communication and Knowledge
- Thursday is Thor’s / Zeus’s / Jupiter’s Day – all God of Lightning although Zeus is also King of Gods
- Friday is Freya’s / Aphrodite’s / Venus’s Day – Goddess of Beauty and Love
- Saturday is Saturn’s / Krono’s Day – old God of Time
- Sunday is Sun’s / Apollo’s Day – God of the Sun
4. Why do we make Tattoos?
A tattoo is an ancient form of art appearing in different ancient cultures throughout history. Our modern word ‘tattoo’ comes from the Tahitian word tatau which means “to mark something”. Does this remind you of something? Maybe the Witch Marks?
“Tattoos are like stories — they’re symbolic of the important moments in your life.” – Pamela Anderson
Tattoos are in fact Witch Marks
Tattoos are similar to the Marks of the Witches. It’s a sacrifice we make to our bodies in order to connect deeper with what the symbol we chose represents. An eternal mark on our mortal bodies can also pass through our incarnations. So please, before you decide which tattoo to do on your body, choose wisely the meaning and symbolism!
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5. Why do we wear our wedding ring on our ‘ring finger’?
Haven’t you always wondered? Why do we choose to put our Wedding Rings on the ‘Ring Finger’? Well, as you can understand, the name of the finger itself actually implies its participation in Wedding Rituals.
Why a Golden Ring on Ring Finger?
This part of Wedding Rituals actually dates back to ancient years. First of all, the Ring symbolizes Wholeness and Unity. It’s the perfect shape of Alchemists and it’s linked with Ouroboros – the symbol of eternity.
Now, why on Ring Finger? This finger is associated with the Sun and Apollo, the god of all blessings. When we ‘activate’ this finger we actually activate the power of the Sun and Apollo in us. As every ‘Planet’ is associated with one Metal, the Sun and Apollo are associated with Gold. Thus, to properly activate the Ring Finger we need to wear a Golden Ring on it. Check more on how to wear Rings to pursue your purposes here!
Therefore, in Wedding Rings, we conjure the blessings of Apollo and the Sun, to bring timeless happiness.
“Secrets are made to be found out with time.” – Charles Sanford
Esoteric wisdom can help you transform your life and the lives of your loved ones. Once you know how to access and decode such ancient knowledge, you can get a better understanding of different religions, practices, and spiritual self. Now that you have gained some valuable insight, use this hidden ancient magical wisdom to build a happier and more purposeful life.
Post originally published on Magical Recipes Online

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