17 Fucks You Should STOP Giving Immediately – For all Women



Fucks You Should Stop Giving Immediately!

“In my life, I have given a fuck about many people and many things. I have also not given a fuck about many people and many things. And those fucks I have not given have made all the difference.” – Mark Manson

Sometimes we take the world on our shoulders, and instead of making the world a better place, all we end up doing is creating more stress for ourselves. Are you somewhere there?

Once you get fucked over, you should stop giving a fuck about a lot of things. Below are seventeen fucks you should not give, as they are definitely items you can immediately remove from your worry list and rather concentrate more on fuck worthy items.

Fucks You Should Stop Giving

17 Fucks You Should STOP giving Immediately

1. Giving a fuck about what others think

When you care too much about that others will say, you live your life for them and not yourself.
It’s your life, your decisions, and choices. Others love to judge, and why should you give a f*** if they do?

Read on to… 3 types of people who don’t five a fuck and how to be one of them. 

2. Giving a fuck about being right all the time.

It is by accepting you are wrong that you open doors to learning what is right.
Don’t give a shit on being wrong sometimes. After all, no one knows everything and has all the answers in life.

There is life-changing magic of not thinking what others think about you. To know more watch the NotSorry Method explained by author Sarah Knight 

3. Giving a fuck about having a perfect body

The ‘perfect body’ is a lie.
Do not let it shrink your life.
You are enough, just as you are.

4. Giving a fuck about the 3-inch heels.

If that’s your style, again, you do you and rock it. But if you’re putting your poor legs and feet through hell for a few extra inches, maybe don’t. You’ll still be just as gorgeous without the heels.

5. Giving a fuck about Past mistakes

Learn to forgive yourself more often.
Don’t be hard on yourself, we all make mistakes and mess up in life.  Accept that everyone gets it wrong sometimes. Don’t the f*** you blame yourself.

6. Giving a fuck about gossip.

Be content with your own life and have no desire to concern yourself with what is going on in someone else’s.
Don’t give a shit for gossip and rumor-mongering.

7. Giving a fuck about others’ approval or validation.

Listen and factor in what others have to say, but don’t seek anyone’s validation.
If you live for people’s approval, you will die from their rejection.
Don’t give a shit about what others think about you. Know your own self-worth.

8. Giving a fuck about Letting go of the Toxic

You are and you will always BE’ – with or without someone.
Mark your Boundaries. Don’t let the shit anyone cross it.
When the red flags appear- Just Leave.

Read on to… The Subtle Art Of NOT Giving A Fuck

9. Giving a fuck about Failure

The big “F” word that everyone fears it’s no big deal unless you allow it to be. See failure as a learning curve, a trial and error process.
It all depends on your attitude to it. A more realistic idea of failure is giving up. If you haven’t given up, you haven’t failed.

10. Giving a fuck about having plans on a Friday night.

Sometimes all you want to do is watch Netflix.
Own what you want without feeling guilty. Do not give a shit on what others do.

11. Giving a fuck about getting tons of likes on Facebook or Instagram

If you want to share whatever – just share for the sake of it!
Do it because you want to, likes to be damned.

12. Giving a fuck about what you don’t have

There will always be others with more and others with less. Make a list of all the things in your life that you appreciate.
Why would you give a shit to want all the things you don’t have?  Wanting anyhow doesn’t make you happy!
What you have is enough.

13. Giving a fuck about Revenge.

Leave revenge up to fate.
Make peace with the issue.
Instead seek ways to put that negative energy into more positive, productive use.

Read on to… 8 Things I Really Don’t Give A Fuck About And Neither Should You

14. Giving a fuck about “What Ifs”

Don’t drive yourself crazy worrying about what might happen in the future.
Face worry head-on – if you can do something in the present moment, go for it. If not, distract yourself and f*** off the worries.

15. Giving a fuck about material possessions.

A mansion and a load of cash in the bank feels always nice. But, do the f*** these things guarantee happiness?
Build a F***ing Life! Not a Mansion

16. Giving a fuck about Regrets

Accept what has gone before, make allowances for human error and move on.
The past cannot be undone, learn your lesson and leave. Don’t you f***ing waste your valuable time!

Read on to…50 Incredible Ways to Live Life Without Regrets

17. Giving a fuck about being good enough

What is “good enough”? Where is the international rule book that clarifies what “good enough” is?
As long as you feel happy with who you are, where you are and how far you have come, that is all that matters. Reserve your f***s for only the most f***worthy of situations. You would surely make your life a hell of a lot easier.

Failure would be less terrifying. Rejection less painful. Unpleasant necessities more pleasant and the unsavory shit sandwiches a little bit more savory. I mean, if we could only give a few fewer shits or a few more consciously-directed f***s, then life would feel pretty easy.

17 F***s You Should Stop Giving - For all Women
17 Fucks You Should STOP Giving Immediately - For all Women

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