A number of studies have revealed the incredibly positive potential of CBD in easing symptoms of anxiety. This article will explore exactly how CBD is able to provide some relief.ย
There is no doubt that anxiety is becoming increasingly prevalent in our society. There is debate as to whether diagnoses have increased and a willingness to speak about mental health have contributed to this, but there seems little doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated the situation.ย
In fact, just under one-third of adults in the US reported symptoms of an anxiety order in June 2020. This is a huge jump from the 8% at the end of 2019. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) highlighted several groups who were hit especially hard, including essential workers, black people, Latin people, and 18-24-year-olds.
Can CBD Help?ย
Research suggests that CBD could play a vital role in combatting symptoms of anxiety. While most of this research consists of animal studies, there has also been a smattering of eye-opening human studies โ both of which have delivered promising results. That said, there is a clear need for further human study.
One particular study, albeit a limited one in terms of size, was published in 2019 in the Brazil Journal of Psychiatry. They found that a 300mg dose of CBD relieved anxiety during a public speaking test. A slightly more recent 2020 study published in Psychopharmacology assessed 32 subjects at risk of psychosis and found that a 600mg dose lowered the cortisol response to social stressors.ย
Interestingly, two studies that assessed the performance of inhaled CBD in the form of a vape revealed that far lower doses were required for effective anxiety relief. The optimal dosage ranged between 16mg-32mg, which is markedly lower than ingestible CBD products. If you are looking for a medically-certified vape device that delivers near instantaneous and effective relief, look no further than Cannacares.
Finally, a slightly smaller study published in the Journal of Psychopharmacology by Crippa, Ferrari et al in 2010 suggested that a 400mg dose of CBD was effective at decreasing symptoms of anxiety in subjects who had a generalized social anxiety disorder (SAD).ย
How Does CBD Ease Anxiety?
CBD research is still very much in its nascent stages, so we are still trying to ascertain exactly how CBD works and interacts with our body to overcome certain ailments.ย
We do know that CBD interacts with our endocannabinoid system (ECS). Our ECS is responsible for maintaining homeostasis and monitoring regular bodily functions, such as mood, sleep, appetite, and responses to pain.ย
Our ECS releases endocannabinoids in order to maintain this aforementioned balance, however when we are ill โ either mentally or physically โ there can be a dearth of endocannabinoids. A lack of sleep, increased anxiety or unresolved stress can all unbalance the ECS. CBD essentially revs up endocannabinoid production artificially and ensures balance is restored.ย
There are also arguments to suggest that CBD eases anxiety by working in a similar fashion to selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Prozac or Zoloft (both of which are initial anxiety and depression treatments). Essentially, many believe that CBD prevents the breakdown of serotonin, which is widely responsible for positive feelings and general happiness.
There are of course a number of existing treatments for anxiety, although a number of these have particularly undesirable side effects that can persist for some time.ย
If you wanted to try a natural alternative, primitive research suggests that CBD would be a great option for many. The side effects are benign if at all present, and long-term use has no downside.ย
If you are considering using CBD to treat your anxiety, particularly for the first time, then it is important to consult your doctor or GP beforehand โ especially if you are taking existing medication.
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