Do You Feel Like An Outsider Looking In? Why It Is A Good Thing



Being an outsider is not a bad thing like most people would want you to believe. Our society has been dictating and advocating a lot of the wrong things for centuries. So, if you feel like an outsider, be proud of that and own it. Love yourself enough to know that sometimes, itโ€™s okay to be different than the rest of the herd.

An outsider is a person who quite simply does not fit in with existence-as-we-know-it.

Being An Outsider

Such a person is a fringe dweller, a dropout of humanity, a social oddball, and an alien endlessly coexisting in a society that doesnโ€™t feel like home. On this website, we refer to the outsider as the โ€œlone wolfโ€ who walks through life with a feeling of inner disconnection from the wider โ€œnormsโ€ of society. This bone-deep isolation often gives birth to the search for freedom, acceptance, and a true place to callย home.

Thereโ€™s a reason why you feel this way, and itโ€™s not because there is something defective or โ€œwrongโ€ with you. In fact, despite what you may feel about yourself, others, and the world, being an outsider looking in is actually aย huge advantage. Iโ€™ll explain to you why.

Why Do I Feel Like An Outsider Looking In?

โ€œWhy do I feel like an outsider looking in?โ€ โ€“ย Iโ€™ve asked myself this question ever since I was about 6 years old.

For me, the sensation of being an outsider was triggered by painful shyness and my unconventional upbringing (aka. being raised by fundamentalist Christian parents).

In fact, I was practically hand-fed since birth with the idea that I was an โ€œalien on this earth,โ€ and that Jesus could come back at any time and take me to my โ€œtrue homeโ€ in heaven. (Yep โ€ฆ enough said.) Yet the feeling of being an outsider runs much deeper than religious brainwashingย or being classed as one of the โ€œunpopular kidsโ€ in school.

To me,ย this feeling of being an outsider looking in is somethingย intrinsic, subterranean, andย seemingly fundamentalย to my experience of being a human.

And I know that you feel it too โ€ฆ

โ€ฆotherwise, why would you be reading this article?

Perhaps youโ€™ve also carried this unshakable feeling within you; that of being a nomad and wanderer in life. No matter how close you get to others, that feeling of being an outsider is always looming in the background:

itโ€™s presentย in your interactions with people, your observations, dreams, desires, and motivations โ€“ and it awaits you at the beginning and end of your day.

I think you know what I mean. (And itโ€™s this very feeling that, in truth, has motivated me to write everything Iโ€™ve ever written.)

Butย whyย do we feel this way?

Iโ€™ve done a lot ofย soul searchingย when it has come to this question. What Iโ€™ve discovered is that obviously there areย manyย possible reasons for feeling like an outsider.

But the most significant reason Iโ€™ve found to date is all to do withย the soul โ€“ that inner spark of divinity within us.

Related: What Is Spiritual Depression And How Do You Recover From It

Weโ€™re all born with aย soulย but not all of us continue to maintain this deep inner connection as we grow older. Shamanic cultures call this disconnectionย soul loss.ย But that inner knowing thatย somethingย is missing or askew is called aย spiritual awakening.

As such, those of us who feel like outsiders quite simply are โ€˜awakeโ€™ to something others in society arenโ€™t.

Outsiders And The Existential Crisis

Put simply, at the core of feeling like an outsider looking in is the sense thatย something is not quite right.ย We feel that we donโ€™t belong because we canโ€™t relate to the people or environments around us.

The end result of feeling this lack of belonging is that we donโ€™t feel truly seen or heard (or we donโ€™t feel safe enough toย letย ourselves be seen or heard).

Andย we donโ€™t feel seen or heard because those people and situations donโ€™t meet a deep soul need within us.ย Why? Because these people and situations lack substance โ€“ aka. everything feels very surface-level and unsatisfactory.

To borrow Buddhist terminology, we sense on an intuitive gut level that the world weโ€™re living in is full ofย Dukkhaย (suffering), and the feeling that something is missing doesnโ€™t quite leave us.

Such an unnerving feeling that the world doesnโ€™t match up to our deeper soul needs gives rise to a kind ofย existential crisis. For some people, this existential crisis may be a consistent hum in the background, and for others, such feelings may evolve into a kind of darkย existential depression.

But one thing is almost guaranteed. Feeling like an outsider looking in often leads to aย spiritual awakeningย in which one goes in search of deeper answers. If youโ€™ve felt like an outsider for most of your life, you are almost certainly aย highly sensitiveย and spiritually receptive person.

You have experienced firsthand how isolatingย the egoย can be.ย You know how unnatural it is to live in a society that is obsessed with fame, status, money, and power.ย You know how superficial, senseless, and insane living an ego-centered life is.

Related: Unmasking The Ego: How To Take Off The Mask and Be Your True Self

But you canโ€™t quite verbalize this. You canโ€™t quite understand what youโ€™re going through because youโ€™re inundated with feelings of being โ€œstrange,โ€ โ€œweird,โ€ โ€œdifferent,โ€ and โ€œunworthy.โ€

You long for a home that youโ€™ve never even experienced; a place to feel completely understood, loved and cherished. That place is your soul.

It is your soul โ€” yourย True Natureย โ€” that seeks to experience itself again. In other words, deep down, what youโ€™re really craving for isย home.

Whyย Being An Outsider Is A Spiritual Path

Although it can be lonely feeling like a social outsider, Iโ€™m here to remind you that there isย a lot of power and potentialย in this sacred path.

Yes, you heard me correctly.

Being an outsiderย isย a path in and of itself โ€“ it requires you to trailblaze a new direction that hasnโ€™t been walked before. Where that path leads is entirely up to your soul.

In reality,ย feeling like an outsider is a crucial motivator for starting theย spiritual journey. What else would motivate you to search for your true home and sense of belonging?

The veryย factย that you feel like an outsider indicates that your soul is trying to guide you towards true love, understanding, and freedom (i.e., home).

Almost every person Iโ€™ve spoken to on the spiritual path has identified with this feeling of being an outsider looking into a world that doesnโ€™t feel like home.

All of these people have expressed a level of soulful sensitivityย that surpasses the average person. In other words, these people saw beyond the pretensions of others, the rat race of daily living and felt like there was much more to life than meets the eye.

Instead of unquestionably accepting what they had been taught, these outsiders were inquisitive and curious freethinkers.

Unfortunately, weโ€™re often taught that being an outsider is a โ€œbadโ€ thing, and no wonder โ€” biologically weโ€™re made to stay within the safe confines of our speciesโ€™ groups.

But there comes a moment in life when we realize that โ€œplaying by the bookโ€ is a miserable and unfulfilling absurdity.ย (Just look at all those people who followed the rules, got a good career, wife, children, solid salary, socially-approved status โ€ฆ and ended up miserable, empty, lonely, killing themselves, or dying prematurely due to stress-related illnesses. Iโ€™m sure you know one, or a dozen of them.)

So while being an outsider may seem to isolate, it is actually profoundly beneficial for your life. I wish everyone had the opportunity to feel like an outsider becauseย being an outsider is a catalyst for self-fulfillment, self-mastery, andย self-realization.

If you have ever read the archetypal story ofย The Heroโ€™s Journeyย from Joseph Campbell (that is repeated in every culture, time, and period), youโ€™ll realize that being an outsider is actually necessary for finding your true purpose andย meaning of life.

So the very fact that you feel like an outsider is actually a good sign: youโ€™re on the right path!

The 9 Hidden Powers Of Social Outsiders

Itโ€™s important that we learn to think of being a lone wolf orย free spiritย as a good thing. Many indigenous cultures, such as those in Africa and Australia, actually encourage the younger members to go out alone in the wilderness to find themselves as a rite of passage.

Without accepting that isolation andย feeling aloneย is part of experiencing true connectedness, we get lost very easily.ย We start believing everything is wrong withย us, when in fact, we are simply being driven to pursue something of more depth and spiritual significance.

If youโ€™re receptive to your soul, it is only natural that youโ€™ll feel displaced in this world. But thatโ€™s not necessarily a bad thing.

Here are the nine major benefits of being an outsider:

1.ย Youโ€™re no longer brainwashed and constrained by the rules and beliefs of society as you can easily see through them.

2.ย You have more freedom to listen to the voice ofย intuitionย within yourself โ€“ and this will guide your entire life.

3.ย You have enoughย solitudeย to discover whatย being true to yourselfย means in a society that is always trying to undermine your authenticity.

4.ย You can see the bigger picture and not get lost in the details.

5.ย You can connect with your soul more easily than others.

6.ย You have been given the space and room to grow in whatever way you like and be aย free spirit.

7.ย You have the opportunity to experience greater connection by finding a like-minded group of people or aย soul family.

8.ย Your ability to observe others gives you a greater capacity for wisdom and also compassion.

9.ย You have the necessary catalyst to experience true self-fulfillment andย spiritual ascensionย should you choose that path.

Related: What Does Soul Searching Mean? 19 Signs Youโ€™re a Lost Soul

Although being an outsider can be terribly lonely, it is a privileged position.

Leaving the herd of humanity allows you to flourish and blossom in ways you never could experience while being โ€œnormalโ€ and socially โ€œacceptable.โ€

To end, let me leave you with a profound quote from spiritual teacherย Eckhart Tolle to contemplate:

Being an outsider, to some extent โ€ฆ makes life difficult, but it also places you at an advantage as far as enlightenment is concerned. It takes you out of unconsciousness almost by force.

(The Power of Now)

Written By: Aletheia Luna
Originally Appeared On: Loner Wolf

Do you ever feel like a social outsider looking in, even when you are amongst people and in places you know very well? Are you the lone wolf in a group?

Do You Feel Like An Outsider Looking In? Why It's Not A Bad Thing
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