Depression Without Suicidal Thoughts: 8 Signs That You Have Been Ignoring



Have you ever felt like you are going through the motions of daily life but not really feeling present or engaged? Many people experience depression without the extreme of suicidal thoughts, and itโ€™s often overlooked or misunderstood.

Most of the time depression is associated with visible signs of sadness. However, sometimes it does appear with hidden signs.ย  You might think, โ€œIโ€™m just tired,โ€ or โ€œItโ€™s just a rough patch,โ€ but these feelings can be more than that. Depression can manifest in subtle ways that we often ignore or dismiss.

In this blog, weโ€™ll explore 8 signs of depression that donโ€™t involve suicidal thoughtsโ€”signs you might have been ignoring.

Read More: 6 Zodiac signs that are prone to depression

Can You Have Depression without Suicidal Thoughts?

Depression without suicidal thoughts

The answer is yes. The types of depression that we have discussed above are highly alarming. However, there are pre-menstruation depression, postpartum depression, etc. which are not associated with suicidal thoughts and can be handled with proper treatment.

However, even if you have been experiencing depression without suicidal thoughts, there will be some symptoms. You may not be overtly sad or depressed but the following symptoms will be there inย  your psyche, slowly making your energy low:

1. Chronic Tiredness and Low Energy

An ongoing sense of exhaustion or low energy is one of the main signs of depression. This is a profound feeling of weariness that does not go away with rest, not simply regular tiredness.ย 

Individuals suffering from depression without suicidal thoughts could have trouble getting out of bed, finishing daily chores, or finding the motivation to accomplish anything, even things they used to enjoy.

2. Changes in Sleep Pattern

Changes in sleeping pattern is one of the most common aspects of depressive disorder. You may not feel that sudden burst of sadness or extreme thought of self-harm but your inner health will be deteriorating in this way.

Some individuals may experience insomnia, finding it hard to fall or stay asleep. Others may sleep excessively, known as hypersomnia, using sleep as an escape from their feelings of emptiness or lack of motivation.

Read More: The signs of anxiety and depression

3. Altered Appetite and Weight Changes

Changes in appetite are another common sign of depression without suicidal thoughts. This can go both ways โ€“ some people may lose their appetite entirely, leading to weight loss, while others might overeat, particularly comfort foods, resulting in weight gain. These changes in eating habits are often linked to the emotional imbalances caused by depression.

4. Difficulty Concentrating and Making Decisions

People with depression often report problems with concentration, memory, and decision-making. They might find it hard to focus on tasks, follow conversations, or make even simple decisions. This cognitive impairment can significantly affect their daily functioning and productivity.

5. Loss of Interest in Activities

Anhedonia or the loss of interest in activities once found pleasurable, is a major sign of depression without suicidal thoughts. This can affect hobbies, social interactions, sex drive, and even work. Individuals might withdraw from social activities, avoid friends and family, and lose interest in activities they previously enjoyed.

6. Physical Ailments

Depression can manifest physically in the form of aches, pains, and other somatic symptoms that have no apparent medical cause. Common complaints include headaches, back pain, and digestive issues. These physical symptoms are often overlooked but can be a key indicator of underlying depression.

7. Irritability and Restlessness

Instead of appearing sad, some people with depression may become irritable and easily frustrated. They might have a short temper, feel restless, and struggle to relax. This is particularly true in men, who are more likely to exhibit irritability than sadness when depressed.

8. Feelings of Worthlessness and Guilt

Feelings of worthlessness, guilt, or self-loathing are common in depression. Individuals may constantly criticize themselves, feel undeserving of happiness, or believe they are a burden to others. These feelings can be pervasive and deeply affect their self-esteem and overall outlook on life.

Read More: 13 habits of people having depression

Types of Depression to Understand Which One Is Suicidal

Depression without suicidal thoughts

Here are a few types of depression that one may face:

1. Major Depression

Major depression is exactly what it means. Your doctor may declare that you are affected with major depressive disorder if you feel numb for 2 weeks and face any of the following 5 symptoms:

  • Losing interest in activities
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Sleeping disorder
  • Losing energy and being tired
  • Suicidal thoughts
  • Guilty and worthless feelings
  • Restlessness, agitation, reduced interest

MDD is highly associated with suicidal tendencies as per research. In comparison with other forms of depression, it is more threatening.

2. Persistent Depression

Persistent depression happens when you face the symptoms of depression for 2 years consistently. Persistent depression is also known as dysthymia or chronic major depressive disorder. Some of the symptoms of this depression are:

  • Lack of energy
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Feeling hopeless
  • Low energy
  • Sleeping disorder

Persistent depression is often considered non-suicidal. However, the result is inconclusive.

3. Psychotic Depression

Psychotic depression is a type of MDD with psychotic disorder signs. Thus, psychotic depression comes with signs like:

  • Hallucinations
  • Paranoia
  • Delusions, etc.

Psychotic depression is highly associated with suicidal thoughts and it doubles the death threat.

Apart from these major types, atypical depression is another one that is associated with higher suicidal tendencies.ย 

Therefore, the question is how do you understand which type of depression you are having or whether you are experiencing the symptoms of depression that are not quite visible?


Depression is one of the most alarming issues nowadays. Almost 15% of youth in America are affected by MDD. However, not every type of depression is visible and people may fight against it in silence.ย 

Depression without suicidal thoughts is also there. Thus, it is the duty of the near ones and caregivers to identify the persistent hidden symptoms of depression and help the affected ones.

Can depression lead to suicide?

In most cases, depression without suicidal thoughts exists. However, major depressive disorders may lead to harmful consequences of self-harm.

Can people lead a normal life with depression?

People with untreated depression may continue to work daily however, they feel agitated, low in energy, face difficulties in concentrating, and become prone to make mistakes.

Is depression without suicidal thoughts also harmful?

Yes, depression without suicidal thoughts has adverse effects on an individualโ€™s health. It disturbs the regular sleep cycle, appetite, daily work, and relationship with others.

depression without suicidal thoughts

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