A Deeper Look into What Your Sun Sign Really Means

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Hereโ€™s a deeper look into the real meaning of your sun sign.

Astrology is so much more than just your daily horoscope. In fact, astrology can be traced back to 200 BC and has been used to predict, plan and understand the world that we live in.

Many years ago, the ancients would look to the sky as a type of map. In many ways, it was their only way to understand the Universe and through observing the night sky, there were able to notice trends and patterns.

When the Sun was in a certain constellation, they noticed a shift in energy. When the Moon was Full they noticed different energy. This helped to create the ideas and philosophies behind Astrology.

Even though we donโ€™t necessarily need to rely on the night sky as a map anymore, Astrology can provide us with a much deeper insight into our soul and the world around us.

Essentially, we are the Universe and by understanding the stars, we can also understand ourselves.

Most people are familiar with their Sun Sign or Star Sign, which refers to the 12 constellations of the Zodiac. These include:

  • Aries (March 21-April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20-May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21- June 20)
  • Cancer (June 21- July 22)
  • Leo (July 23-August 22)
  • Virgo (August 23 โ€“ September 22)
  • Libra (September 23 โ€“ October 22)
  • Scorpio (October 23- November 21)
  • Sagittarius (November 22- December 21)
  • Capricorn (December 22- January 20)
  • Aquarius (January 21- February 18)
  • Pisces (February 19-March 20)

While the Sun Sign is important, it is only a fraction of the picture when it comes to Astrology. Many people use the Sun Sign as a starting point however, as it symbolizes the core energy of who we are and the potential of what we can achieve.

There are many generic interpretations of what each Sun Sign means. In fact, we have all probably heard the stereotypesโ€“ Aries is fiery, Taurus is stubborn, and so on, but what about on a deeper level?

When the Sun is in a certain constellation, it gives off a certain energy, and this energy is so much deeper than just a few stereotypical keywords.

Even though it is not possible to get a full understanding of a person just from their Sun Sign, there is a deeper way to look at each Sun sign and what it might mean.

Read The Best Traits of Each Zodiac Sign

Letโ€™s take a deeper look into each Sun Sign- 


Aries people have the wisdom, knowledge, and power to plant seeds of ideas into the world. They represent the budding of awareness and have a desire to develop a strong sense of self. For this reason, those with the Sun in Aries will often go on journeys of self-discovery. Part of their purpose in this life is to tap into their true potential and help others to do the same.


Taurus people have the skill to take projects and build ideas and strategies. They also have the ability to nurture things until they flourish successfully. Those with the Sun in Taurus hold the valuable skill of being able to take energy and turn it into something of use. Part of their purpose in this life is teaching the world about the value of patience and dedication.


Geminis have the ability to gather information and data in order to create and expand things. It is part of their soul journey in this life to use their talents of self-expression to communicate a greater truth. Planted inside every Gemini is a pearl of wisdom to spread it to the world.


Cancer can infuse compassion and kindness into the word. Through finding their own sense of belonging in the world they also help others to do the same. Part of their soul journey in this life is learning how to operate from a place of feeling and intuition. As a result, they find a greater sense of ease and flow with life.


Leo is here to shine their light on the world. Their gift is being able to illuminate things in order to see the truth and understand things on a deeper level. Part of their journey in this life is learning how to express who they are and stand up for themselves and those around them. Those with the Sun in Leo also have the gift of being able to help others find their confidence and voice.


Virgos help to bring order and structure in life. They are here to serve people with possible ways to nurture and care for themselves. Part of their soul journey in this life is learning how to practice self-love and helping others to do the same. They also have the gift of being able to take ideas and bring grounding and organized energy to them.


Libras help promote the idea of companionship and relationships. Their gift in this world is helping others to understand partnership and learning to get along with others. They are the peace-keepers and hold valuable wisdom in learning how to relate to others and the world around them. Part of their purpose in this life is learning how to open to themselves through connecting with others.


Those born with the Sun in Scorpio are sent to help teach the world about the power of change and transformation. By embracing their own cycle of change and transformation, they can help others to achieve the same. Those with the Sun in Scorpio are naturally powerful and hold the gift of being able to rapidly manifest everything they desire. Part of their soul journey in this life is learning how to let go and surrender to life.


Sagittarius reminds us of the joy and playfulness of life. Their positive perspective on life makes struggles easier. Part of their purpose in this life is to seek knowledge through experience in order to teach others.


Capricorn brings ambition and the desire to succeed in the world. Through their own motivation and dedication, they help to inspire others to achieve their goals and materialize their dreams. Part of their purpose is learning how to listen to their personal calling and teaching others to do the same through example. Those with the Sun in Capricorn are often old souls.


Aquarius bring revolution and needed change to the world. Their ideas are always forward-thinking and are often revolutionary in some way. Part of their purpose in this life is to use their imagination and ability to think outside the box to deliver some new innovations, thoughts, or ideas into the world. Those with the Sun in Aquarius are often lovers of the world and are sent to instill a new way of being.


Pisces expand spiritual ideas through creativity. Part of their purpose in this life is to use their creativity to deliver healing and expansion of consciousness to the rest of the world. Those with the Sun in Pisces are deeply intuitive souls and represent the ending point before a new creation is birthed into the world.

These interpretations should help to give you a different perspective when it comes to understanding your Sun sign.

Read Whatโ€™s Your Most Admired Quality, Based On Your Zodiac Signs

Source โ€“ ForeverConscious.com

A Deeper Look into What Your Sun Sign Really Means
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