Contagious Yawning and Empathy: A Fascinating Connection

Contagious Yawning and Empathy: A Fascinating Connection

Ever wondered why you can’t help but yawn when someone else does? Contagious yawning isn’t just about being tired—it’s a phenomenon linked to empathy, revealing just how connected we are to those around us!


  • Contagious yawning may reflect empathy and nonconscious mimicry in social animals.
  • The mirror neuron system is linked to contagious yawning, empathy, and social behaviors.
  • Contagious yawning is more common in social species, such as dogs, chimpanzees, and birds.

Contagious yawning refers to the tendency of individuals to yawn after seeing, hearing, or even thinking about someone else yawning. About 40% to 60% of people exhibit contagious yawning when exposed to these triggers (Norscia & Palagi, 2011).

This behavior has been observed in humans and numerous animal species, such as domesticated dogs, chimpanzees, bonobos, macaques, gelada baboons, and even parrots.

The exact causes of contagious yawning are still debated, but two leading hypotheses are the nonconscious mimicry hypothesis and the empathic modeling hypothesis.

These theories suggest that contagious yawning may play a role in enhancing social cohesion, either by mimicking others’ behaviors or by sharing emotions (i.e., empathy).

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The Role of Nonconscious Mimicry in Contagious Yawning

The nonconscious mimicry hypothesis suggests that contagious yawning is a form of automatic imitation, a phenomenon known as the “chameleon effect.” This concept posits that individuals naturally mimic others’ actions without realizing it, which helps strengthen social bonds.

For example, in a study of parrots, researchers found that these birds’ yawning and stretching behaviors occurred in synchrony, supporting the idea that such behaviors may promote social cohesion (Norscia & Palagi, 2011).

This mimicry likely helps to foster a sense of unity, as animals tend to feel more connected to others who display similar behaviors.

Studies show that unconscious mimicry can increase feelings of liking and improve social rapport, which may be beneficial for maintaining harmonious relationships in social groups.

Empathy and Contagious Yawning

The empathic modeling hypothesis proposes that contagious yawning is linked to empathy, the ability to understand and share the feelings of others. In this view, when an animal sees another yawn, it responds empathetically, as if experiencing the same tiredness or stress.

Research supports this idea, with studies showing that domesticated dogs yawn more frequently when they observe their owners yawning than when they observe strangers (Miller et al., 2016).

Similarly, chimpanzees and bonobos tend to yawn more frequently when observing familiar individuals, indicating that emotional closeness influences contagious yawning (Harrison et al., 2010).

Studies suggest that contagious yawning in humans and primates emerges around the age of 4, which coincides with the development of “theory of mind”—the ability to understand that others have different thoughts and feelings.

This developmental milestone may explain why contagious yawning is linked to empathy and social understanding in these species (Senju & Hirai, 2011).

Contagious yawning internal

The Mirror Neuron System: The Brain Mechanism Behind Empathy and Yawning

Recent research points to the mirror neuron system as a key player in both contagious yawning and empathy.

Mirror neurons are specialized cells in the brain that fire both when an individual performs an action and when they observe the same action being performed by another.

This system helps individuals learn through imitation and understand the intentions behind others’ actions, contributing to social interaction and empathy (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004).

For example, in humans, when a person observes someone yawning, the same brain regions activate as if they were yawning themselves.

This activation occurs in areas such as the anterior cingulate cortex and the right inferior frontal gyrus, which are involved in emotional processing and social cognition (Kaplan et al., 2009).

These findings suggest that the mirror neuron system facilitates the understanding of others’ experiences, including feelings of tiredness or distress, making it easier to “catch” a yawn.

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The mirror neuron system is also implicated in conditions such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Children with ASD often show deficits in empathy and have lower rates of contagious yawning compared to typically developing children.

This has been attributed to abnormalities in the mirror neuron system, which may contribute to the social and communicative challenges faced by individuals with ASD (Haker et al., 2007).

Similarly, people with schizophrenia also exhibit reduced contagious yawning, possibly due to impairments in self-recognition and theory of mind (Miller et al., 2016).

Thus, the frequency of contagious yawning may serve as an indicator of the functioning of the mirror neuron system and, by extension, an animal’s ability to empathize with others.

Evolutionary Significance of Contagious Yawning

The study of contagious yawning in non-human animals provides important insights into the evolution of social behaviors.

Contagious yawning has been observed in many social animals, including dogs, primates, and birds, but not in solitary animals like the red-footed tortoise (Norscia & Palagi, 2011).

This suggests that contagious yawning may serve a social function, promoting empathy and cohesion within groups.

From an evolutionary perspective, contagious yawning might have developed as a way to synchronize behaviors and enhance social bonding, which is crucial for the survival of social species.

In this context, the mirror neuron system may have evolved to facilitate these processes, helping animals better understand and relate to one another.

The Case for More Research

While the link between contagious yawning and empathy is supported by much research, there are still conflicting findings.

For example, some studies have failed to find a correlation between contagious yawning and empathy in humans (Schurmann et al., 2005).

Additionally, in juvenile chimpanzees, emotional closeness did not seem to affect yawning contagion, suggesting that this behavior may emerge later in development (Palagi et al., 2016).

These discrepancies highlight the need for further research on the underlying mechanisms of contagious yawning.

Studies could explore how different species and age groups respond to yawning stimuli, and how these responses might vary based on social context or individual differences.


Contagious yawning is more than just a curious behavior; it is closely tied to social interactions, empathy, and the mirror neuron system.

By understanding how and why contagious yawning occurs, researchers can gain deeper insights into the evolutionary biology of social animals, including humans.

Related: Empathy Is A Choice And We’re Choosing To Avoid It, Says Science

As studies continue to explore the role of empathy in yawning contagion, they may also shed light on the neurological mechanisms that help animals bond, communicate, and understand one another.

Further research is needed to clarify these relationships and expand our knowledge of how empathy and social behavior evolve across species.

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Written By Tasha Seiter
Originally Appeared On Psychology Today
empathy and contagious yawning

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